




  • 基于目标坐标系的level级别,计算当前距离需要显示的瓦片TileKey
  • 将此瓦片的范围转换到源数据所在坐标系(服务器获取的瓦片所对应的坐标系)
  • 计算相交关系,找到目标坐标系的范围在源坐标系所覆盖的瓦片(可能对应多张)
  • 申请源数据瓦片,将瓦片缓存,等待读取完毕,执行瓦片拼接为一张大图
  • 将目标坐标系的范围变换到源坐标系后的范围与源坐标系的范围,按照距离(米)进行映射
  • 重新采样,获取一张新的image,作为目标瓦片显示的新瓦片。




TerrainNode 绑定目标坐标系,同时将更新Terrain下的所有Layer,设置targetProfile

// Tell all the layers about the profile
    for (TerrainLayerVector::iterator i = layers.begin(); i != layers.end(); ++i)
        if (i->get()->getEnabled())


  1. 从RexTerrainEngineNode::dirtyTerrain开始,处理瓦片

    • 使用目标标系,根据初始瓦片数目,计算第一级对应的x、y方向的瓦片数目getAllKeysAtLOD

    • 根据瓦片,创建tileNode: tileNode->create( keys[i], 0L, _engineContext.get() );

    • 同步加载瓦片:tileNode->loadSync();

    std::vector<TileKey> keys;
    getMap()->getProfile()->getAllKeysAtLOD( *_terrainOptions.firstLOD(), keys );

    for( unsigned i=0; i<keys.size(); ++i )
        TileNode* tileNode = new TileNode();
        // Next, build the surface geometry for the node.
        tileNode->create( keys[i], 0L, _engineContext.get() );
        // Add it to the scene graph
        _terrain->addChild( tileNode );
        // And load the tile's data synchronously (only for root tiles)


// invoke runs in the background pager thread.
LoadTileData::invoke(ProgressCallback* progress)
    // Assemble all the components necessary to display this tile
    _dataModel = engine->createTileModel(
        _enableCancel? progress : 0L);


TerrainTileModelFactory::createTileModel(const Map*                       map,
                                         const TileKey&                   key,
                                         const CreateTileModelFilter&     filter,
                                         const TerrainEngineRequirements* requirements,
                                         ProgressCallback*                progress)
    // Make a new model:
    osg::ref_ptr<TerrainTileModel> model = new TerrainTileModel(
        map->getDataModelRevision() );
    // assemble all the components:
    addColorLayers(model.get(), map, requirements, key, filter, progress);
    addPatchLayers(model.get(), map, key, filter, progress);
    if ( requirements == 0L || requirements->elevationTexturesRequired() )
        unsigned border = requirements->elevationBorderRequired() ? 1u : 0u;
        addElevation( model.get(), map, key, filter, border, progress );
    // done.
    return model.release();


TerrainTileModelFactory::addColorLayers(TerrainTileModel* model,
                                        const Map* map,
                                        const TerrainEngineRequirements* reqs,
                                        const TileKey&    key,
                                        const CreateTileModelFilter& filter,
                                        ProgressCallback* progress)

    LayerVector layers;
    for (LayerVector::const_iterator i = layers.begin(); i != layers.end(); ++i)
        Layer* layer = i->get();
        if (layer->getRenderType() != layer->RENDERTYPE_TERRAIN_SURFACE)
        if (!layer->getEnabled())
        if (!filter.accept(layer))
        ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast<ImageLayer*>(layer);
        if (imageLayer)
            osg::Texture* tex = 0L;
            osg::Matrixf textureMatrix;

            if (imageLayer->isKeyInLegalRange(key) && imageLayer->mayHaveData(key))
                if (imageLayer->useCreateTexture())
                    tex = imageLayer->createTexture( key, progress, textureMatrix );
                    GeoImage geoImage = imageLayer->createImage( key, progress );
                    if ( geoImage.valid() )
                        if ( imageLayer->isCoverage() )
                            tex = createCoverageTexture(geoImage.getImage(), imageLayer);
                            tex = createImageTexture(geoImage.getImage(), imageLayer);
            // if this is the first LOD, and the engine requires that the first LOD
            // be populated, make an empty texture if we didn't get one.
            if (tex == 0L &&
                _options.firstLOD() == key.getLOD() &&
                reqs && reqs->fullDataAtFirstLodRequired())
                tex = _emptyTexture.get();
            if (tex)
                TerrainTileImageLayerModel* layerModel = new TerrainTileImageLayerModel();
                layerModel->setMatrix(new osg::RefMatrixf(textureMatrix));
                if (imageLayer->isShared())
                if (imageLayer->isDynamic())
        else // non-image kind of TILE layer:
            TerrainTileColorLayerModel* colorModel = new TerrainTileColorLayerModel();



bool TerrainLayer::isKeyInLegalRange(const TileKey& key) const
    // We must use the equivalent lod b/c the input key can be in any profile.
    // 获取目标坐标系和瓦片坐标系在接近的一个lod级别
    // getProfile(): 源坐标系
    // key.getProfile(): 目标坐标系
    unsigned localLOD = getProfile() ?
        getProfile()->getEquivalentLOD(key.getProfile(), key.getLOD()) :

    // 级别范围筛选
    // First check the key against the min/max level limits, it they are set.
    if ((options().maxLevel().isSet() && localLOD > options().maxLevel().value()) ||
        (options().minLevel().isSet() && localLOD < options().minLevel().value()))
        return false;

    // Next check the maxDataLevel if that is set.
    if (options().maxDataLevel().isSet() && localLOD > options().maxDataLevel().get())
        return false;

    // 分辨率大小筛选
    // Next, check against resolution limits (based on the source tile size).
    if (options().minResolution().isSet() || options().maxResolution().isSet())
        const Profile* profile = getProfile();
        if ( profile )
            // calculate the resolution in the layer's profile, which can
            // be different that the key's profile.
            // 获取目标坐标系下的宽度,和瓦片大小,计算尺寸
            double resKey   = key.getExtent().width() / (double)getTileSize();
            double resLayer = key.getProfile()->getSRS()->transformUnits(resKey, profile->getSRS());

            if (options().maxResolution().isSet() &&
                options().maxResolution().value() > resLayer)
                return false;

            if (options().minResolution().isSet() &&
                options().minResolution().value() < resLayer)
                return false;

	return true;


Profile::getEquivalentLOD( const Profile* rhsProfile, unsigned rhsLOD ) const
{    // this 源坐标系
    //If the profiles are equivalent, just use the incoming lod
    if (rhsProfile->isHorizEquivalentTo( this ) )  // 目标坐标系
        return rhsLOD;

    // Special check for geodetic to mercator or vise versa, they should match up in LOD.
    if ((rhsProfile->isEquivalentTo(Registry::instance()->getSphericalMercatorProfile()) && isEquivalentTo(Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile())) ||
        (rhsProfile->isEquivalentTo(Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile()) && isEquivalentTo(Registry::instance()->getSphericalMercatorProfile())))
        return rhsLOD;

    double rhsWidth, rhsHeight; // 获取目标坐标系当前lod,单张瓦片的尺寸范围,基于范围计算得来
    rhsProfile->getTileDimensions( rhsLOD, rhsWidth, rhsHeight );    

    // safety catch
    if ( osg::equivalent(rhsWidth, 0.0) || osg::equivalent(rhsHeight, 0.0) )
        OE_WARN << LC << "getEquivalentLOD: zero dimension" << std::endl;
        return rhsLOD;
    // 将目标坐标系下的尺寸单位,变换到源坐标系下的尺寸单位,对于gcgs2000适用吗?
    const SpatialReference* rhsSRS = rhsProfile->getSRS();
    double rhsTargetHeight = rhsSRS->transformUnits( rhsHeight, getSRS() );    
    int currLOD = 0;
    int destLOD = currLOD;

    double delta = DBL_MAX;

    // Find the LOD that most closely matches the resolution of the incoming key.
    // We use the closest (under or over) so that you can match back and forth between profiles and be sure to get the same results each time.
    // 找到源坐标系瓦片同目标坐标系瓦片最匹配的lod值
    while( true )
        double prevDelta = delta;
        double w, h;
        getTileDimensions(currLOD, w, h); // 获取源坐标系,某一级别下的单张瓦片尺寸

        delta = osg::absolute( h - rhsTargetHeight );
        if (delta < prevDelta)
            // We're getting closer so keep going
            destLOD = currLOD;
            // We are further away from the previous lod so stop.
    return destLOD;

? 判断当前key是否在有效范围内

TerrainLayer::isKeyInLegalRange(const TileKey& key) const
    if ( !key.valid() )
        return false;

    // We must use the equivalent lod b/c the input key can be in any profile.
    unsigned localLOD = getProfile() ?
        getProfile()->getEquivalentLOD(key.getProfile(), key.getLOD()) :

    // First check the key against the min/max level limits, it they are set.
    if ((options().maxLevel().isSet() && localLOD > options().maxLevel().value()) ||
        (options().minLevel().isSet() && localLOD < options().minLevel().value()))
        return false;

    // Next check the maxDataLevel if that is set.
    if (options().maxDataLevel().isSet() && localLOD > options().maxDataLevel().get())
        return false;

    // Next, check against resolution limits (based on the source tile size).
    if (options().minResolution().isSet() || options().maxResolution().isSet())
        const Profile* profile = getProfile();
        if ( profile )
            // calculate the resolution in the layer's profile, which can
            // be different that the key's profile.
            double resKey   = key.getExtent().width() / (double)getTileSize();
            double resLayer = key.getProfile()->getSRS()->transformUnits(resKey, profile->getSRS());

            if (options().maxResolution().isSet() &&
                options().maxResolution().value() > resLayer)
                return false;

            if (options().minResolution().isSet() &&
                options().minResolution().value() < resLayer)
                return false;

	return true;

GeoImage 创建

GeoImage geoImage = imageLayer->createImage( key, progress );

GeoImage ImageLayer::createImage(const TileKey&    key,
                        ProgressCallback* progress)
    ScopedMetric m("ImageLayer::createImage", 2,
                    "key", key.str().c_str(),
                    "name", getName().c_str());

    if (getStatus().isError())
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    return createImageInKeyProfile( key, progress );


if (key.getProfile()->isHorizEquivalentTo(getProfile()))
        result = createImageImplementation(key, progress);
        // If the profiles are different, use a compositing method to assemble the tile.
        result = assembleImage( key, progress );

? 相同坐标系分支:

ImageLayer::createImageImplementation(const TileKey& key, ProgressCallback* progress)
    return createImageFromTileSource(key, progress);
GeoImage ImageLayer::createImageFromTileSource(const TileKey&    key,        ProgressCallback* progress)
    TileSource* source = getTileSource();
    if ( !source )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // If the profiles are different, use a compositing method to assemble the tile.
    if ( !key.getProfile()->isHorizEquivalentTo( getProfile() ) )
        return assembleImage( key, progress );

    // Good to go, ask the tile source for an image:
    osg::ref_ptr<TileSource::ImageOperation> op = getOrCreatePreCacheOp();

    // Fail is the image is blacklisted.
    if ( source->getBlacklist()->contains(key) )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "createImageFromTileSource: blacklisted(" << key.str() << ")" << std::endl;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    if (!mayHaveData(key))
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "createImageFromTileSource: mayHaveData(" << key.str() << ") == false" << std::endl;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // create an image from the tile source.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> result = source->createImage( key, op.get(), progress );   

    // Process images with full alpha to properly support MP blending.    
    if (result.valid() && 
        options().featherPixels() == true)
        ImageUtils::featherAlphaRegions( result.get() );
    // If image creation failed (but was not intentionally canceled and 
    // didn't time out or end for any other recoverable reason), then
    // blacklist this tile for future requests.
    if (result == 0L)
        if ( progress == 0L || !progress->isCanceled() )
            source->getBlacklist()->add( key );

    if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    return GeoImage(result.get(), key.getExtent());


osg::Image* TMSTileSource::createImage(const TileKey&    key,                        ProgressCallback* progress)
    if (_tileMap.valid() && key.getLevelOfDetail() <= _tileMap->getMaxLevel() )
        std::string image_url = _tileMap->getURL( key, _invertY );

        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image;
        if (!image_url.empty())
            URI uri(image_url, _options.url()->context());
            image = uri.readImage( _dbOptions.get(), progress ).getImage();

        if (!image.valid())
            if (image_url.empty() || !_tileMap->intersectsKey(key))
                //We couldn't read the image from the URL or the cache, so check to see if the given key is less than the max level
                //of the tilemap and create a transparent image.
                if (key.getLevelOfDetail() <= _tileMap->getMaxLevel())
                    OE_DEBUG << LC << "Returning empty image " << std::endl;
                    return ImageUtils::createEmptyImage();
        if (image.valid() && _options.coverage() == true)
            ImageUtils::markAsUnNormalized(image.get(), true);

        return image.release();
    return 0;

? 不同坐标系分支,执行组装图片(重投影):

GeoImage ImageLayer::assembleImage(const TileKey& key, ProgressCallback* progress)
    // If we got here, asset that there's a non-null layer profile.
    if (!getProfile()) // 源坐标系
        setStatus(Status::Error(Status::AssertionFailure, "assembleImage with undefined profile"));
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    GeoImage mosaicedImage, result;

    // Scale the extent if necessary to apply an "edge buffer"
    GeoExtent ext = key.getExtent(); // 获取目标坐标系范围
    if ( options().edgeBufferRatio().isSet() )
        double ratio = options().edgeBufferRatio().get();
        ext.scale(ratio, ratio);
    // 获取目标瓦片在源瓦片中的相交部分
    // Get a set of layer tiles that intersect the requested extent.
    std::vector<TileKey> intersectingKeys; //
    getProfile()->getIntersectingTiles( key, intersectingKeys );

    if ( intersectingKeys.size() > 0 )
        double dst_minx, dst_miny, dst_maxx, dst_maxy;
        key.getExtent().getBounds(dst_minx, dst_miny, dst_maxx, dst_maxy);

        // if we find at least one "real" tile in the mosaic, then the whole result tile is
        // "real" (i.e. not a fallback tile)
        bool retry = false;
        ImageMosaic mosaic;

        // keep track of failed tiles.
        std::vector<TileKey> failedKeys;

        // 遍历所有获取的瓦片,创建瓦片图像
        for( std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = intersectingKeys.begin(); k != intersectingKeys.end(); ++k )
            GeoImage image = createImageImplementation( *k, progress );

            if ( image.valid() )
                if ( !isCoverage() )

     // Make sure all images in mosaic are based on "RGBA - unsigned byte" pixels.
    // This is not the smarter choice (in some case RGB would be sufficient) but
    // it ensure consistency between all images / layers.
  // The main drawback is probably the CPU memory foot-print which would be reduced by allocating RGB instead of RGBA images.
 // On GPU side, this should not change anything because of data alignements : often RGB and RGBA textures have the same memory footprint

                    if (   (image.getImage()->getDataType() != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
                        || (image.getImage()->getPixelFormat() != GL_RGBA) )
                        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> convertedImg = ImageUtils::convertToRGBA8(image.getImage());
                        if (convertedImg.valid())
                            image = GeoImage(convertedImg.get(), image.getExtent());

                mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(image.getImage(), *k) );
                // the tile source did not return a tile, so make a note of it.
                failedKeys.push_back( *k );

                if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
                    retry = true;

        // Fail is: a) we got no data and the LOD is greater than zero; or
        // b) the operation was canceled mid-stream.
        if ( (mosaic.getImages().empty() && key.getLOD() > 0) || retry)
            // if we didn't get any data at LOD>0, fail.
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Couldn't create image for ImageMosaic " << std::endl;
            return GeoImage::INVALID;

        // We got at least one good tile, OR we got nothing but since the LOD==0 we have to
        // fall back on a lower resolution.
        // So now we go through the failed keys and try to fall back on lower resolution data
        // to fill in the gaps. The entire mosaic must be populated or this qualifies as a bad tile.
        for(std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = failedKeys.begin(); k != failedKeys.end(); ++k)
            GeoImage image;

            for(TileKey parentKey = k->createParentKey();
                parentKey.valid() && !image.valid();
                parentKey = parentKey.createParentKey())
                image = createImageImplementation( parentKey, progress );
                if ( image.valid() )
                    GeoImage cropped;

                    if ( !isCoverage() )
                        if (   (image.getImage()->getDataType() != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
                            || (image.getImage()->getPixelFormat() != GL_RGBA) )
                            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> convertedImg = ImageUtils::convertToRGBA8(image.getImage());
                            if (convertedImg.valid())
                                image = GeoImage(convertedImg.get(), image.getExtent());

                        cropped = image.crop( k->getExtent(), false, image.getImage()->s(), image.getImage()->t() );

                        // TODO: may not work.... test; tilekey extent will <> cropped extent
                        cropped = image.crop( k->getExtent(), true, image.getImage()->s(), image.getImage()->t(), false );

                    // and queue it.
                    mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(cropped.getImage(), *k) );       


            if ( !image.valid() )
                // a tile completely failed, even with fallback. Eject.
                OE_DEBUG << LC << "Couldn't fallback on tiles for ImageMosaic" << std::endl;
                // let it go. The empty areas will be filled with alpha by ImageMosaic.

        // all set. Mosaic all the images together.
        double rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax;
        mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax );

        mosaicedImage = GeoImage(
            GeoExtent( getProfile()->getSRS(), rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ) );
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "assembleImage: no intersections (" << key.str() << ")" << std::endl;

    // Final step: transform the mosaic into the requesting key's extent.
    if ( mosaicedImage.valid() )
        // GeoImage::reproject() will automatically crop the image to the correct extents.
        // so there is no need to crop after reprojection. Also note that if the SRS's are the 
        // same (even though extents are different), then this operation is technically not a
        // reprojection but merely a resampling.

        result = mosaicedImage.reproject( 
            getTileSize(), getTileSize(),

    // Process images with full alpha to properly support MP blending.
    if (result.valid() && 
        options().featherPixels() == true &&
        isCoverage() == false)
        ImageUtils::featherAlphaRegions( result.getImage() );

    if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    return result;


void Profile::getIntersectingTiles(const TileKey& key, std::vector<TileKey>& out_intersectingKeys) const
    OE_DEBUG << "GET ISECTING TILES for key " << key.str() << " -----------------" << std::endl;

    //If the profiles are exactly equal, just add the given tile key.
    if ( isHorizEquivalentTo( key.getProfile() ) )
        //Clear the incoming list
        // figure out which LOD in the local profile is a best match for the LOD
        // in the source LOD in terms of resolution.
        unsigned localLOD = getEquivalentLOD(key.getProfile(), key.getLOD());
        getIntersectingTiles(key.getExtent(), localLOD, out_intersectingKeys);

        OE_DEBUG << LC << "GIT, key="<< key.str() << ", localLOD=" << localLOD
            << ", resulted in " << out_intersectingKeys.size() << " tiles" << std::endl;


void Profile::getIntersectingTiles(const GeoExtent& extent, unsigned localLOD, std::vector<TileKey>& out_intersectingKeys) const
{// this: 源坐标系
    GeoExtent ext = extent;

    // reproject into the profile's SRS if necessary:
    if ( !getSRS()->isHorizEquivalentTo( extent.getSRS() ) )
        // localize the extents and clamp them to legal values
        // 将目标坐标范围和源坐标系范围进行求教
        ext = clampAndTransformExtent( extent );
        if ( !ext.isValid() )
	// 是否跨越国际日期变更线,是:添加连个范围进行比较
    if ( ext.crossesAntimeridian() )
        GeoExtent first, second;
        if (ext.splitAcrossAntimeridian( first, second ))
            addIntersectingTiles( first, localLOD, out_intersectingKeys );
            addIntersectingTiles( second, localLOD, out_intersectingKeys );
        addIntersectingTiles( ext, localLOD, out_intersectingKeys );


  • 将目标坐标系范围转换到源坐标系范围
    • 转换成功:用两个范围进行求交,返回求交结果的交集
    • 失败:
      • 将目标范围,转换到源坐标的经纬度坐标系,尝试在经纬度范围求交
      • 将转换后的坐标系和实际的源坐标系的地理范围进行截取
      • 再将截取后的范围,重新投影到源坐标系的范围,返回结果
GeoExtent Profile::clampAndTransformExtent(const GeoExtent& input, bool* out_clamped) const
{// this:源坐标系
    // initialize the output flag
    if ( out_clamped )
        *out_clamped = false;

    // begin by transforming the input extent to this profile's SRS.
    // 将目标坐标系范围转换到源坐标系范围
    GeoExtent inputInMySRS = input.transform(getSRS());

    if (inputInMySRS.isValid()) // 转换成功,
        // Compute the intersection of the two:
        GeoExtent intersection = inputInMySRS.intersectionSameSRS(getExtent());

        // expose whether clamping took place:
        if (out_clamped != 0L)
            *out_clamped = intersection != getExtent();

        return intersection;

        // The extent transformation failed, probably due to an out-of-bounds condition.
        // Go to Plan B: attempt the operation in lat/long
        // 转换失败,可能是范围越界导致,执行方案b,尝试在经纬度范围求交
        const SpatialReference* geo_srs = getSRS()->getGeographicSRS();

        // get the input in lat/long:
        // 将目标坐标系转换为源坐标系所对应的地理坐标系(经纬度)
        GeoExtent gcs_input =
            input :
            input.transform( geo_srs );

        // bail out on a bad transform:
        if ( !gcs_input.isValid() )
            return GeoExtent::INVALID;

        // bail out if the extent's do not intersect at all:
        if ( !gcs_input.intersects(_latlong_extent, false) )
            return GeoExtent::INVALID;

        // clamp it to the profile's extents:
        GeoExtent clamped_gcs_input = GeoExtent(
            osg::clampBetween( gcs_input.xMin(), _latlong_extent.xMin(), _latlong_extent.xMax() ),
            osg::clampBetween( gcs_input.yMin(), _latlong_extent.yMin(), _latlong_extent.yMax() ),
            osg::clampBetween( gcs_input.xMax(), _latlong_extent.xMin(), _latlong_extent.xMax() ),
            osg::clampBetween( gcs_input.yMax(), _latlong_extent.yMin(), _latlong_extent.yMax() ) );

        if ( out_clamped )
            *out_clamped = (clamped_gcs_input != gcs_input);

        // 再将截取后的范围,重新投影到源坐标系的范围
        // finally, transform the clamped extent into this profile's SRS and return it.
        GeoExtent result =
            clamped_gcs_input.getSRS()->isEquivalentTo( this->getSRS() )?
            clamped_gcs_input :
            clamped_gcs_input.transform( this->getSRS() );

        if (result.isValid())
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "clamp&xform: input=" << input.toString() << ", output=" << result.toString() << std::endl;

        return result;


void Profile::getIntersectingTiles(const TileKey& key, std::vector<TileKey>& out_intersectingKeys) const
    OE_DEBUG << "GET ISECTING TILES for key " << key.str() << " -----------------" << std::endl;

    //If the profiles are exactly equal, just add the given tile key.
    if ( isHorizEquivalentTo( key.getProfile() ) )
        //Clear the incoming list
        // figure out which LOD in the local profile is a best match for the LOD
        // in the source LOD in terms of resolution.
        unsigned localLOD = getEquivalentLOD(key.getProfile(), key.getLOD());
        getIntersectingTiles(key.getExtent(), localLOD, out_intersectingKeys);

        OE_DEBUG << LC << "GIT, key="<< key.str() << ", localLOD=" << localLOD
            << ", resulted in " << out_intersectingKeys.size() << " tiles" << std::endl;
Profile::addIntersectingTiles(const GeoExtent& key_ext, unsigned localLOD, std::vector<TileKey>& out_intersectingKeys) const
    // assume a non-crossing extent here.
    if ( key_ext.crossesAntimeridian() )
        OE_WARN << "Profile::addIntersectingTiles cannot process date-line cross" << std::endl;

    int tileMinX, tileMaxX;
    int tileMinY, tileMaxY;

    double destTileWidth, destTileHeight;
    getTileDimensions(localLOD, destTileWidth, destTileHeight);

    //OE_DEBUG << std::fixed << "  Source Tile: " << key.getLevelOfDetail() << " (" << keyWidth << ", " << keyHeight << ")" << std::endl;
    //OE_DEBUG << std::fixed << "  Dest Size: " << destLOD << " (" << destTileWidth << ", " << destTileHeight << ")" << std::endl;

    double east = key_ext.xMax() - _extent.xMin();
    bool xMaxOnTileBoundary = fmod(east, destTileWidth) == 0.0;

    double south = _extent.yMax() - key_ext.yMin();
    bool yMaxOnTileBoundary = fmod(south, destTileHeight) == 0.0;

    tileMinX = (int)((key_ext.xMin() - _extent.xMin()) / destTileWidth);
    // 在边界上,则-1,否则为0
    tileMaxX = (int)(east / destTileWidth) - (xMaxOnTileBoundary ? 1 : 0);

    tileMinY = (int)((_extent.yMax() - key_ext.yMax()) / destTileHeight); 
    tileMaxY = (int)(south / destTileHeight) - (yMaxOnTileBoundary ? 1 : 0);

    unsigned int numWide, numHigh;
    getNumTiles(localLOD, numWide, numHigh);

    // bail out if the tiles are out of bounds.
    if ( tileMinX >= (int)numWide || tileMinY >= (int)numHigh ||
         tileMaxX < 0 || tileMaxY < 0 )

    tileMinX = osg::clampBetween(tileMinX, 0, (int)numWide-1);
    tileMaxX = osg::clampBetween(tileMaxX, 0, (int)numWide-1);
    tileMinY = osg::clampBetween(tileMinY, 0, (int)numHigh-1);
    tileMaxY = osg::clampBetween(tileMaxY, 0, (int)numHigh-1);

    OE_DEBUG << std::fixed << "  Dest Tiles: " << tileMinX << "," << tileMinY << " => " << tileMaxX << "," << tileMaxY << std::endl;

    // 获取源坐标系范围内的相交瓦片
    for (int i = tileMinX; i <= tileMaxX; ++i)
        for (int j = tileMinY; j <= tileMaxY; ++j)
            //TODO: does not support multi-face destination keys.
            out_intersectingKeys.push_back( TileKey(localLOD, i, j, this) );

? 返回上级函数,遍历intersectingkeys,申请源数据瓦片createImageImplementation

? 进入createImageFromTileSource,创建图片

   // create an image from the tile source.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> result = source->createImage( key, op.get(), progress );   
osg::Image*TileSource::createImage(const TileKey&        key,
                        ImageOperation*       prepOp,
                        ProgressCallback*     progress )
    if (getStatus().isError())
        return 0L;

    // Try to get it from the memcache fist
    if (_memCache.valid())
        ReadResult r = _memCache->getOrCreateDefaultBin()->readImage(key.str(), 0L);
        if ( r.succeeded() )
            return r.releaseImage();

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> newImage = createImage(key, progress);

    // Check for cancelation. The TileSource implementation should do this
    // internally but we check here once last time just in case the
    // implementation does not.
    if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
        return 0L;

    // Run the pre-caching operation if there is one:
    if ( prepOp )
        (*prepOp)( newImage );

    // Cache to the L2 cache:
    if ( newImage.valid() && _memCache.valid() )
        _memCache->getOrCreateDefaultBin()->write(key.str(), newImage.get(), 0L);

    return newImage.release();


mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ),内部遍历其所有瓦片范围,然创建一张大图,进行合并:

// all set. Mosaic all the images together.
        double rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax;
        mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax );

        mosaicedImage = GeoImage(
            GeoExtent( getProfile()->getSRS(), rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ) );


    if (_images.size() == 0)
        OE_INFO << "ImageMosaic has no images..." << std::endl;
        return 0;

    // find the first valid tile and use its size as the mosaic tile size
    TileImage* tile = 0L;
    for (int i = 0; i<_images.size() && !tile; ++i)
        if (_images[i]._image.valid())
            tile = &_images[i];

    if ( !tile )
        return 0L;

    unsigned int tileWidth = tile->_image->s();
    unsigned int tileHeight = tile->_image->t();

    //OE_NOTICE << "TileDim " << tileWidth << ", " << tileHeight << std::endl;

    unsigned int minTileX = tile->_tileX;
    unsigned int minTileY = tile->_tileY;
    unsigned int maxTileX = tile->_tileX;
    unsigned int maxTileY = tile->_tileY;

    //Compute the tile size.
    for (TileImageList::iterator i = _images.begin(); i != _images.end(); ++i)
        if (i->_tileX < minTileX) minTileX = i->_tileX;
        if (i->_tileY < minTileY) minTileY = i->_tileY;

        if (i->_tileX > maxTileX) maxTileX = i->_tileX;
        if (i->_tileY > maxTileY) maxTileY = i->_tileY;

    unsigned int tilesWide = maxTileX - minTileX + 1;
    unsigned int tilesHigh = maxTileY - minTileY + 1;

    unsigned int pixelsWide = tilesWide * tileWidth;
    unsigned int pixelsHigh = tilesHigh * tileHeight;
	unsigned int tileDepth = tile->_image->r();

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = new osg::Image;
    image->allocateImage(pixelsWide, pixelsHigh, tileDepth, tile->_image->getPixelFormat(), tile->_image->getDataType());
    ImageUtils::markAsNormalized(image.get(), ImageUtils::isNormalized(tile->getImage()));

    //Initialize the image to be completely white!
    //memset(image->data(), 0xFF, image->getImageSizeInBytes());

    ImageUtils::PixelWriter write(image.get());
    for (unsigned t = 0; t < pixelsHigh; ++t)
        for (unsigned s = 0; s < pixelsWide; ++s)
            write(osg::Vec4(1,1,1,0), s, t);

    //Composite the incoming images into the master image
    // 将所有瓦片拷贝到同一个瓦片中
    for (TileImageList::iterator i = _images.begin(); i != _images.end(); ++i)
        //Determine the indices in the master image for this image
        int dstX = (i->_tileX - minTileX) * tileWidth;
        int dstY = (maxTileY - i->_tileY) * tileHeight;

        osg::Image* sourceTile = i->getImage();
        if ( sourceTile )
            ImageUtils::copyAsSubImage(sourceTile, image.get(), dstX, dstY);

    return image.release();


 result = mosaicedImage.reproject( 
            getTileSize(), getTileSize(),


GeoImage::reproject(const SpatialReference* to_srs, const GeoExtent* to_extent, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool useBilinearInterpolation) const
    GeoExtent destExtent;
    if (to_extent)
        destExtent = *to_extent;
        destExtent = getExtent().transform(to_srs);    

    osg::Image* resultImage = 0L;

    bool isNormalized = ImageUtils::isNormalized(getImage());
    if ( getSRS()->isUserDefined()      || 
        to_srs->isUserDefined()         ||
        getSRS()->isSphericalMercator() ||
        to_srs->isSphericalMercator()   ||
        !isNormalized )
        // if either of the SRS is a custom projection, we have to do a manual reprojection since
        // GDAL will not recognize the SRS.
        resultImage = manualReproject(getImage(), getExtent(), destExtent, useBilinearInterpolation && isNormalized, width, height);
        // otherwise use GDAL.
        resultImage = reprojectImage(
            getExtent().xMin(), getExtent().yMin(), getExtent().xMax(), getExtent().yMax(),
            destExtent.xMin(), destExtent.yMin(), destExtent.xMax(), destExtent.yMax(),
            width, height, useBilinearInterpolation);
    return GeoImage(resultImage, destExtent);


  • 定义一个和目标瓦片图片width和height一致的image
  • 计算目标瓦片的pixelformeter,每像素多少米(或单位)
  • 计算图片占用多少像素数目
  • 使用transformExtentPoints,将这个范围的点,按照像素采样(一个像素可能占了很多的单位大小),重投影到源坐标系空间
  • 将投影到源坐标系的网格,从源中读取i昂二的的每个点,将他写入到目标图片的同一位置。
  • 根据当前位置和边界的距离,计算比例进行重新映射,算出目标范围所对应的像素值的索引
  • 基于当前px,py取临近四个方向的点,进行线性采样
  • 计算后的图,作为目标瓦片的image使用。
osg::Image* manualReproject(
        const osg::Image* image, 
        const GeoExtent&  src_extent, 
        const GeoExtent&  dest_extent,
        bool              interpolate,
        unsigned int      width = 0, 
        unsigned int      height = 0)
        //TODO:  Compute the optimal destination size
        if (width == 0 || height == 0)
            //If no width and height are specified, just use the minimum dimension for the image
            width = osg::minimum(image->s(), image->t());
            height = osg::minimum(image->s(), image->t());

        osg::Image *result = new osg::Image();
        //result->allocateImage(width, height, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
        result->allocateImage(width, height, 1, image->getPixelFormat(), image->getDataType()); //GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
        ImageUtils::markAsUnNormalized(result, ImageUtils::isUnNormalized(image));

        //Initialize the image to be completely transparent/black
        memset(result->data(), 0, result->getImageSizeInBytes());

        //ImageUtils::PixelReader ra(result);
        ImageUtils::PixelWriter writer(result);
        const double dx = dest_extent.width() / (double)width;
        const double dy = dest_extent.height() / (double)height;

        // offset the sample points by 1/2 a pixel so we are sampling "pixel center".
        // (This is especially useful in the UnifiedCubeProfile since it nullifes the chances for
        // edge ambiguity.)
		// 计算需要的像素数量
        unsigned int numPixels = width * height;

        // Start by creating a sample grid over the destination
        // extent. These will be the source coordinates. Then, reproject
        // the sample grid into the source coordinate system.
        double *srcPointsX = new double[numPixels * 2];
        double *srcPointsY = srcPointsX + numPixels;
            dest_extent.xMin() + .5 * dx, dest_extent.yMin() + .5 * dy,
            dest_extent.xMax() - .5 * dx, dest_extent.yMax() - .5 * dy,
            srcPointsX, srcPointsY, width, height);

        // Next, go through the source-SRS sample grid, read the color at each point from the source image,
        // and write it to the corresponding pixel in the destination image.
    // 创建源坐标系下的网格,从源中读取每个点,将他写入到目标图片的同一位置。
        int pixel = 0;
        ImageUtils::PixelReader ia(image);
        double xfac = (image->s() - 1) / src_extent.width();
        double yfac = (image->t() - 1) / src_extent.height();
        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < width; ++c)
            for (unsigned int r = 0; r < height; ++r)
                double src_x = srcPointsX[pixel];
                double src_y = srcPointsY[pixel];

                if ( src_x < src_extent.xMin() || src_x > src_extent.xMax() || src_y < src_extent.yMin() || src_y > src_extent.yMax() )
                    //If the sample point is outside of the bound of the source extent, increment the pixel and keep looping through.
                    //OE_WARN << LC << "ERROR: sample point out of bounds: " << src_x << ", " << src_y << std::endl;

                // 根据当前位置和边界的距离,计算比例进行重新映射,算出目标范围所对应的像素值的索引
                float px = (src_x - src_extent.xMin()) * xfac;
                float py = (src_y - src_extent.yMin()) * yfac;

                int px_i = osg::clampBetween( (int)osg::round(px), 0, image->s()-1 );
                int py_i = osg::clampBetween( (int)osg::round(py), 0, image->t()-1 );

                osg::Vec4 color(0,0,0,0);

                // TODO: consider this again later. Causes blockiness.
                if ( !interpolate ) //! isSrcContiguous ) // non-contiguous space- use nearest neighbot
                    // 读取像素
                    color = ia(px_i, py_i);

                else // contiguous space - use bilinear sampling
                    // 基于当前px,py取临近四个方向的点,进行线性采样
                    int rowMin = osg::maximum((int)floor(py), 0);
                    int rowMax = osg::maximum(osg::minimum((int)ceil(py), (int)(image->t()-1)), 0);
                    int colMin = osg::maximum((int)floor(px), 0);
                    int colMax = osg::maximum(osg::minimum((int)ceil(px), (int)(image->s()-1)), 0);

                    if (rowMin > rowMax) rowMin = rowMax;
                    if (colMin > colMax) colMin = colMax;

                    // 去除四个点
                    osg::Vec4 urColor = ia(colMax, rowMax);
                    osg::Vec4 llColor = ia(colMin, rowMin);
                    osg::Vec4 ulColor = ia(colMin, rowMax);
                    osg::Vec4 lrColor = ia(colMax, rowMin);

                    /*Average Interpolation*/
                    /*double x_rem = px - (int)px;
                    double y_rem = py - (int)py;

                    double w00 = (1.0 - y_rem) * (1.0 - x_rem);
                    double w01 = (1.0 - y_rem) * x_rem;
                    double w10 = y_rem * (1.0 - x_rem);
                    double w11 = y_rem * x_rem;
                    double wsum = w00 + w01 + w10 + w11;
                    wsum = 1.0/wsum;

                    color.r() = (w00 * llColor.r() + w01 * lrColor.r() + w10 * ulColor.r() + w11 * urColor.r()) * wsum;
                    color.g() = (w00 * llColor.g() + w01 * lrColor.g() + w10 * ulColor.g() + w11 * urColor.g()) * wsum;
                    color.b() = (w00 * llColor.b() + w01 * lrColor.b() + w10 * ulColor.b() + w11 * urColor.b()) * wsum;
                    color.a() = (w00 * llColor.a() + w01 * lrColor.a() + w10 * ulColor.a() + w11 * urColor.a()) * wsum;*/

                    /*Nearest Neighbor Interpolation*/
                    /*if (px_i >= 0 && px_i < image->s() &&
                    py_i >= 0 && py_i < image->t())
                    //OE_NOTICE << "[osgEarth::GeoData] Sampling pixel " << px << "," << py << std::endl;
                    color = ImageUtils::getColor(image, px_i, py_i);
                    OE_NOTICE << "[osgEarth::GeoData] Pixel out of range " << px_i << "," << py_i << "  image is " << image->s() << "x" << image->t() << std::endl;

                    /*Bilinear interpolation*/
                    //Check for exact value
                    if ((colMax == colMin) && (rowMax == rowMin))
                        //OE_NOTICE << "[osgEarth::GeoData] Exact value" << std::endl;
                        color = ia(px_i, py_i);
                    else if (colMax == colMin)
                        //OE_NOTICE << "[osgEarth::GeoData] Vertically" << std::endl;
                        //Linear interpolate vertically
                        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            color[i] = ((float)rowMax - py) * llColor[i] + (py - (float)rowMin) * ulColor[i];
                    else if (rowMax == rowMin)
                        //OE_NOTICE << "[osgEarth::GeoData] Horizontally" << std::endl;
                        //Linear interpolate horizontally
                        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            color[i] = ((float)colMax - px) * llColor[i] + (px - (float)colMin) * lrColor[i];
                        //OE_NOTICE << "[osgEarth::GeoData] Bilinear" << std::endl;
                        //Bilinear interpolate
                        float col1 = colMax - px, col2 = px - colMin;
                        float row1 = rowMax - py, row2 = py - rowMin;
                        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            float r1 = col1 * llColor[i] + col2 * lrColor[i];
                            float r2 = col1 * ulColor[i] + col2 * urColor[i];

                            //OE_INFO << "r1, r2 = " << r1 << " , " << r2 << std::endl;
                            color[i] = row1 * r1 + row2 * r2;

                writer(color, c, r);

        delete[] srcPointsX;

        return result;

gdal 图片重投影:

    createDataSetFromImage(const osg::Image* image, double minX, double minY, double maxX, double maxY, const std::string &projection)
        //Clone the incoming image
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> clonedImage = new osg::Image(*image);

        //Flip the image

        GDALDataType gdalDataType =
            image->getDataType() == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE  ? GDT_Byte :
            image->getDataType() == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT ? GDT_UInt16 :
            image->getDataType() == GL_FLOAT          ? GDT_Float32 :

        int numBands =
            image->getPixelFormat() == GL_RGBA      ? 4 :
            image->getPixelFormat() == GL_RGB       ? 3 :
            image->getPixelFormat() == GL_LUMINANCE ? 1 : 0;

        if ( numBands == 0 )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Failure in createDataSetFromImage: unsupported pixel format\n";
            return 0L;

        int pixelBytes =
            gdalDataType == GDT_Byte   ?   numBands :
            gdalDataType == GDT_UInt16 ? 2*numBands :
        GDALDataset* srcDS = createMemDS(image->s(), image->t(), numBands, gdalDataType, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, projection);

        if ( srcDS )
            CPLErr err = srcDS->RasterIO(
                0, 0,
                clonedImage->s(), clonedImage->t(),
                pixelBytes * image->s(),
            if ( err != CE_None )
                OE_WARN << LC << "RasterIO failed.\n";


        return srcDS;

    reprojectImage(osg::Image* srcImage, const std::string srcWKT, double srcMinX, double srcMinY, double srcMaxX, double srcMaxY,
                   const std::string destWKT, double destMinX, double destMinY, double destMaxX, double destMaxY,
                   int width = 0, int height = 0, bool useBilinearInterpolation = true)
        osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

        //Create a dataset from the source image
        GDALDataset* srcDS = createDataSetFromImage(srcImage, srcMinX, srcMinY, srcMaxX, srcMaxY, srcWKT);

        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Source image is " << srcImage->s() << "x" << srcImage->t() << " in " << srcWKT << std::endl;

        if (width == 0 || height == 0)
            double outgeotransform[6];
            double extents[4];
            void* transformer = GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer(srcDS, srcWKT.c_str(), NULL, destWKT.c_str(), 1, 0, 0);
                GDALGenImgProjTransform, transformer,
	    OE_DEBUG << "Creating warped output of " << width <<"x" << height << " in " << destWKT << std::endl;

        int numBands = srcDS->GetRasterCount();
        GDALDataType dataType = srcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
        GDALDataset* destDS = createMemDS(width, height, numBands, dataType, destMinX, destMinY, destMaxX, destMaxY, destWKT);

        if (useBilinearInterpolation == true)
            GDALReprojectImage(srcDS, NULL,
                               destDS, NULL,
            GDALReprojectImage(srcDS, NULL,
                               destDS, NULL,

        osg::Image* result = createImageFromDataset(destDS);
        delete srcDS;
        delete destDS;  

        osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

        OE_DEBUG << "Reprojected image in " << osg::Timer::instance()->delta_m(start,end) << std::endl;

        return result;


GeoImage geoImage = imageLayer->createImage( key, progress );

if ( geoImage.valid() )
    if ( imageLayer->isCoverage() )
        tex = createCoverageTexture(geoImage.getImage(), imageLayer);
        tex = createImageTexture(geoImage.getImage(), imageLayer);


if (tex)
    TerrainTileImageLayerModel* layerModel = new TerrainTileImageLayerModel();
    layerModel->setMatrix(new osg::RefMatrixf(textureMatrix));
    if (imageLayer->isShared())
    if (imageLayer->isDynamic())


if ( requirements == 0L || requirements->elevationTexturesRequired() )
        unsigned border = requirements->elevationBorderRequired() ? 1u : 0u;

        addElevation( model.get(), map, key, filter, border, progress );