The Application layer is the interface between the network and its users
? It contains network services (e.g. DNS)
? It contains user applications (e.g. email, web browsing)
? The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet. Humans access information online through domain names, like or
? Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol(IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.
? Web浏览器通过互联网协议(IP)地址进行交互。DNS将域名转换为IP地址,以便浏览器可以加载Internet资源。
? DNS name space is hierarchical staring from the root (often omitted)
? Name space is divided into zones. At least one DNS name server exists in each zone
? A DNS name server knows about its children (all hosts in its zone) and its parent (higher level DNS server).
? Top level domains are in the highest hieratical level after root
? DNS名称空间是从根开始的层次结构(通常省略)
? Finding the IP address for a given hostname is called resolution and is done with the DNS protocol
? E.g. Host A ( wants the IP address of Host B(
1. Originating host contacts its local DNS name server
2. Local name server asks the root name server
3. Root returns the name server for a lower zone
4. Continue down zones until name server completes resolution and returns the final answer
? The query can be cache for future uses (including partial answers)
3. Root返回较低区域的名称服务器
? User agents: allow people to read and send email (e.g. MS Outlook).
? Message transfer agents: move the messages from the source to the destination (e.g. MS Exchange).
? Mail is transferred from source host to destination mail server by a message transfer agent using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
? Mail is transferred from destination mail server to destination host by a user agent using POP3 (Post Office Protocol,version3) or IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
? Message sent by the user agent must be placed in a standard form (RFC 822) to be handled by the message transfer agent
?用户代理发送的消息必须以标准格式(RFC 822)放置,以便由消息传输代理处理
Example of the transfer of a message from source host ?
to destination mailbox (S):
Example of retrieving messages from destination mailbox (S) to destination
host ?:
? The Web is an architectural framework for accessing linked content (Web pages) spread out over millions of machines all over the Internet
? Most pages are written in HTML. They are viewed with a program called a browser (e.g. MS Explorer or Chrome)
? Page may contain links to other pages called hypertext
? A piece of text, icon, image associated with another page is called a hyperlink
? HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is used to fetch pages. It is a simple text-based protocol that runs over TCP
大多数页面都是用HTML编写的。它们是通过一个名为浏览器的程序(例如MS Explorer或Chrome)查看的
? HTTP(超文本传输协议)用于获取页面。它是一个简单的基于文本的协议,在TCP上运行
? Pages are named with URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) (e.g.
? This URL consists of three parts:
? Part before 😕/ specifies application/protocol (e.g. http)
? Part after 😕/ specifies the DNS name of the target host (
? and the path (file) name (e.g. index.html)
· Part before://指定应用程序/协议(例如http)
· Part after://指定目标主机的DNS名称(
? What happens when you click a link?
? Browser understands html (hypertext mark-up language)
? Steps a client (browser) takes to follow a hyper link:
? Browser uses plug-ins or helper applications to handle specific file types referenced by html web pages e.g. audio, video
? Main steps a server takes to serve pages (Modern Web servers have more features):
? HTTP has several request methods
? And reply (Response) codes
Used to store state information so a returning user can resume a session
? First-party cookies are directly stored by the website you are on (e.g. login IDs,passwords, credit card numbers)
? Third-party cookies are transmitted to websites other than the one you are on(e.g. tracking Internet usage for marketing purposes)
? Static Web pages are simply files. Have the same contents for each viewing
? Can be visually rich and interactive nonetheless (e.g. HTML that mixes text and images, forms that gather user input)
? Html pages describe both content and formatting. Makes it difficult to achieve consistent look and feel across a large website (CSS introduced style sheets to the Web with HTML 4.0)
HTML页面描述内容和格式。很难在一个大型网站上实现一致的外观和感觉(CSS通过HTML 4.0将样式表引入Web)
? Dynamic pages are generated dynamically by programs running at the server (with a database) and the client
? E.g. PHP at server, JavaScript at client
? Pages vary each time like using an application
? Copies of frequently used web pages stored on client, local proxy host or ISP proxy host. Caching improves performance but content could be old (big issue with dynamic pages)
? How to determine if a local copy can be re-used or not?
? Locally determine copy is still valid (e.g. “expires” header)
? Revalidate copy with remote server (e.g. “last-modified” header)