ZYNQ 7020 PL feature 解读


1. 组成

CLB, RAM, DSP, IO block,XADC, PCI-E, etc

2. CLK

Each device in the Zynq-7000 family has up to 8 clock management tiles (CMTs), each consisting of one mixed-mode clock manager (MMCM) and one phase-locked loop (PLL). See Table 5.

2.1,?Clock Distribution

Each device in the Zynq-7000 family provides six different types of clock lines (BUFG-global, BUFR-regionn, BUFIO, BUFH, BUFMR, and the high-performance clock) to address the different clocking requirements of high fanout, short propagation delay, and extremely low skew.

2.2,Global Clock Lines,

In each device, 32 global clock lines have the highest fanout and can reach every flip-flop clock, clock enable, and set/reset as well as many logic inputs. There are 12 global clock lines within any clock region driven by the horizontal clock buffers (BUFH). Each BUFH can be independently enabled/disabled, allowing for clocks to be turned off within a region, thereby offering fine-grain control over which clock regions consume power. Global clock lines can be driven by global clock buffers, which can also perform glitchless clock multiplexing and clock enable functions. Global clocks are often driven from the CMT, which can completely eliminate the basic clock distribution delay.

2.3,Regional Clocks,

Regional clocks can drive all clock destinations in their region. A region is defined as any area that is 50 I/O and 50 CLB high and half the device wide. Each device in the Zynq-7000 family has between four and fourteen regions. There are four regional clock tracks in every region. Each regional clock buffer can be driven from either of four clock-capable input pins, and its frequency can optionally be divided by any integer from 1 to 8.
