简介: CSDN博客专家,专注Android/Linux系统,分享多mic语音方案、音视频、编解码等技术,与大家一起成长!
人生格言: 人生从来没有捷径,只有行动才是治疗恐惧和懒惰的唯一良药.
binaryDigit = "0" | "1";
title All EBNF elements managed by PlantUML
(* Nodes *)
litteral = "a";
special = ? a ?;
rule = a;
(* Edges *)
required = a;
optional = [a];
zero_or_more = {a};
one_or_more = a, {a};
one_or_more_ebnf = {a}-;
zero_or_more_with_separator = [a, {',', a}];
one_or_more_with_separator = a, {',', a};
zero_or_more_with_terminator = {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator = a, ',', {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator_ebnf = {a, ','}-;
alternative = a | b;
group = (a | b) , c;
without_group = a | b , c;
(* Example from §8.1 ISO-EBNF *)
h-tab = ? IS0 6429 character Horizontal Tabulation ? ;
new-line = { ? IS0 6429 character Carriage Return ? },
? IS0 6429 character Line Feed ?,
{ ? IS0 6429 character Carriage Return ? };
(* Other possible examples: *)
h-tab = ?Unicode U+0009?;
empty-special = ??;
(* Simplified Fortran example *)
Fortran_77_continuation_line = 5 * " ", '[...]', 66 * [character];
(* Minimal test *)
test = 4 * '2';
(* Example of §5.7 Syntactic-factor of ISO EBNF *)
aa = "A";
bb = 3 * aa, "B";
cc = 3 * [aa], "C";
dd = {aa}, "D";
ee = aa, {aa}, "E";
ff = 3 * aa, 3 * [aa], "F";
gg = 3 * {aa}, "D";
title Expanded mode
zero_or_more = {a};
one_or_more = a, {a};
one_or_more_ebnf = {a}-;
zero_or_more_with_separator = [a, {',', a}];
one_or_more_with_separator = a, {',', a};
zero_or_more_with_terminator = {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator = a, ',', {a, ','};
!pragma compact
title Compacted mode
zero_or_more = {a};
one_or_more = a, {a};
one_or_more_ebnf = {a}-;
zero_or_more_with_separator = [a, {',', a}];
one_or_more_with_separator = a, {',', a};
zero_or_more_with_terminator = {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator = a, ',', {a, ','};
title Comments
(* Notes for Rule1 *)
Rule1 = {"a-z" (* any letter *) };
(* Notes for Rule2 *)
Rule2 =;
(* Additional notes and references *)
title Title
not_styled_ebnf = {"a", c , "a" (* Note on a *)}
| ? special ?
| "repetition", 4 * '2';
(* Global End Note *)
element {
ebnf {
LineColor blue
Fontcolor green
Backgroundcolor palegreen
note {
Backgroundcolor pink
title Title
styled_ebnf = {"a", c , "a" (* Note on a *)}
| ? special ?
| "repetition", 4 * '2';
(* Global End Note *)
title LISP Grammar
grammars_expression = atomic_symbol | "(", s_expression, ".", s_expression, ")" | list;
list = "(", s_expression, { s_expression }, ")";
atomic_symbol = letter, atom_part;
atom_part = empty | letter, atom_part | number, atom_part;
letter = ? a-z ?;
number = ? 1-9 ?;
empty = " ";
CompilationUnit = OrdinaryCompilationUnit | ModularCompilationUnit;
OrdinaryCompilationUnit = [PackageDeclaration], {ImportDeclaration}, {TopLevelClassOrInterfaceDeclaration};
ModularCompilationUnit = {ImportDeclaration}, ModuleDeclaration;
PackageDeclaration = {PackageModifier}, "package", Identifier, {Identifier}, ";";
PackageModifier = Annotation;
ImportDeclaration = SingleTypeImportDeclaration | TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration | SingleStaticImportDeclaration | StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration;
SingleTypeImportDeclaration = "import", TypeName, ";";
TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration = "import", PackageOrTypeName, ".*", ";";
SingleStaticImportDeclaration = "import", "static", TypeName, ".", Identifier, ";";
StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration = "import", "static", TypeName, ".*", ";";
TopLevelClassOrInterfaceDeclaration = (ClassDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration), ";";
ModuleDeclaration = {Annotation}, [open], "module", Identifier, {Identifier}, "{", {ModuleDirective} "}";
ModuleDirective = ("requires", {RequiresModifier}, ModuleName, ";") | ("exports", PackageName, ["to", ModuleName {"," ModuleName}], ";") | ("opens", PackageName, ["to" ModuleName {"," ModuleName}], ";") | ("uses", TypeName, ";") | ("provides", TypeName, "with", TypeName {"," TypeName}, ";");
RequiresModifier = "transitive" | "static";
Identifier = ?IdentifierChars but not a ReservedKeyword or BooleanLiteral or NullLiteral?;
IdentifierChars = JavaLetter, {JavaLetterOrDigit};
JavaLetter = ? any Unicode character that is a "Java letter" ?;
JavaLetterOrDigit = ? any Unicode character that is a "Java letter-or-digit" ?;
TypeIdentifier = ? Identifier but not permits, record, sealed, var, or yield ?;
UnqualifiedMethodIdentifier = ? Identifier but not yield ?;
Literal = IntegerLiteral | FloatingPointLiteral | BooleanLiteral | CharacterLiteral | StringLiteral | TextBlock | NullLiteral;