(ros2/ros)__urdf文件: <Transmissions>



For every non-fixed joint, we need to specify a transmission, which tells Gazebo what to do with the joint. Let's start with the head joint. Add the following to your?URDF:




? ? ? ? 在书里面好像是关节只要定义运动方式就可以了,也没有说要添加Transmissions


? 1   <transmission name="head_swivel_trans">
? 2     <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>
? 3     <actuator name="$head_swivel_motor">
? 4       <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>
? 5     </actuator>
? 6     <joint name="head_swivel">
? 7       <hardwareInterface>hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface</hardwareInterface>
? 8     </joint>
? 9   </transmission>
  • For introductory purposes, just treat most of this chunk of code as boilerplate.
  • The first thing to note is the joint element. The name should match the joint declared earlier.
  • The hardwareInterface will be important as we explore the plugins.

You can run this URDF with our previous launch configuration.??roslaunch?urdf_sim_tutorial?09-joints.launch?model:=urdf/10-firsttransmission.urdf.xacro??

Now, the head is displayed properly in RViz because the head joint is listed in the joint_states messages.

  seq: 220
    secs: 4
    nsecs: 707000000
  frame_id: ''
name: ['head_swivel']
position: [-2.9051283156888985e-08]
velocity: [7.575990694887896e-06]
effort: [0.0]

We could continue adding transmissions for all the non-fixed joints (and we will) so that all the joints are properly published. But, there's more to life than just looking at robots. We want to control them. So, let's get another controller in here.

//? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? /? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?//

Joint Control()

Here's?the next controller config we're adding.

type: "position_controllers/JointPositionController"
joint: head_swivel

This specifies to use the a?JointPositionController?from the?position_controllers?package to control the head_swivel transmission. Note that hardware interface in the URDF for this joint matches the controller type.

Now we can launch this with the added config as before??roslaunch?urdf_sim_tutorial?10-head.launch?

Now Gazebo is subscribed to a new topic, and you can then control the position of the head by publishing a value in ROS.?rostopic?pub?/r2d2_head_controller/command?std_msgs/Float64?"data:?-0.707"

When this command is published, the position will immediately change to the specified value. This is because we did not specify any limits for the joint in our urdf. However, if we change the joint, it will move gradually.


? 1   <joint name="head_swivel" type="continuous">
? 2     <parent link="base_link"/>
? 3     <child link="head"/>
? 4     <axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
? 5     <origin xyz="0 0 ${bodylen/2}"/>
? 6     <limit effort="30" velocity="1.0"/>
? 7   </joint>

