conda create -n fastreid python=3.7
conda activate fastreid
conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision tensorboard -c pytorch
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
pip install Cython
外为了加速索引速度,进入fast-reid/fastreid/evaluation/rank_cylib/目录,输入make all编译文件以加速查询
Compile with cython to accelerate evalution
cd fastreid/evaluation/rank_cylib; make all
python3 tools/train_net.py --config-file ./configs/Market1501/bagtricks_R50.yml MODEL.DEVICE "cuda:0"
python3 tools/train_net.py --config-file ./configs/Market1501/bagtricks_R50.yml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS ./logs/market1501/bagtricks_R50/model_best.pth MODEL.DEVICE "cuda:0"
python demo/demo.py --config-file ./configs/Market1501/bagtricks_R50.yml --input 1233_c1s5_042441_01.jpg --output datasets --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS logs/market1501/bagtricks_R50/model_best.pth
python demo/visualize_result.py --vis-label --config-file ./configs/Market1501/bagtricks_R50.yml --dataset-name 'Market1501' --output outputs_2/ --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ./logs/market1501/bagtricks_R50/model_best.pth
python tools/deploy/onnx_export.py --config-file ./configs/Market1501/bagtricks_R50.yml --name baseline_R50 --output outputs/onnx_model --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ./logs/market1501/bagtricks_R50_r50/model_best.pth
python tools/deploy/onnx_inference.py --model-path outputs/onnx_model/baseline_R50.onnx --input tools/deploy/test_data/*.jpg --output onnx_output
ImportError: cannot import name 'evaluate_rank' from 'fastreid.evaluation' (./fastreid/evaluation/__init__.py)
from fastreid.evaluation import evaluate_rank---》from fastreid.evaluation.rank import evaluate_rank
train = lambda: self.process_dir(self.train_dir)
query = lambda: self.process_dir(self.query_dir, is_train=False)
gallery = lambda: self.process_dir(self.gallery_dir, is_train=False) + \
(self.process_dir(self.extra_gallery_dir, is_train=False) if self.market1501_500k else [])
super(Market1501, self).__init__(train, query, gallery, **kwargs)
def process_dir(self, dir_path, is_train=True):
img_paths = glob.glob(osp.join(dir_path, '*.jpg'))
pattern = re.compile(r'([-\d]+)_c(\d)')
data = []
for img_path in img_paths:
# 获取行人的id和拍摄的摄像头id
pid, camid = map(int, pattern.search(img_path).groups())
if pid == -1:
continue # junk images are just ignored
# 断言语句,如果满足下面条件,则继续向下运行;否则,程序直接返回断言错误
assert 0 <= pid <= 1501 # pid == 0 means background
assert 1 <= camid <= 6
camid -= 1 # index starts from 0
if is_train:
pid = self.dataset_name + "_" + str(pid)
camid = self.dataset_name + "_" + str(camid)
# print(pid,camid)
# data中格式是---图片地址、行人id、摄像头id
data.append((img_path, pid, camid))
# print(len(data),"ddd")
# exit()
return data
def preprocess_image(self, batched_inputs):
Normalize and batch the input images.
if isinstance(batched_inputs, dict):
images = batched_inputs['images']
elif isinstance(batched_inputs, torch.Tensor):
images = batched_inputs
raise TypeError("batched_inputs must be dict or torch.Tensor, but get {}".format(type(batched_inputs)))
# print(self.pixel_mean,self.pixel_std)
# 图像数据(images)减去平均值(self.pixel_mean)再除以标准差
# print(images.shape)
# print(self.pixel_mean,self.pixel_std)
return images
def forward(self, batched_inputs):
# 图片的预处理
images = self.preprocess_image(batched_inputs)
# 主干网络的特征提取
features = self.backbone(images)
if self.training:
assert "targets" in batched_inputs, "Person ID annotation are missing in training!"
targets = batched_inputs["targets"]
# PreciseBN flag, When do preciseBN on different dataset, the number of classes in new dataset
# may be larger than that in the original dataset, so the circle/arcface will
# throw an error. We just set all the targets to 0 to avoid this problem.
if targets.sum() < 0: targets.zero_()
outputs = self.heads(features, targets)
losses = self.losses(outputs, targets)
return losses
outputs = self.heads(features)
return outputs
def forward(self, features, targets=None):
See :class:`ReIDHeads.forward`.
pool_feat = self.pool_layer(features) # features.shape : torch.Size([64, 512, 24, 8]) resnet34
neck_feat = self.bottleneck(pool_feat)
neck_feat = neck_feat[..., 0, 0]
# Evaluation
# fmt: off
if not self.training: return neck_feat
# fmt: on
# Training
if self.cls_layer.__class__.__name__ == 'Linear':
logits = F.linear(neck_feat, self.weight)
logits = F.linear(F.normalize(neck_feat), F.normalize(self.weight))
# Pass logits.clone() into cls_layer, because there is in-place operations
cls_outputs = self.cls_layer(logits.clone(), targets)
# fmt: off
if self.neck_feat == 'before': feat = pool_feat[..., 0, 0]
elif self.neck_feat == 'after': feat = neck_feat
else: raise KeyError(f"{self.neck_feat} is invalid for MODEL.HEADS.NECK_FEAT")
# fmt: on
return {
"cls_outputs": cls_outputs, # torch.Size([64, 751]) resnet34
# logits 矩阵中的每一个元素与 self.cls_layer.s 这个值相乘
# 计算每个对数概率(logit)和一个缩放因子(self.cls_layer.s)的乘积。这种操作通常用于调整模型在计算损失时对于不同类别预测的重视程度。
"pred_class_logits": logits.mul(self.cls_layer.s), # torch.Size([64, 751]) resnet34
"features": feat, # torch.Size([64, 751]) resnet34