安装PyPDF2 包
pip install PyPDF2
我们将改造之前写的load_landsat_image 方法,来实现PDF文件的创建。整个图像对于 PDF 文件来说太大,为了保持长宽比不变,我们将只接收宽度作为参数,然后计算相应的高度,并将其传递给 rasterio 的读取函数,使用 create_rgb 函数创建 RGB 图像。请注意,我们会剪切大于 1 的值,因为我们需要 [0...1] 之间的值,以避免之后创建 PDF 时出现问题。创建 RGB 图像后,我们将不使用 plt.imshow 显示图像,而是直接使用 plt.imsave 将其保存为 .PDF 文件。
import rasterio
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def load_landsat_image(img_folder, bands, width=None):
# initialize the dictionaries
image = {}
ds = {}
path = Path(img_folder)
# adjust the out_shape
if width is not None:
out_shape = (int(width/7601 * 7761), width)
print(f'Using output shape ({out_shape})')
out_shape = None
# loop through the given bands to load
for band in bands:
# considering the landsat images end with *_SR_B#.TIF, we will use it to locate the correct file
file = next(path.glob(f'*{band}.tif'))
print(f'Opening file {file}')
ds.update({band: rasterio.open(file)})
image.update({band: ds[band].read(1, out_shape=out_shape)})
return image, ds
def create_rgb(img, b_r, b_g, b_b, alpha=1.):
rgb = np.stack([img[b_r], img[b_g], img[b_b]], axis=-1)
rgb = rgb/rgb.max() * alpha
# clip values outside the boundaries
rgb[rgb>1] = 1
rgb[rgb<0] = 0
return rgb
# load the image
img, image_ds = load_landsat_image('D:/Images/Input/Landsat/LC08_L2SP_231062_20201026_20201106_02_T1/',
['B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'QA_PIXEL'],
# create the RGB for the image
rgb = create_rgb(img, 'B4', 'B3', 'B2', alpha=2.)
plt.imsave('d:/temp/rgb.pdf', rgb)
L8_flags = {
'dilated_cloud': 1<<1,