Optional Lab: Feature Engineering and Polynomial Regression



In this lab you will explore feature engineering(特征工程) and polynomial regression(多项式回归),使我们可以使用线性回归机制来拟合非常复杂甚至非线性的函数


You will utilize the function developed in previous labs as well as matplotlib and NumPy.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lab_utils_multi import zscore_normalize_features, run_gradient_descent_feng
np.set_printoptions(precision=2)  # reduced display precision on numpy arrays

Feature Engineering and Polynomial Regression Overview

f w , b = w 0 x 0 + w 1 x 1 + . . . + w n ? 1 x n ? 1 + b (1) f_{\mathbf{w},b} = w_0x_0 + w_1x_1+ ... + w_{n-1}x_{n-1} + b \tag{1} fw,b?=w0?x0?+w1?x1?+...+wn?1?xn?1?+b(1)
如果特征/数据是非线性的或是特征的组合该怎么办?例如,房价不倾向于与居住面积成线性关系but penalize very small or very large houses resulting in the curves shown in the graphic above,我们如何使用线性回归机制来拟合这条曲线?我们可以修改 (1) 中的参数 w \mathbf{w} w b \mathbf{b} b 从而将方程“拟合”到训练数据,however no amount of adjusting of w \mathbf{w} w, b \mathbf{b} b in (1) will实现对非线性曲线的拟合

Polynomial Features

上面我们考虑了一个数据是非线性的场景,让我们试着用我们目前学到的来拟合一条非线性曲线,从一个简单的二次方开始: y = 1 + x 2 y = 1+x^2 y=1+x2

You’re familiar with all the routines we’re using. 这些可以在文件lab_utils.py中查看,我们将使用np.c_[..] which is a NumPy routine to concatenate along the column boundary.

# create target data
x = np.arange(0, 20, 1)
y = 1 + x**2
X = x.reshape(-1, 1)

model_w,model_b = run_gradient_descent_feng(X,y,iterations=1000, alpha = 1e-2)

plt.scatter(x, y, marker='x', c='r', label="Actual Value"); plt.title("no feature engineering")
plt.plot(x,X@model_w + model_b, label="Predicted Value");  plt.xlabel("X"); plt.ylabel("y"); plt.legend(); plt.show()


Iteration         0, Cost: 1.65756e+03
Iteration       100, Cost: 6.94549e+02
Iteration       200, Cost: 5.88475e+02
Iteration       300, Cost: 5.26414e+02
Iteration       400, Cost: 4.90103e+02
Iteration       500, Cost: 4.68858e+02
Iteration       600, Cost: 4.56428e+02
Iteration       700, Cost: 4.49155e+02
Iteration       800, Cost: 4.44900e+02
Iteration       900, Cost: 4.42411e+02
w,b found by gradient descent: w: [18.7], b: -52.0834

不出所料,并不是很合适,我们需要的是 y = w 0 x 0 2 + b y= w_0x_0^2 + b y=w0?x02?+b 或多项式特征,为此,可以修改input data to engineer the needed features
如果将原始数据 x x x 替换为 x x x 的平方,可以得到 y = w 0 x 0 2 + b y= w_0x_0^2 + b y=w0?x02?+b ,let’s try it

# create target data
x = np.arange(0, 20, 1)
y = 1 + x**2

# Engineer features 
X = x**2      #<-- added engineered feature
X = X.reshape(-1, 1)  #X should be a 2-D Matrix
model_w,model_b = run_gradient_descent_feng(X, y, iterations=10000, alpha = 1e-5)

plt.scatter(x, y, marker='x', c='r', label="Actual Value"); plt.title("Added x**2 feature")
plt.plot(x, np.dot(X,model_w) + model_b, label="Predicted Value"); plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y"); plt.legend(); plt.show()


Iteration         0, Cost: 7.32922e+03
Iteration      1000, Cost: 2.24844e-01
Iteration      2000, Cost: 2.22795e-01
Iteration         0, Cost: 7.32922e+03
Iteration      1000, Cost: 2.24844e-01
Iteration      2000, Cost: 2.22795e-01
Iteration      3000, Cost: 2.20764e-01
Iteration      4000, Cost: 2.18752e-01
Iteration      5000, Cost: 2.16758e-01
Iteration      3000, Cost: 2.20764e-01
Iteration      4000, Cost: 2.18752e-01
Iteration      5000, Cost: 2.16758e-01
Iteration      6000, Cost: 2.14782e-01
Iteration      7000, Cost: 2.12824e-01
Iteration      8000, Cost: 2.10884e-01
Iteration      6000, Cost: 2.14782e-01
Iteration      7000, Cost: 2.12824e-01
Iteration      8000, Cost: 2.10884e-01
Iteration      9000, Cost: 2.08962e-01
w,b found by gradient descent: w: [1.], b: 0.0490
Iteration      9000, Cost: 2.08962e-01
w,b found by gradient descent: w: [1.], b: 0.0490

近乎完美的拟合,注意 w \mathbf{w} w 和 b 值在图像的正上方,梯度下降将 w \mathbf{w} w 和 b 的初始值修改为 (1.0,0.049) 或者模型 y = 1 ? x 0 2 + 0.049 y=1*x_0^2+0.049 y=1?x02?+0.049,与我们的目标 y = 1 ? x 0 2 + 1 y=1*x_0^2+1 y=1?x02?+1 非常接近,如果运行时间更长,会更加符合

Selecting Features

通过上面,我们知道 x 2 x^2 x2 项是必须的
需要哪些特征并不是显而易见的,我们可以通过尝试添加各种潜在的特征来找到最有用的,比如尝试: y = w 0 x 0 + w 1 x 1 2 + w 2 x 2 3 + b y=w_0x_0 + w_1x_1^2 + w_2x_2^3+b y=w0?x0?+w1?x12?+w2?x23?+b

# create target data
x = np.arange(0, 20, 1)
y = x**2

# engineer features .
X = np.c_[x, x**2, x**3]   #<-- added engineered feature
model_w,model_b = run_gradient_descent_feng(X, y, iterations=10000, alpha=1e-7)

plt.scatter(x, y, marker='x', c='r', label="Actual Value"); plt.title("x, x**2, x**3 features")
plt.plot(x, X@model_w + model_b, label="Predicted Value"); plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y"); plt.legend(); plt.show()


Iteration         0, Cost: 1.14029e+03
Iteration      1000, Cost: 3.28539e+02
Iteration      2000, Cost: 2.80443e+02
Iteration         0, Cost: 1.14029e+03
Iteration      1000, Cost: 3.28539e+02
Iteration      2000, Cost: 2.80443e+02
Iteration      3000, Cost: 2.39389e+02
Iteration      4000, Cost: 2.04344e+02
Iteration      5000, Cost: 1.74430e+02
Iteration      3000, Cost: 2.39389e+02
Iteration      4000, Cost: 2.04344e+02
Iteration      5000, Cost: 1.74430e+02
Iteration      6000, Cost: 1.48896e+02
Iteration      7000, Cost: 1.27100e+02
Iteration      8000, Cost: 1.08495e+02
Iteration      6000, Cost: 1.48896e+02
Iteration      7000, Cost: 1.27100e+02
Iteration      8000, Cost: 1.08495e+02
Iteration      9000, Cost: 9.26132e+01
w,b found by gradient descent: w: [0.08 0.54 0.03], b: 0.0106
Iteration      9000, Cost: 9.26132e+01
w,b found by gradient descent: w: [0.08 0.54 0.03], b: 0.0106

注意 w \mathbf{w} w 的值为[0.08 0.54 0.03],b 的值为 0.0106,这意味着拟合/训练后的模型为:
0.08 x + 0.54 x 2 + 0.03 x 3 + 0.0106 0.08x + 0.54x^2 + 0.03x^3 + 0.0106 0.08x+0.54x2+0.03x3+0.0106
梯度下降强调了最适合 x 2 x^2 x2 的数据是通过增加 w 1 w_1 w1? 项(相比其他项来说)实现的,如果要运行很长时间,它将持续减少其他项的影响


  • 首先,这些特征被重新放缩,以便相互比较
  • 较小的权重值意味着不太重要/正确的特征,在极端情况下,当权重变成0或者非常接近0时,相关的特征在模型拟合数据中是有用的
  • 以上,在拟合后,与 x 2 x^2 x2 这个特征相关的权重比 x x x x 3 x^3 x3 大得多,因为它在拟合数据中是最useful的

An Alternate View


# create target data
x = np.arange(0, 20, 1)
y = x**2

# engineer features .
X = np.c_[x, x**2, x**3]   #<-- added engineered feature
X_features = ['x','x^2','x^3']
fig,ax=plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3), sharey=True)
for i in range(len(ax)):

通过上图可以看出,很明显根据目标值 y y y 映射的特征 x 2 x^2 x2 是线性的,线性回归可以很容易地使用该特征生成模型。

Scaling features

在上面的例子中, x x x x 2 x^2 x2 x 3 x^3 x3 明显具有非常不同的尺度,让我们对其运用归一化

# create target data
x = np.arange(0,20,1)
X = np.c_[x, x**2, x**3]
print(f"Peak to Peak range by column in Raw        X:{np.ptp(X,axis=0)}")

# add mean_normalization 
X = zscore_normalize_features(X)     
print(f"Peak to Peak range by column in Normalized X:{np.ptp(X,axis=0)}")


Peak to Peak range by column in Raw        X:[  19  361 6859]
Peak to Peak range by column in Normalized X:[3.3  3.18 3.28]


x = np.arange(0,20,1)
y = x**2

X = np.c_[x, x**2, x**3]
X = zscore_normalize_features(X) 

model_w, model_b = run_gradient_descent_feng(X, y, iterations=100000, alpha=1e-1)

plt.scatter(x, y, marker='x', c='r', label="Actual Value"); plt.title("Normalized x x**2, x**3 feature")
plt.plot(x,X@model_w + model_b, label="Predicted Value"); plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y"); plt.legend(); plt.show()


Iteration         0, Cost: 9.42147e+03
Iteration         0, Cost: 9.42147e+03
Iteration     10000, Cost: 3.90938e-01
Iteration     10000, Cost: 3.90938e-01
Iteration     20000, Cost: 2.78389e-02
Iteration     20000, Cost: 2.78389e-02
Iteration     30000, Cost: 1.98242e-03
Iteration     30000, Cost: 1.98242e-03
Iteration     40000, Cost: 1.41169e-04
Iteration     40000, Cost: 1.41169e-04
Iteration     50000, Cost: 1.00527e-05
Iteration     50000, Cost: 1.00527e-05
Iteration     60000, Cost: 7.15855e-07
Iteration     60000, Cost: 7.15855e-07
Iteration     70000, Cost: 5.09763e-08
Iteration     70000, Cost: 5.09763e-08
Iteration     80000, Cost: 3.63004e-09
Iteration     80000, Cost: 3.63004e-09
Iteration     90000, Cost: 2.58497e-10
Iteration     90000, Cost: 2.58497e-10
w,b found by gradient descent: w: [5.27e-05 1.13e+02 8.43e-05], b: 123.5000

再次注意 w \mathbf{w} w 的值, w 1 w_1 w1? 项即表明 x 2 x^2 x2 项是最受重视的,梯度下降几乎消除了 x 3 x^3 x3

Complex Functions


x = np.arange(0,20,1)
y = np.cos(x/2)

X = np.c_[x, x**2, x**3,x**4, x**5, x**6, x**7, x**8, x**9, x**10, x**11, x**12, x**13]
X = zscore_normalize_features(X) 

model_w,model_b = run_gradient_descent_feng(X, y, iterations=1000000, alpha = 1e-1)

plt.scatter(x, y, marker='x', c='r', label="Actual Value"); plt.title("Normalized x x**2, x**3 feature")
plt.plot(x,X@model_w + model_b, label="Predicted Value"); plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y"); plt.legend(); plt.show()


Iteration         0, Cost: 2.24887e-01
Iteration         0, Cost: 2.24887e-01
Iteration    100000, Cost: 2.31061e-02
Iteration    100000, Cost: 2.31061e-02
Iteration    200000, Cost: 1.83619e-02
Iteration    200000, Cost: 1.83619e-02
Iteration    300000, Cost: 1.47950e-02
Iteration    300000, Cost: 1.47950e-02
Iteration    400000, Cost: 1.21114e-02
Iteration    400000, Cost: 1.21114e-02
Iteration    500000, Cost: 1.00914e-02
Iteration    500000, Cost: 1.00914e-02
Iteration    600000, Cost: 8.57025e-03
Iteration    600000, Cost: 8.57025e-03
Iteration    700000, Cost: 7.42385e-03
Iteration    700000, Cost: 7.42385e-03
Iteration    800000, Cost: 6.55908e-03
Iteration    800000, Cost: 6.55908e-03
Iteration    900000, Cost: 5.90594e-03
Iteration    900000, Cost: 5.90594e-03
w,b found by gradient descent: w: [-1.61e+00 -1.01e+01  3.00e+01 -6.92e-01 -2.37e+01 -1.51e+01  2.09e+01
 -2.29e-03 -4.69e-03  5.51e-02  1.07e-01 -2.53e-02  6.49e-02], b: -0.0073



In this lab you:

  • 学习了线性回归如何使用特征工程对复杂甚至高度非线性的函数进行建模
  • 认识到在进行特征工程时使用特征放缩很重要