升级前IDOC 正常,升级后产生的问题, 背景外围系统向sap 传输相关数据产生IDOC 报错:
Field LFA1-MIN_COMP. does not exist in the screen SAPMF02K 0120
Field LFA1-TERM_LI. does not exist in the screen SAPMF02K 0120
Field LFA1-CRC_NUM. does not exist in the screen SAPMF02K 0120
Field LFM1-INCO3_L. does not exist in the screen SAPMF02K 0310
Field LFM1-INCO2_L. does not exist in the screen SAPMF02K 0310
Field LFM1-INCOV. does not exist in the screen SAPMF02K 0310
报上述相关错误,查找相关NOTE ,未找到合适的NOTE,DEBUG 分析后找到增强点
?对上面两个FORM 进行增强
"Bulid Range Table
lt_ktokk_r = VALUE #( FOR ls_ktokk IN lt_ktokk ( sign = lc_sign
option = lc_option
low = ls_ktokk ) ).
IF lt_ktokk_r IS NOT INITIAL.
IF lfa1-ktokk IN lt_ktokk_r AND lfa1-ktokk IS NOT INITIAL.
IF blfa1-min_comp IS INITIAL.
blfa1-min_comp = nodata.
IF blfa1-term_li IS INITIAL.
blfa1-term_li = nodata.
IF blfa1-crc_num IS INITIAL.
blfa1-crc_num = nodata.
?range 表内容是根据业务需求限定的范围,走增强逻辑
310 FORM 增强同上。
经过测试,可以避免上述报错 了