??团队博客: 汽车电子社区
????1、开机后启动:开机时,android ams服务拉起Launcher。
????2、按键启动:比如短压home键,android wms中的PhoneWindowManager拉起Launcher。
????3、异常崩溃后启动:Launcher异常崩溃后,android ams再次拉起Launcher。
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java
public void systemReady(final Runnable goingCallback, TimingsTraceLog traceLog) {
synchronized(this) {
if (mSystemReady) {
// If we're done calling all the receivers, run the next "boot phase" passed in
// by the SystemServer
if (goingCallback != null) {
= LocalServices.getService(DeviceIdleController.LocalService.class);
// Make sure we have the current profile info, since it is needed for security checks.
mSystemReady = true;
try {
sTheRealBuildSerial = IDeviceIdentifiersPolicyService.Stub.asInterface(
} catch (RemoteException e) {}
ArrayList<ProcessRecord> procsToKill = null;
synchronized(mPidsSelfLocked) {
for (int i=mPidsSelfLocked.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
ProcessRecord proc = mPidsSelfLocked.valueAt(i);
if (!isAllowedWhileBooting(proc.info)){
if (procsToKill == null) {
procsToKill = new ArrayList<ProcessRecord>();
synchronized(this) {
if (procsToKill != null) {
for (int i=procsToKill.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
ProcessRecord proc = procsToKill.get(i);
Slog.i(TAG, "Removing system update proc: " + proc);
mProcessList.removeProcessLocked(proc, true, false, "system update done");
// Now that we have cleaned up any update processes, we
// are ready to start launching real processes and know that
// we won't trample on them any more.
mProcessesReady = true;
Slog.i(TAG, "System now ready");
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.BOOT_PROGRESS_AMS_READY, SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
final PowerManagerInternal pmi = LocalServices.getService(PowerManagerInternal.class);
if (pmi != null) {
state -> updateForceBackgroundCheck(state.batterySaverEnabled));
} else {
Slog.wtf(TAG, "PowerManagerInternal not found.");
if (goingCallback != null) goingCallback.run();
// Check the current user here as a user can be started inside goingCallback.run() from
// other system services.
final int currentUserId = mUserController.getCurrentUserId();
Slog.i(TAG, "Current user:" + currentUserId);
if (currentUserId != UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM && !mUserController.isSystemUserStarted()) {
// User other than system user has started. Make sure that system user is already
// started before switching user.
throw new RuntimeException("System user not started while current user is:"
+ currentUserId);
Integer.toString(currentUserId), currentUserId);
Integer.toString(currentUserId), currentUserId);
// On Automotive, at this point the system user has already been started and unlocked,
// and some of the tasks we do here have already been done. So skip those in that case.
// TODO(b/132262830): this workdound shouldn't be necessary once we move the
// headless-user start logic to UserManager-land
final boolean bootingSystemUser = currentUserId == UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM;
if (bootingSystemUser) {
synchronized (this) {
// Only start up encryption-aware persistent apps; once user is
// unlocked we'll come back around and start unaware apps
// Start up initial activity.
mBooting = true;
// Enable home activity for system user, so that the system can always boot. We don't
// do this when the system user is not setup since the setup wizard should be the one
// to handle home activity in this case.
if (UserManager.isSplitSystemUser() &&
Settings.Secure.USER_SETUP_COMPLETE, 0) != 0) {
ComponentName cName = new ComponentName(mContext, SystemUserHomeActivity.class);
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
if (bootingSystemUser) {
// 启动Home,也就是Launcher
mAtmInternal.startHomeOnAllDisplays(currentUserId, "systemReady");
if (bootingSystemUser) {
final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_USER_STARTED);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, currentUserId);
broadcastIntentLocked(null, null, intent,
null, null, 0, null, null, null, OP_NONE,
null, false, false, MY_PID, SYSTEM_UID, callingUid, callingPid,
intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_USER_STARTING);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, currentUserId);
broadcastIntentLocked(null, null, intent,
null, new IIntentReceiver.Stub() {
public void performReceive(Intent intent, int resultCode, String data,
Bundle extras, boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendingUser)
throws RemoteException {
}, 0, null, null,
null, true, false, MY_PID, SYSTEM_UID, callingUid, callingPid,
} catch (Throwable t) {
Slog.wtf(TAG, "Failed sending first user broadcasts", t);
} finally {
} else {
Slog.i(TAG, "Not sending multi-user broadcasts for non-system user "
+ currentUserId);
mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(false /* scheduleIdle */);
if (bootingSystemUser) {
mUserController.sendUserSwitchBroadcasts(-1, currentUserId);
new BinderInternal.BinderProxyLimitListener() {
public void onLimitReached(int uid) {
Slog.wtf(TAG, "Uid " + uid + " sent too many Binders to uid "
+ Process.myUid());
if (uid == Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Skipping kill (uid is SYSTEM)");
} else {
killUid(UserHandle.getAppId(uid), UserHandle.getUserId(uid),
"Too many Binders sent to SYSTEM");
}, mHandler);
traceLog.traceEnd(); // ActivityManagerStartApps
traceLog.traceEnd(); // PhaseActivityManagerReady
// android/frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityTaskManagerService.java
final class LocalService extends ActivityTaskManagerInternal {
public boolean startHomeOnAllDisplays(int userId, String reason) {
synchronized (mGlobalLock) {
// 这个对象是RootActivityContainer类型
return mRootActivityContainer.startHomeOnAllDisplays(userId, reason);
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/RootActivityContainer.java
boolean startHomeOnAllDisplays(int userId, String reason) {
boolean homeStarted = false;
for (int i = mActivityDisplays.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final int displayId = mActivityDisplays.get(i).mDisplayId;
homeStarted |= startHomeOnDisplay(userId, reason, displayId);
return homeStarted;
boolean startHomeOnDisplay(int userId, String reason, int displayId) {
// allowInstrumenting :false
// fromHomeKey : false
return startHomeOnDisplay(userId, reason, displayId, false /* allowInstrumenting */,
false /* fromHomeKey */);
boolean startHomeOnDisplay(int userId, String reason, int displayId, boolean allowInstrumenting,
boolean fromHomeKey) {
// 如果DisplayID是非法的,使用当前处于顶层焦点的 Display
// Fallback to top focused display if the displayId is invalid.
if (displayId == INVALID_DISPLAY) {
displayId = getTopDisplayFocusedStack().mDisplayId;
// 构建一个Intent
Intent homeIntent = null;
ActivityInfo aInfo = null;
if (displayId == DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
// 如果DisplayID是默认的Display(一般是主屏)
// 调用ActivityTaskManagerService的getHomeIntent,拿到用来启动Home的Intent
homeIntent = mService.getHomeIntent();
// 查找当前系统里包含 android.intent.category.HOME的Activity。
// 择优选择使用哪个Activity
aInfo = resolveHomeActivity(userId, homeIntent);
} else if (shouldPlaceSecondaryHomeOnDisplay(displayId)) {
// 如果不是默认Display屏幕
Pair<ActivityInfo, Intent> info = resolveSecondaryHomeActivity(userId, displayId);
aInfo = info.first;
homeIntent = info.second;
if (aInfo == null || homeIntent == null) {
return false;
// 判断是否运行启动Home
if (!canStartHomeOnDisplay(aInfo, displayId, allowInstrumenting)) {
return false;
// 更新Home Intent
// Updates the home component of the intent.
homeIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName(aInfo.applicationInfo.packageName, aInfo.name));
homeIntent.setFlags(homeIntent.getFlags() | FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
// 如果是从HomeKey启动的,添加额外参数、
// Updates the extra information of the intent.
if (fromHomeKey) {
homeIntent.putExtra(WindowManagerPolicy.EXTRA_FROM_HOME_KEY, true);
// Update the reason for ANR debugging to verify if the user activity is the one that
// actually launched.
final String myReason = reason + ":" + userId + ":" + UserHandle.getUserId(
aInfo.applicationInfo.uid) + ":" + displayId;
// 启动Home
mService.getActivityStartController().startHomeActivity(homeIntent, aInfo, myReason,
return true;
??startHomeOnDisplay函数中查询当前系统中包含 android.intent.category.HOME信息的Activity(resolveHomeActivity),如果找到了多个Activity则选择高优先级的。根据查找的Activity信息构建Intent,使用ActivityTaskManagerService的ActivityStartController启动Home对应的Activity。
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityTaskManagerService.java
Intent getHomeIntent() {
// String mTopAction = Intent.ACTION_MAIN;
Intent intent = new Intent(mTopAction, mTopData != null ? Uri.parse(mTopData) : null);
if (mFactoryTest != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
// 非FactoryTest模式下走这里。
// android.intent.category.HOME
return intent;
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/RootActivityContainer.java
* This resolves the home activity info.
* @return the home activity info if any.
ActivityInfo resolveHomeActivity(int userId, Intent homeIntent) {
final ComponentName comp = homeIntent.getComponent();
try {
if (comp != null) {
// Factory test.
} else {
final String resolvedType =
// 调用PMS查找信息
final ResolveInfo info = AppGlobals.getPackageManager()
.resolveIntent(homeIntent, resolvedType, flags, userId);
if (info != null) {
aInfo = info.activityInfo;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// ignore
aInfo = new ActivityInfo(aInfo);
aInfo.applicationInfo = mService.getAppInfoForUser(aInfo.applicationInfo, userId);
return aInfo;
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityStartController.java
void startHomeActivity(Intent intent, ActivityInfo aInfo, String reason, int displayId) {
final ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.makeBasic();
if (!ActivityRecord.isResolverActivity(aInfo.name)) {
// The resolver activity shouldn't be put in home stack because when the foreground is
// standard type activity, the resolver activity should be put on the top of current
// foreground instead of bring home stack to front.
// 启动Activity
mLastHomeActivityStartResult = obtainStarter(intent, "startHomeActivity: " + reason)
mLastHomeActivityStartRecord = tmpOutRecord[0];
final ActivityDisplay display =
final ActivityStack homeStack = display != null ? display.getHomeStack() : null;
if (homeStack != null && homeStack.mInResumeTopActivity) {
// If we are in resume section already, home activity will be initialized, but not
// resumed (to avoid recursive resume) and will stay that way until something pokes it
// again. We need to schedule another resume.
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/InputManagerService.java
// Native callback.
private long interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(IBinder focus, KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) {
// native层的 inputservice,通过这个接口上报回调
return mWindowManagerCallbacks.interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(focus, event, policyFlags);
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/InputManagerCallback.java
Provides an opportunity for the window manager policy to process a key before
ordinary dispatch.
public long interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(IBinder focus, KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) {
WindowState windowState = mService.windowForClientLocked(null, focus, false);
return mService.mPolicy.interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(windowState, event, policyFlags);
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/policy/PhoneWindowManager.java
private long interceptKeyBeforeDispatchingInner(WindowState win, KeyEvent event,
int policyFlags) {
final boolean keyguardOn = keyguardOn();
final int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
final int repeatCount = event.getRepeatCount();
final int metaState = event.getMetaState();
final int flags = event.getFlags();
final boolean down = event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
final boolean canceled = event.isCanceled();
final int displayId = event.getDisplayId();
// First we always handle the home key here, so applications
// can never break it, although if keyguard is on, we do let
// it handle it, because that gives us the correct 5 second
// timeout.
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME) {
// 处理HomeKey
DisplayHomeButtonHandler handler = mDisplayHomeButtonHandlers.get(displayId);
if (handler == null) {
handler = new DisplayHomeButtonHandler(displayId);
mDisplayHomeButtonHandlers.put(displayId, handler);
return handler.handleHomeButton(win, event);
} else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) {
// 省略
/** A handler to handle home keys per display */
private class DisplayHomeButtonHandler {
int handleHomeButton(WindowState win, KeyEvent event) {
final boolean keyguardOn = keyguardOn();
final int repeatCount = event.getRepeatCount();
final boolean down = event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
final boolean canceled = event.isCanceled();
// If we have released the home key, and didn't do anything else
// while it was pressed, then it is time to go home!
if (!down) {
// 省略
// Post to main thread to avoid blocking input pipeline.
// 处理短压Home
mHandler.post(() -> handleShortPressOnHome(mDisplayId));
return -1;
// 省略
return -1;
private void handleShortPressOnHome(int displayId) {
// Turn on the connected TV and switch HDMI input if we're a HDMI playback device.
final HdmiControl hdmiControl = getHdmiControl();
if (hdmiControl != null) {
// If there's a dream running then use home to escape the dream
// but don't actually go home.
if (mDreamManagerInternal != null && mDreamManagerInternal.isDreaming()) {
mDreamManagerInternal.stopDream(false /*immediate*/);
// 启动Home
// Go home!
??PhoneWindowManager针对每个Display创建一个DisplayHomeButtonHandler ,通过它处理HomeKey。在启动Home期间如果开始了dream模式(类似于屏保),会先退出dream。最后调用launchHomeFromHotKey来启动Home,后续流程基本上与Home开机启动一致了。
public void forceStopPackage(final String packageName, int userId) {
try {
IPackageManager pm = AppGlobals.getPackageManager();
synchronized(this) {
int[] users = userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL
? mUserController.getUsers() : new int[] { userId };
for (int user : users) {
if (mUserController.isUserRunning(user, 0)) {
// 对每个运行的User,停掉 packageName对应的应用
forceStopPackageLocked(packageName, pkgUid, "from pid " + callingPid);
finishForceStopPackageLocked(packageName, pkgUid);
} finally {
??forceStopPackageLocked函数中,会先Kill掉应用对应的进程。然后 resume focused app,在resume的过程中会拉起Home。
final boolean forceStopPackageLocked(String packageName, int appId,
boolean callerWillRestart, boolean purgeCache, boolean doit,
boolean evenPersistent, boolean uninstalling, int userId, String reason) {
// kill进程
boolean didSomething = mProcessList.killPackageProcessesLocked(packageName, appId, userId,
ProcessList.INVALID_ADJ, callerWillRestart, true /* allowRestart /, doit,
* evenPersistent, true /* setRemoved */,
packageName == null ? ("stop user " + userId) : ("stop " + packageName));
if (doit) {
if (purgeCache && packageName != null) {
AttributeCache ac = AttributeCache.instance();
if (ac != null) {
if (mBooted) {
// resume focused app
// 通过这个函数重新拉起Home
mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(true /* scheduleIdle */);
return didSomething;
??调用ActivityTaskManagerServiced的resumeTopActivities函数。在 Home崩溃的情况下,调用这个函数,可以保证Home重新被拉起(这个函数最终会调用到RootActivityContainer 的resumeHomeActivity函数。感兴趣的可以继续顺着代码往下看)
public void resumeTopActivities(boolean scheduleIdle) {
synchronized (mGlobalLock) {
if (scheduleIdle) {
// frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/RootActivityContainer.java
boolean resumeFocusedStacksTopActivities(
ActivityStack targetStack, ActivityRecord target, ActivityOptions targetOptions) {
for (int displayNdx = mActivityDisplays.size() - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) {
// 省略
if (!resumedOnDisplay) {
// In cases when there are no valid activities (e.g. device just booted or launcher
// crashed) it's possible that nothing was resumed on a display. Requesting resume
// of top activity in focused stack explicitly will make sure that at least home
// activity is started and resumed, and no recursion occurs.
final ActivityStack focusedStack = display.getFocusedStack();
if (focusedStack != null) {
focusedStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(target, targetOptions);
return result;