Kubernetes的Informer机制是一种用于监控资源对象变化的机制。它提供了一种简化开发者编写控制器的方式,允许控制器能够及时感知并响应 Kubernetes 集群中资源对象的变化。Informer通过与Kubernetes API服务器进行交互,通过监听API服务器上资源对象的修改事件来实现实时的资源对象状态更新。当一个资源对象被创建、更新或删除时,Informer会收到相应的通知,并在内部维护一个缓存用于存储最新的资源对象状态。同时,Informer还能够为特定类型的资源对象设置过滤器以进行更精细的事件监听。使用Informer机制,开发者可以通过注册事件处理函数来定义对资源对象变化的响应逻辑,从而实现自定义的控制器逻辑。在运行时,Informer会定期向API服务器发起请求以获取最新的资源对象的状态,从而保证缓存中的数据与实际集群的状态保持同步。话不多说,直接进入到源码的解析环节。
git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go.git
值得注意的是,笔者看的是master分支的代码,其中的go mod依赖的golang版本是1.21,建议大家选择适合自己的版本分支阅读,否则可能会出现编译报错的情况。
package kubernetes
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
func getKubernetesClient(kubeconfig string) (*kubernetes.Clientset, error) {
// 配置文件路径,根据你的实际情况修改
// 使用指定的 kubeconfig 文件创建一个 Config 对象
config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", kubeconfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//config.Insecure = true
// 创建客户端集
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return clientset, nil
// 展示informer的核心用法
func TestInformer(t *testing.T) {
client, err := getKubernetesClient("XXX这里是集群kubeconfig")
if err != nil {
// 初始化 informer factory(为了测试方便这里设置每30s重新 List 一次)
informerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(client, time.Second*30)
// 对 Deployment 监听
deployInformer := informerFactory.Apps().V1().Deployments()
// 创建 Informer(相当于注册到工厂中去,这样下面启动的时候就会去 List & Watch 对应的资源)
informer := deployInformer.Informer()
// 创建 Lister
deployLister := deployInformer.Lister()
// 注册事件处理程序
AddFunc: onAdd,
UpdateFunc: onUpdate,
DeleteFunc: onDelete,
stopper := make(chan struct{})
defer close(stopper)
// 启动 informer,List & Watch
// 等待所有启动的 Informer 的缓存被同步
// 从本地缓存中获取 default 中的所有 deployment 列表
deployments, err := deployLister.Deployments("default").List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
for idx, deploy := range deployments {
fmt.Printf("%d -> %s\n", idx+1, deploy.Name)
func onAdd(obj interface{}) {
deploy := obj.(*metav1.Deployment)
fmt.Println("add a deployment:", deploy.Name)
func onUpdate(old, new interface{}) {
oldDeploy := old.(*metav1.Deployment)
newDeploy := new.(*metav1.Deployment)
fmt.Println("update deployment:", oldDeploy.Name, newDeploy.Name)
func onDelete(obj interface{}) {
deploy := obj.(*metav1.Deployment)
fmt.Println("delete a deployment:", deploy.Name)
// NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions constructs a new instance of a SharedInformerFactory with additional options.
func NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions(client kubernetes.Interface, defaultResync time.Duration, options ...SharedInformerOption) SharedInformerFactory {
factory := &sharedInformerFactory{
client: client,
namespace: v1.NamespaceAll,
defaultResync: defaultResync,
informers: make(map[reflect.Type]cache.SharedIndexInformer),
startedInformers: make(map[reflect.Type]bool),
customResync: make(map[reflect.Type]time.Duration),
// Apply all options
for _, opt := range options {
factory = opt(factory)
return factory
// Deployments returns a DeploymentInformer.
func (v *version) Deployments() DeploymentInformer {
return &deploymentInformer{factory: v.factory, namespace: v.namespace, tweakListOptions: v.tweakListOptions}
看一下deploymentInformer这个结构体的定义,这里的factory就是在informerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(client, time.Second*30)初始化的factory,之所以关注这个factory的实例,是因为在后文中还有提及。
type deploymentInformer struct {
factory internalinterfaces.SharedInformerFactory
tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
namespace string
func (f *deploymentInformer) Informer() cache.SharedIndexInformer {
// 注册Deployment的informer到factory中
return f.factory.InformerFor(&appsv1.Deployment{}, f.defaultInformer)
func (f *deploymentInformer) defaultInformer(client kubernetes.Interface, resyncPeriod time.Duration) cache.SharedIndexInformer {
return NewFilteredDeploymentInformer(client, f.namespace, resyncPeriod, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc}, f.tweakListOptions)
func (f *sharedInformerFactory) InformerFor(obj runtime.Object, newFunc internalinterfaces.NewInformerFunc) cache.SharedIndexInformer {
// f.factory.InformerFor(&appsv1.Deployment{}, f.defaultInformer)
defer f.lock.Unlock()
informerType := reflect.TypeOf(obj)
// 1.f.informers: informers map[reflect.Type]cache.SharedIndexInformer 这里缓存不同k8s资源的informer对象
informer, exists := f.informers[informerType]
if exists {
return informer
resyncPeriod, exists := f.customResync[informerType]
if !exists {
resyncPeriod = f.defaultResync
// 2.customResync map[reflect.Type]time.Duration 缓存了资源的resync时间
informer = newFunc(f.client, resyncPeriod)
f.informers[informerType] = informer
return informer
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) GetIndexer() Indexer {
return s.indexer
// 这个类就是在集群中的类别是deployment的所有object缓存存放的结构体
type Indexer interface {
// Index returns the stored objects whose set of indexed values
// intersects the set of indexed values of the given object, for
// the named index
Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
// IndexKeys returns the storage keys of the stored objects whose
// set of indexed values for the named index includes the given
// indexed value
IndexKeys(indexName, indexedValue string) ([]string, error)
// ListIndexFuncValues returns all the indexed values of the given index
ListIndexFuncValues(indexName string) []string
// ByIndex returns the stored objects whose set of indexed values
// for the named index includes the given indexed value
ByIndex(indexName, indexedValue string) ([]interface{}, error)
// GetIndexers return the indexers
GetIndexers() Indexers
// AddIndexers adds more indexers to this store. This supports adding indexes after the store already has items.
AddIndexers(newIndexers Indexers) error
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) AddEventHandlerWithResyncPeriod(handler ResourceEventHandler, resyncPeriod time.Duration) (ResourceEventHandlerRegistration, error) {
listener := newProcessListener(handler, resyncPeriod, determineResyncPeriod(resyncPeriod, s.resyncCheckPeriod), s.clock.Now(), initialBufferSize, s.HasSynced)
if !s.started {
return s.processor.addListener(listener), nil
processListener实例化的方法,该实例将消息事件路由到不同的ResourceEventHandler方法中处理。它包含两个 goroutine、两个无缓冲通道和一个无界环形缓冲区区。 add(notification)
函数将给定的通知事件发送到 addCh
。一个 goroutine 运行“pop()”,它使用环形缓冲区中的存储将通知从“addCh”传递到“nextCh”。另一个 goroutine 运行 run(),它接收来自 nextCh 的通知并同步调用适当的处理程序方法。
func newProcessListener(handler ResourceEventHandler, requestedResyncPeriod, resyncPeriod time.Duration, now time.Time, bufferSize int, hasSynced func() bool) *processorListener {
ret := &processorListener{
// 这里是事件处理channel通道
nextCh: make(chan interface{}),
// 这里是watch到k8s资源变动的接收通道
addCh: make(chan interface{}),
// 这里就是传递的handler事件处理函数
handler: handler,
// 这个结构体是一个线程安全的计数器
syncTracker: &synctrack.SingleFileTracker{UpstreamHasSynced: hasSynced},
// 无界环,个人理解主要是用来在生产、消费者模型中速率不一致时进行缓冲的一个存储
pendingNotifications: *buffer.NewRingGrowing(bufferSize),
requestedResyncPeriod: requestedResyncPeriod,
resyncPeriod: resyncPeriod,
// 生成下一次resync的时间并保存下来
return ret
func (f *deploymentInformer) defaultInformer(client kubernetes.Interface, resyncPeriod time.Duration) cache.SharedIndexInformer {
return NewFilteredDeploymentInformer(client, f.namespace, resyncPeriod, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc}, f.tweakListOptions)
func NewFilteredDeploymentInformer(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace string, resyncPeriod time.Duration, indexers cache.Indexers, tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc) cache.SharedIndexInformer {
return cache.NewSharedIndexInformer(
ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
if tweakListOptions != nil {
return client.AppsV1().Deployments(namespace).List(context.TODO(), options)
WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
if tweakListOptions != nil {
return client.AppsV1().Deployments(namespace).Watch(context.TODO(), options)
func NewSharedIndexInformerWithOptions(lw ListerWatcher, exampleObject runtime.Object, options SharedIndexInformerOptions) SharedIndexInformer {
realClock := &clock.RealClock{}
return &sharedIndexInformer{
// indexre的初始化逻辑在这里
indexer: NewIndexer(DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc, options.Indexers),
processor: &sharedProcessor{clock: realClock},
listerWatcher: lw,
objectType: exampleObject,
objectDescription: options.ObjectDescription,
resyncCheckPeriod: options.ResyncPeriod,
defaultEventHandlerResyncPeriod: options.ResyncPeriod,
clock: realClock,
cacheMutationDetector: NewCacheMutationDetector(fmt.Sprintf("%T", exampleObject)),
1)listeners map[*processorListener]bool,是shardProcessor中的一个缓存,主要是保存定义的processorListener
2)如果p.listenersStarted 是true的话,这里会启动两个线程,一个线程运行listener.run,定时从nextCh这个channel中获取事件进行处理
但是,按照前文的追踪逻辑这里的p.listenersStarted是false, p.wg.Start(listener.run和p.wg.Start(listener.pop)这两个典型的生产-消费者逻辑没有执行。
func (p *sharedProcessor) addListener(listener *processorListener) ResourceEventHandlerRegistration {
defer p.listenersLock.Unlock()
if p.listeners == nil {
p.listeners = make(map[*processorListener]bool)
p.listeners[listener] = true
if p.listenersStarted {
return listener
func (f *sharedInformerFactory) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
if f.shuttingDown {
// 上文已经提到了,informer主要是保存k8s的资源的类runtimeObject和Informer之间的映射关系的缓存
for informerType, informer := range f.informers {
if !f.startedInformers[informerType] {
// We need a new variable in each loop iteration,
// otherwise the goroutine would use the loop variable
// and that keeps changing.
informer := informer
go func() {
defer f.wg.Done()
//8.1 在这里启动indexInformer
f.startedInformers[informerType] = true
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
// s.controller = New(cfg),就是构建controller这个结构体,把shardInformer的start标识修改成true
func() {
defer s.startedLock.Unlock()
//7.1.1 搞了一个队列
fifo := NewDeltaFIFOWithOptions(DeltaFIFOOptions{
KnownObjects: s.indexer,
EmitDeltaTypeReplaced: true,
Transformer: s.transform,
cfg := &Config{
Queue: fifo,
ListerWatcher: s.listerWatcher,
ObjectType: s.objectType,
ObjectDescription: s.objectDescription,
FullResyncPeriod: s.resyncCheckPeriod,
RetryOnError: false,
ShouldResync: s.processor.shouldResync,
Process: s.HandleDeltas,
WatchErrorHandler: s.watchErrorHandler,
s.controller = New(cfg)
s.controller.(*controller).clock = s.clock
s.started = true
// Separate stop channel because Processor should be stopped strictly after controller
processorStopCh := make(chan struct{})
var wg wait.Group
defer wg.Wait() // Wait for Processor to stop
defer close(processorStopCh) // Tell Processor to stop
wg.StartWithChannel(processorStopCh, s.cacheMutationDetector.Run)
wg.StartWithChannel(processorStopCh, s.processor.run)
defer func() {
defer s.startedLock.Unlock()
s.stopped = true // Don't want any new listeners
//4) 启动controller
func (p *sharedProcessor) run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
func() {
defer p.listenersLock.RUnlock()
// p.listener还记得是做什么用的吗,就是保存所有的listener的缓存
for listener := range p.listeners {
// 启动listener,逻辑在上文已经提及
p.listenersStarted = true
// 后续都是中止逻辑了
func (c *controller) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
go func() {
// 1. 初始化reflect来同步服务器和store的object
r := NewReflectorWithOptions(
ResyncPeriod: c.config.FullResyncPeriod,
TypeDescription: c.config.ObjectDescription,
Clock: c.clock,
r.ShouldResync = c.config.ShouldResync
r.WatchListPageSize = c.config.WatchListPageSize
if c.config.WatchErrorHandler != nil {
r.watchErrorHandler = c.config.WatchErrorHandler
// 对reflector赋值
c.reflector = r
var wg wait.Group
// 2.启动reflector
wg.StartWithChannel(stopCh, r.Run)
// 3.循环处理队列中的元素
wait.Until(c.processLoop, time.Second, stopCh)
func (r *Reflector) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
klog.V(3).Infof("Starting reflector %s (%s) from %s", r.typeDescription, r.resyncPeriod, r.name)
wait.BackoffUntil(func() {
// 核心逻辑入口
if err := r.ListAndWatch(stopCh); err != nil {
r.watchErrorHandler(r, err)
}, r.backoffManager, true, stopCh)
klog.V(3).Infof("Stopping reflector %s (%s) from %s", r.typeDescription, r.resyncPeriod, r.name)
func (r *Reflector) ListAndWatch(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
klog.V(3).Infof("Listing and watching %v from %s", r.typeDescription, r.name)
var err error
var w watch.Interface
fallbackToList := !r.UseWatchList
if r.UseWatchList {
// 维持本地的资源缓存
w, err = r.watchList(stopCh)
if w == nil && err == nil {
// stopCh was closed
return nil
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("The watchlist request ended with an error, falling back to the standard LIST/WATCH semantics because making progress is better than deadlocking, err = %v", err)
fallbackToList = true
// ensure that we won't accidentally pass some garbage down the watch.
w = nil
if fallbackToList {
// 直接借用listwatcher的list方法,从服务器全量同步资源数据
err = r.list(stopCh)
if err != nil {
return err
klog.V(2).Infof("Caches populated for %v from %s", r.typeDescription, r.name)
resyncerrc := make(chan error, 1)
cancelCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(cancelCh)
go r.startResync(stopCh, cancelCh, resyncerrc)
return r.watch(w, stopCh, resyncerrc)
err = r.list(stopCh)这个方法我们看一下里面做了什么事情。
func (r *Reflector) list(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
// 启动一个线程全量同步资源
go func() {
list, paginatedResult, err = pager.ListWithAlloc(context.Background(), options)
// 解析成指定的结构体
items, err := meta.ExtractListWithAlloc(list)
initTrace.Step("Objects extracted")
// 将数据同步到indexer本地存储中
if err := r.syncWith(items, resourceVersion); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to sync list result: %v", err)
func (r *Reflector) watch(w watch.Interface, stopCh <-chan struct{}, resyncerrc chan error) error {
w, err = r.listerWatcher.Watch(options)
err = watchHandler(start, w, r.store, r.expectedType, r.expectedGVK, r.name, r.typeDescription, r.setLastSyncResourceVersion, nil, r.clock, resyncerrc, stopCh)
func watchHandler(start time.Time,
w watch.Interface,
store Store,
expectedType reflect.Type,
expectedGVK *schema.GroupVersionKind,
name string,
expectedTypeName string,
setLastSyncResourceVersion func(string),
exitOnInitialEventsEndBookmark *bool,
clock clock.Clock,
errc chan error,
stopCh <-chan struct{},
) error {
eventCount := 0
if exitOnInitialEventsEndBookmark != nil {
// set it to false just in case somebody
// made it positive
*exitOnInitialEventsEndBookmark = false
for {
select {
case <-stopCh:
return errorStopRequested
case err := <-errc:
return err
case event, ok := <-w.ResultChan():
case watch.Added:
err := store.Add(event.Object)
if err != nil {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to add watch event object (%#v) to store: %v", name, event.Object, err))
case watch.Modified:
err := store.Update(event.Object)
if err != nil {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to update watch event object (%#v) to store: %v", name, event.Object, err))
case watch.Deleted:
// TODO: Will any consumers need access to the "last known
// state", which is passed in event.Object? If so, may need
// to change this.
err := store.Delete(event.Object)
if err != nil {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to delete watch event object (%#v) from store: %v", name, event.Object, err))
case watch.Bookmark:
// A `Bookmark` means watch has synced here, just update the resourceVersion
if meta.GetAnnotations()["k8s.io/initial-events-end"] == "true" {
if exitOnInitialEventsEndBookmark != nil {
*exitOnInitialEventsEndBookmark = true
func (c *controller) processLoop() {
for {
obj, err := c.config.Queue.Pop(PopProcessFunc(c.config.Process))
if err != nil {
if err == ErrFIFOClosed {
if c.config.RetryOnError {
// This is the safe way to re-enqueue.
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) HandleDeltas(obj interface{}, isInInitialList bool) error {
defer s.blockDeltas.Unlock()
if deltas, ok := obj.(Deltas); ok {
return processDeltas(s, s.indexer, deltas, isInInitialList)
return errors.New("object given as Process argument is not Deltas")
func processDeltas(
// Object which receives event notifications from the given deltas
handler ResourceEventHandler,
clientState Store,
deltas Deltas,
isInInitialList bool,
) error {
// from oldest to newest
for _, d := range deltas {
obj := d.Object
switch d.Type {
case Sync, Replaced, Added, Updated:
if old, exists, err := clientState.Get(obj); err == nil && exists {
if err := clientState.Update(obj); err != nil {
return err
handler.OnUpdate(old, obj)
} else {
if err := clientState.Add(obj); err != nil {
return err
handler.OnAdd(obj, isInInitialList)
case Deleted:
if err := clientState.Delete(obj); err != nil {
return err
return nil
clientState.Update(obj)这个方法我们点击去看会发现,他更新的就是我们上文提及结构体的indexer内部缓存。这里的handler就是s *sharedIndexInformer,我们把这个结构体的OnAdd,OnUpdate,OnDelete方法截取出来。
// Conforms to ResourceEventHandler
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) OnAdd(obj interface{}, isInInitialList bool) {
// Invocation of this function is locked under s.blockDeltas, so it is
// save to distribute the notification
s.processor.distribute(addNotification{newObj: obj, isInInitialList: isInInitialList}, false)
// Conforms to ResourceEventHandler
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) OnUpdate(old, new interface{}) {
isSync := false
// If is a Sync event, isSync should be true
// If is a Replaced event, isSync is true if resource version is unchanged.
// If RV is unchanged: this is a Sync/Replaced event, so isSync is true
if accessor, err := meta.Accessor(new); err == nil {
if oldAccessor, err := meta.Accessor(old); err == nil {
// Events that didn't change resourceVersion are treated as resync events
// and only propagated to listeners that requested resync
isSync = accessor.GetResourceVersion() == oldAccessor.GetResourceVersion()
// Invocation of this function is locked under s.blockDeltas, so it is
// save to distribute the notification
s.processor.distribute(updateNotification{oldObj: old, newObj: new}, isSync)
// Conforms to ResourceEventHandler
func (s *sharedIndexInformer) OnDelete(old interface{}) {
// Invocation of this function is locked under s.blockDeltas, so it is
// save to distribute the notification
s.processor.distribute(deleteNotification{oldObj: old}, false)
其中核心的方法大概就是s.processor.distribute(addNotification{newObj: obj, isInInitialList: isInInitialList}, false),我们看一下这个方法是在做什么。
func (p *sharedProcessor) distribute(obj interface{}, sync bool) {
defer p.listenersLock.RUnlock()
for listener, isSyncing := range p.listeners {
switch {
case !sync:
// non-sync messages are delivered to every listener
case isSyncing:
// sync messages are delivered to every syncing listener
// skipping a sync obj for a non-syncing listener
// 还记得processorListener中的两个channel吗,这里就是往addCh中添加元素了
func (p *processorListener) add(notification interface{}) {
if a, ok := notification.(addNotification); ok && a.isInInitialList {
p.addCh <- notification
等待所有启动的 Informer 的缓存被同步,真正的实现方法如下所示
func (f *sharedInformerFactory) WaitForCacheSync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) map[reflect.Type]bool {
//这里是map[reflect.Type]cache.SharedIndexInformer 这个结构的一个深度拷贝,没有做额外的逻辑
informers := func() map[reflect.Type]cache.SharedIndexInformer {
defer f.lock.Unlock()
informers := map[reflect.Type]cache.SharedIndexInformer{}
for informerType, informer := range f.informers {
if f.startedInformers[informerType] {
informers[informerType] = informer
return informers
res := map[reflect.Type]bool{}
for informType, informer := range informers {
res[informType] = cache.WaitForCacheSync(stopCh, informer.HasSynced)
return res
我们追踪一下这个List方法是从远程k8s apiserver获取的还是从本地的indexer存储中获取的。
func ListAllByNamespace(indexer Indexer, namespace string, selector labels.Selector, appendFn AppendFunc) error {
if namespace == metav1.NamespaceAll {
return ListAll(indexer, selector, appendFn)
// 结论在这里
items, err := indexer.Index(NamespaceIndex, &metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: namespace})