If m≥2 and n ≥2 are integers, then there is a positive integer p such that Kp → Km,Kn. a. If Kp → Km,Kn, for any integer q ≥ p, Kq → Km,Kn. b. The Ramsey number r (m, n) is the smallest integer p such that Kp → Km,Kn. e.g., r(3,3) = 6.
3章-Permutations and combinations排列与组合
3-1Addition and multiplication principle加法和乘法原理
3-2Permutations of sets集合置换
r-排列数 P(n,r) =n!/(n-r)!,也就是n种前r大的数相乘
对象排一排叫linear permutations,排一圈叫circular permutations,The number of circular r-permutations of a set of n elements is given by P(n,r)/r
4章-Generating Permutations and Combinations生成置换和组合
4-1Generating permutations生成置换
4-2Inversions in Permutations排列中的反转
4-3Generating combinations生成组合
4-4Generating r-combinations生成r-组合
5章-The Binomial Coefficients二项式系数
5-1Pascal’s formula
5-2The binomial theorem二项式定理
5-4Unimodality of binomial coefficients二项式系数的唯一性
5-5The multinomial theorem多项式定理
5-6Newton’s binomial theorem牛顿二项式定理
n->a,正整数->实数 当a=-n
6章-IEP and Applications容斥原理
6-1The inclusion-exclusion principle容斥原理
6-2Combinations with repetition组合与重复
6-4Permutations with forbidden positions与禁止位置的排列
14章-Polya counting波利亚计数
14-1Permutation and symmetry groups 置换群和对称群
1.等价着色和不等价着色(equivalent/inequivalent):对于四面体和正方形,如果允许自由移动 2.置换(Permutation):f: X -> X 置换的组合,下面是先后g 如果置换的set有n个元素,那么有n!种置换,这个集合叫作Sn是一个set(set应该是集合的意思) 3.置换群(Permutation group):
若f, g在群里,那么f○g也在群里
l( The identity permutation,恒等置换)在群里
如果f在群里,那么 f-1在群里
对称群包括n元循环群(a cyclic group of order n,ρnk)(rotations acting),和对称操作的置换群(reflections acting,rk) 点/边置换群就是点/边的排列
GC = {ρn0=l, ρn, ρn2,…, ρnn-1, r1, r2, …, rn} of 2n permutations of {1, 2, …, n} is an instance of a dihedral group of order 2n ( {1,2,…,n}的2n个排列GC是2n阶二面体群的一个例子 )
5.Coloring,f*c问题 所以1->2的置换是:1去到2的位置(而不是2填上1的位置)
6.稳定剂/稳定核(Stabilizer ):
G( c ) = {f: f in G, f*c = c}是G对c的Stabilizer ,让c继续保持原样的置换集合,是一个置换群