(rhel8)man rpm个人学习笔记



encapsulate概括、压缩、简述... used to encapsulate software to be install,and source packages,...
recipe配方、方法same as below
necesssary必要的containing the source code and recipe necessary to product binary packages.

使洁净(注:rpm --fresh

This will upgrade packages,but only ones for which an earlier version is? installed)

be used in被用于These options can be used in all the different modes.
normal正常print a longer usage message then normal
verbose冗长的Print verbose information
ugly难看的Print los of ugly debugging information
macro宏指令--macros FILELIST
except除了This is the same as install ,except all other version(s) of the package are removed after the new package is installed。

v 消化;理解;领悟;领会

n 摘要;文摘;汇编;概要

Don't verify package or header digests when reading.
manifest明显的Don't process no-package files as manifests.
capability功能、作用Don't set file capabilities.
translate(翻译)、转换For relocate binary packages,translate all file paths t hat start with OLDPATH in the package relocation hint(s) to NEWPATH.
potential潜在的Do not install the package ,simply check for and report potential conflicts.
issuev 发出、发布、宣布;n.问题、发行Normally an error is issued if PACKAGE_NAME matches multiple packages.
scriptlet脚本片段Don't execute the scriptlet of the same name.
omit省略、(遗漏、忽略、删除)As rpm already knows the type to print,the type specifier must be omitted however,and replaced by the name of the header tag to be printed,...
require依赖List file names with their requires.
transactionn.事务、(交易、处理、业务、买卖、办理)Query packages that have a given TID transaction identifier.
artifact人工制品List only artifact files.
depend依赖、依靠List capabilities on which this package depends.
mutually相互的--restore are mutually exclusive.
exclusive排斥的same as above
passive被动的In all class,passive ftp transfers are performed.
be resident in居住在
