由于最近博主在压测接口的时候发现我接口出现卡死状态,最开始以为是我自己接口出现问题,单独压测我自己的服务(不经过网关)200/qps/10 次循环 是没问题,但是加上网关(zuul 1.x) 去发现 经过两次循环基本就不能访问,同时其他接口也不能访问,由此问题出现在zuul ,接着开始排查之路。
在刚才背景当时只是怀疑zuul 有问题,因为zuul 没有加降级熔断。是否是它需要排查去确认,我当时(测试环境)通过arthas 查看了内存、线程,发现大量waiting 线程,查询具体waiting 线程详细信息后发现有大量http 请求连接没有唤醒,处于watting 根本原因是连接没有关闭。后来又在本地压测通过jconsole 定位如图
发现和测试环境一样的大量阻塞线程,为啥阻塞就需要看看Zuul 和Ribbon 他们交互逻辑。下面是分析过程。
基于之前对zuul 1.x了解执行流程图
可以看到整个流程也就是route 会建立http连接请求。根据源码之后流程只有两种情况一种是成功执行post 另一种是出现异常执行error。
正常不抛异常的话SendResponseFilter 理论是最后一个filter 他会执行关闭操作
private void writeResponse() throws Exception {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
// there is no body to send
if (context.getResponseBody() == null
&& context.getResponseDataStream() == null) {
HttpServletResponse servletResponse = context.getResponse();
if (servletResponse.getCharacterEncoding() == null) { // only set if not set
String servletResponseContentEncoding = getResponseContentEncoding(context);
OutputStream outStream = servletResponse.getOutputStream();
InputStream is = null;
try {
if (context.getResponseBody() != null) {
String body = context.getResponseBody();
is = new ByteArrayInputStream(
else {
is = context.getResponseDataStream();
if (is != null && context.getResponseGZipped()) {
// if origin response is gzipped, and client has not requested gzip,
// decompress stream before sending to client
// else, stream gzip directly to client
if (isGzipRequested(context)) {
servletResponseContentEncoding = "gzip";
else {
servletResponseContentEncoding = null;
is = handleGzipStream(is);
if (servletResponseContentEncoding != null) {
if (is != null) {
writeResponse(is, outStream);
finally {
* We must ensure that the InputStream provided by our upstream pooling
* mechanism is ALWAYS closed even in the case of wrapped streams, which are
* supplied by pooled sources such as Apache's
* PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager. In that particular case, the underlying
* HTTP connection will be returned back to the connection pool iif either
* close() is explicitly called, a read error occurs, or the end of the
* underlying stream is reached. If, however a write error occurs, we will end
* up leaking a connection from the pool without an explicit close()
* @author Johannes Edmeier
if (is != null) {
try {
//关闭流 同时org.apache.http.conn.EofSensorInputStream 也会清除http 连接
catch (Exception ex) {
log.warn("Error while closing upstream input stream", ex);
// cleanup ThreadLocal when we are all done
if (buffers != null) {
try {
Object zuulResponse = context.get("zuulResponse");
if (zuulResponse instanceof Closeable) {
((Closeable) zuulResponse).close();
// The container will close the stream for us
catch (IOException ex) {
log.warn("Error while sending response to client: " + ex.getMessage());
EofSensorInputStream 关闭同时也会归还http连接。
通过上面代码分析,压测的时候发生异常,所以代码执行都会去SendErrorFilter run 方法 他会转发
dispatcher.forward(request, ctx.getResponse());
这个又会重新执行到ZuulServlet 中service 再次请求到之前的微服务接口。因此我们压测那个场景出现阻塞的原因就是:当并发线程高于配置资源后 rabbion http 连接池么有可用连接了,拿不到连接也没有熔断降级配置,抛异常最后执行到SendErrorFilter 这里没有对
public InputStream getResponseDataStream() {
return (InputStream) get("responseDataStream");
public class CustomFallbackProvider implements FallbackProvider {
public String getRoute() {
return "*";
public ClientHttpResponse fallbackResponse(String route, Throwable cause) {
return new ClientHttpResponse() {
* @return
public HttpStatus getStatusCode() throws IOException {
* @return
public int getRawStatusCode() throws IOException {
return this.getStatusCode().value();
* @return
public String getStatusText() throws IOException {
return this.getStatusCode().getReasonPhrase();
public void close() {
* @return
public InputStream getBody() {
String content = "网络异常,请稍后重试!";
return new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes());
* @return
public HttpHeaders getHeaders() {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
MediaType mediaType = new MediaType("application", "json", Charset.forName("utf-8"));
return headers;
我们有自定义的FallbackProvider 返回ClientHttpResponse 这样不会执行到SendErrorFilter 最后走的还是SendResponseFilter run 方法中关闭流归还连接。
继承ZuulFilter 设置Error 类型 Order 设置-1 保证有异常不去执行SendErrorFilter (context.remove(“throwable”); 之后shouldFilter 返回false 也就不会执行了) 核心代码如下:
public class ErrorFilter extends ZuulFilter {
public String filterType() {
return ERROR_TYPE;
public int filterOrder() {
return -1;
protected static final String SEND_ERROR_FILTER_RAN = "sendErrorFilter.ran";
public boolean shouldFilter() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
return ctx.getThrowable() != null && !ctx.getBoolean(SEND_ERROR_FILTER_RAN, false);
public Object run() {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
PrintWriter writer = null;
InputStream is = null;
try {
context.set(SEND_ERROR_FILTER_RAN, true);
ZuulException exception = findZuulException(context.getThrowable());
HttpServletResponse response = context.getResponse();
response.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf8");
is = context.getResponseDataStream();
writer = response.getWriter();
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("code", exception.nStatusCode);
map.put("msg", exception.errorCause);
map.put("detail", exception.getMessage());
String retStr = JSON.toJSONString(map);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (writer != null) {
return null;
protected ZuulException findZuulException(Throwable throwable) {
if (Objects.isNull(throwable)) {
return null;
if (throwable.getCause() instanceof ZuulRuntimeException) {
Throwable cause = null;
if (throwable.getCause().getCause() != null) {
cause = throwable.getCause().getCause().getCause();
if (cause instanceof ClientException && cause.getCause() != null
&& cause.getCause().getCause() instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
ZuulException zuulException = new ZuulException("", 504,
ZuulException.class.getName() + ": Hystrix Readed time out");
return zuulException;
if (throwable.getCause().getCause() instanceof ZuulException) {
return (ZuulException) throwable.getCause().getCause();
if (throwable.getCause() instanceof ZuulException) {
return (ZuulException) throwable.getCause();
if (throwable instanceof ZuulException) {
return (ZuulException) throwable;
return new ZuulException(throwable, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value(), null);
目前熔断和重新写Error filter 基本可以保证高并发下不发生连接泄露,但是要是性能追求更高 可以使用Nocos、Zuul2.x 等基于Netty 的网关框架。