<!-- NOTE: Do not edit arc:info -->
<arc:info title="Custom Script" desc="This script will be executed when a file is processed.">
<input name="ConnectorId" desc="The id of this connector." />
<input name="WorkspaceId" desc="The workspace of this connector." />
<input name="MessageId" desc="The message id." />
<input name="FilePath" desc="The path of the file being processed." />
<input name="FileName" desc="The name of the file being processed." />
<input name="Attachment#" desc="The path of the attachment being processed." />
<input name="Header:*" desc="The message headers of the file being processed." />
<output name="Data" desc="The data that will be written to the file in the Receive folder." />
<output name="Encoding" desc="The encoding that will be used to write the file in the Receive folder." />
<output name="FileName" desc="The name of the output file in Receive folder." />
<output name="FilePath" desc="The path of file that will be written to Receive folder." />
<output name="Header:*" desc="The message headers of the file being written." />
<rsb:set attr="code.format" value="HMAC" />
<rsb:set attr="code.hmackey" value="用友提供的hmackey" />
<rsb:set attr="code.hmacalgorithm" value="用友要求的算法类型" />
<rsb:set attr="code.hmacbits" value="用友要求的信息" />
<rsb:set attr="code.outformat" value="用友要求的编码方式" />
<rsb:set attr="time.stamp" value="[_| now | todate('UNIXMILIS')]"/>
<rsb:set attr="code.data" value="用友提供的appKey"/>
<rsb:call op="encEncode" in="code" out="encode">
<rsb:set attr="sign.code" value="[encode.enc:encodeddata | urlencode()]" />
<rsb:set attr="http.url" value="这里填写ERP提供的请求地址"/>
<rsb:call op="httpGet" in="http" out="out">
<rsb:set attr="login.response" value="[out.http:content]"/>
<rsb:set attr="login.successContent" value='"code":"00000"'/>
<rsb:check value="[login.response | contains([login.successContent])]">
<rsb:set attr="result.cookie" value="[login.response]"/>
<rsb:throw code="login.error" description="登陆ERP系统失败,请重试! 错误信息如下:[login.response]"/>
<rsb:set attr="In.file" value="D:\Token\Token.json"/>
<rsb:set attr="In.data" value="[login.response]"/>
<rsb:call op="fileCreate" in="In"/>
进入Script端口的自动化选项卡下,勾选接收,表示端口将会按照设置的计划自动运行脚本。接下来将执行间隔设置为Minute,下方的 分 设置为120,表示每2小时自动执行一次脚本。
<!-- NOTE: Do not edit arc:info -->
<arc:info title="Custom Script" desc="This script will be executed when a file is processed.">
<input name="ConnectorId" desc="The id of this connector." />
<input name="WorkspaceId" desc="The workspace of this connector." />
<input name="MessageId" desc="The message id." />
<input name="FilePath" desc="The path of the file being processed." />
<input name="FileName" desc="The name of the file being processed." />
<input name="Attachment#" desc="The path of the attachment being processed." />
<input name="Header:*" desc="The message headers of the file being processed." />
<output name="Data" desc="The data that will be written to the file in the Receive folder." />
<output name="Encoding" desc="The encoding that will be used to write the file in the Receive folder." />
<output name="FileName" desc="The name of the output file in Receive folder." />
<output name="FilePath" desc="The path of file that will be written to Receive folder." />
<output name="Header:*" desc="The message headers of the file being written." />
<arc:set attr="In.file" value="D:\Token\Token.json"/>
<arc:call op="fileRead" in="In">
<arc:set attr="jsonIn.uri" value="[In.file]"/>
<arc:set attr="jsonIn.jsonpath" value="/json/data"/>
<arc:call op="jsonDOMSearch" in="jsonIn">
<arc:set attr="_message.header:token" value="[jsonpath('access_token')]"/>
<arc:set attr="out.filepath" value="[FilePath]"/>
<arc:push item="out"/>
方法设置为 POST,URL设置为ERP接口文档中提供的订单请求地址。
接下来在高级设置选项卡下的高级设置中,勾选允许在 URL 中使用 ArcScript。