贝叶斯变化点检测(Bayesian Change Point Detection)是一种用于检测时间序列中突变点或结构变化的方法。它基于贝叶斯统计方法,通过考虑数据的先验分布和后验分布来确定变化点的位置和数量。该方法可以应用于多种类型的时间序列。
时间序列分解(Time Series Decomposition)是将时间序列分解为不同组成部分的过程。通常,一个时间序列可以分解为趋势(Trend)、季节性(Seasonality)和残差(Residual)三个部分。趋势表示时间序列的长期趋势变化,季节性表示时间序列在固定周期内的重复模式,而残差则表示无法由趋势和季节性解释的随机波动。时间序列分解可以帮助我们更好地理解时间序列的结构和特征,以及对序列进行预测和分析。
%% get values from keys. The last arg is the default value if the key is missing from varagin/KeyList
start = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'start', []);
deltat = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'deltat', []);
time = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'time', []);
period = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'period', []);
nsamples_per_period = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'freq', []);
season = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'season', 'harmonic');
sorder_minmax = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'sorder.minmax', [1,5]);
scp_minmax = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'scp.minmax', [0,10]);
sseg_min = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'sseg.min', []);
sseg_leftmargin = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'sseg.leftmargin', []);
sseg_rightmargin= GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'sseg.rightmargin', []);
deseasonalize = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'deseasonalize', false);
detrend = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'detrend', false);
torder_minmax = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'torder.minmax', [0,1]);
tcp_minmax = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'tcp.minmax', [0,10]);
tseg_min = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'tseg.min', []);
tseg_leftmargin = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'tseg.leftmargin', []);
tseg_rightmargin= GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'tseg.rightmargin', []);
precValue = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'precValue', 1.5);
precPriorType = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'precPriorType', 'componentwise');
hasOutlierCmpnt = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'hasOutlier', []);
ocp_max = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'ocp.max', 10);
mcmc_seed = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'mcmc.seed', 0);
mcmc_samples = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'mcmc.samples', 8000);
mcmc_thin = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'mcmc.thin', 5);
mcmc_burnin = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'mcmc.burnin', 200);
mcmc_chainNumber= GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'mcmc.chains', 3);
ci = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'ci', false);
printProgressBar = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'print.progress', true);
printOptions = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'print.options', true);
quiet = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'quiet', false);
gui = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'gui', false);
methods = GetValueByKey(KeyList, ValList, 'method', 'bayes');
%% Convert the opt parameters to the individual option parameters (e.g., metadata, prior, mcmc, and extra)
%......Start of displaying 'MetaData' ......
metadata = [];
metadata.isRegularOrdered = true;
metadata.season = season;
metadata.time = time;
metadata.startTime = start;
metadata.deltaTime = deltat;
if isempty(period) && ~isempty(deltat) && ~isempty(nsamples_per_period) && ~strcmp(season, 'none')
metadata.period = period;
if strcmp(metadata.season, 'svd')
% if isempty(freq)|| freq <= 1.1 || isnan(freq)
% error("When season=svd, freq must be specified and larger than 1.");
% end
% metadata.svdTerms = svdbasis(y, freq, deseasonalize);
metadata.missingValue = NaN;
metadata.maxMissingRate = 0.75;
metadata.deseasonalize = deseasonalize;
metadata.detrend = detrend;
metadata.hasOutlierCmpnt = hasOutlierCmpnt;
%........End of displaying MetaData ........
%......Start of displaying 'prior' ......
prior = [];
prior.modelPriorType = 1;
if ~strcmp(metadata.season, 'none')
prior.seasonMinOrder = sorder_minmax(1);
prior.seasonMaxOrder = sorder_minmax(2);
prior.seasonMinKnotNum = scp_minmax(1);
prior.seasonMaxKnotNum = scp_minmax(2);
prior.seasonMinSepDist = sseg_min;
prior.seasonLeftMargin = sseg_leftmargin;
prior.seasonRightMargin = sseg_rightmargin;
prior.trendMinOrder = torder_minmax(1);
prior.trendMaxOrder = torder_minmax(2);
prior.trendMinKnotNum = tcp_minmax(1);
prior.trendMaxKnotNum = tcp_minmax(2);
prior.trendMinSepDist = tseg_min;
prior.trendLeftMargin = tseg_leftmargin;
prior.trendRightMargin = tseg_rightmargin;
if hasOutlierCmpnt
prior.outlierMaxKnotNum = ocp_max;
prior.precValue = precValue;
prior.precPriorType = precPriorType;
%......End of displaying pripr ......
%......Start of displaying 'mcmc' ......
mcmc = [];
mcmc.seed = mcmc_seed;
mcmc.samples = mcmc_samples;
mcmc.thinningFactor = mcmc_thin;
mcmc.burnin = mcmc_burnin;
mcmc.chainNumber = mcmc_chainNumber;
%mcmc.maxMoveStepSize = 28
mcmc.trendResamplingOrderProb = 0.1000;
mcmc.seasonResamplingOrderProb = 0.1700;
mcmc.credIntervalAlphaLevel = 0.950;
%......End of displaying mcmc ......
%......Start of displaying 'extra' ......
extra = [];
extra.dumpInputData = true;
extra.whichOutputDimIsTime = 1;
extra.computeCredible = ci;
extra.fastCIComputation = true;
extra.computeSeasonOrder = true;
extra.computeTrendOrder = true;
extra.computeSeasonChngpt = true;
extra.computeTrendChngpt = true;
extra.computeSeasonAmp = ~strcmp(metadata.season, 'svd');
extra.computeTrendSlope = true;
extra.tallyPosNegSeasonJump= false;
extra.tallyPosNegTrendJump = false;
extra.tallyIncDecTrendJump = false;
extra.printProgressBar = printProgressBar;
extra.printOptions = printOptions;
extra.quiet = quiet;
extra.consoleWidth = 70;
extra.numThreadsPerCPU = 2;
extra.numParThreads = 0;
%......End of displaying extra ......
if (gui)
out=Rbeast(' beastv4demo', y, metadata, prior, mcmc, extra);
out=Rbeast( strcat('beast_',methods), y, metadata, prior, mcmc, extra);