


C++的 tuple_c++ tuple-CSDN博客

tuple 是 C++11 新标准里的类型,它是一个类似 pair 类型的模板。tuple 是一个固定大小的不同类型值的集合,是泛化的 std::pair。我们也可以把它当做一个通用的结构体来用,不需要创建结构体又获取结构体的特征,在某些情况下可以取代结构体使程序更简洁直观。std::tuple 理论上可以有无数个任意类型的成员变量,而 std::pair 只能是2个成员,因此在需要保存3个及以上的数据时就需要使用 tuple 元组,而且每个确定的 tuple 类型的成员数目是固定的。


tuple 所支持的操作

make_tuple(v1,v2,v3,v4…vn) :返回一个给定初始值初始化的tuple,类型从初始值推断。
t1 == t2 :当两个tuple具有相同数量的成员且成员对应相等时。
t1 != t2 :与上一个相反。
get(t) :返回t的第i个数据成员。
tuple_size::value :给定了tuple中成员的数量。

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;

int main()
? ? ? ? auto t3 = make_tuple(1, 2, "3c", 'F');

? ? ? ? cout<< "the 1st elem: " << get<0>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<0>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ? ? cout<< "the 2nd elem: " << get<1>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<1>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ? ? cout<< "the 3rd elem: " << get<2>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<2>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ? ? cout<< "the 4th elem: " << get<3>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<3>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ? ? return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;

void func(tuple<int> tp){printf("in func 1\n");}
void func(tuple<int , int > tp){printf("in func 2\n");}
void func(tuple<int , int , const char*> tp){printf("in func 3\n");}
void func(tuple<int , int , const char* , char > tp){ printf("in func 4\n");}

int main()
? ? ? ? auto t3 = make_tuple(1, 2, "3c", 'F');
? ? ? ? const int i = 0;
? ? ? ? cout<< "the 1st elem: " << get<i>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<0>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ? ? cout<< "the 2nd elem: " << get<1>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<1>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ? ? cout<< "the 3rd elem: " << get<2>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<2>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ? ? cout<< "the 4th elem: " << get<3>(t3) << ", is of type: " << typeid(get<3>(t3)).name()<< endl;
? ? ??? auto t2 = make_tuple(1, 2, "3c");
? ? ? ? auto t1 = make_tuple(1, 2);
? ? ? ? auto t0 = make_tuple(1);

? ? ? ? func(t2);
? ? ? ? func(t1);
? ? ? ? func(t0);

? ? ? ? return 0;



void func(tuple<int> tp){printf("in func 1\n");}
void func(tuple<int , int > tp){printf("in func 2\n");}
void func(tuple<int , int , const char*> tp){printf("in func 3\n");}
void func(tuple<int , int , const char* , char > tp){ printf("in func 4\n");}
#if 1
void minimum(auto tp)
? ? ? ? int size = tuple_size<decltype(tp)>::value;
? ? ? ? cout << "input size: " << size << endl;
? ? ? ? func(tp);

int main()
? ? ? ? auto t3 = make_tuple(1, 2, "3c", 'F');
? ? ? ? auto t2 = make_tuple(1, 2, "3c");
? ? ? ? auto t1 = make_tuple(1, 2);
? ? ? ? auto t0 = make_tuple(1);
? ? ? ? minimum(t3);
? ? ? ? minimum(t2);
? ? ? ? minimum(t1);
? ? ? ? minimum(t0);

? ? ? ? return 0;

