Minio Decommission Server Pools


MinIO supports decommissioning and removing?server pools?from a deployment with two or more pools. To decommission, there must be at least one remaining pool with sufficient available space to receive the objects from the decommissioned pools.

# kubectl minio tenant info --namespace tenant myminio                                        
Tenant 'myminio', Namespace 'tenant', Total capacity 144 GiB

Current status: Initialized
MinIO version:
MinIO service: minio/ClusterIP (port 80)
Console service: myminio-console/ClusterIP (port 9090)

0       4       4               4.0 GiB         
1       4       4               5.0 GiB         

MinIO Root User Credentials:
[root@haiouc ~]# kubectl minio tenant list

Tenant 'myminio', Namespace 'tenant', Total capacity 144 GiB

  Current status: Initialized 
  MinIO version: 

$ wget
$ chmod 755 mc

$ ./mc alias set dev4 http://minio.tenant.svc.cluster.local:80 minio minio123 --api s3v4
mc: Configuration written to `/var/jenkins_home/.mc/config.json`. Please update your access credentials.
mc: Successfully created `/var/jenkins_home/.mc/share`.
mc: Initialized share uploads `/var/jenkins_home/.mc/share/uploads.json` file.
mc: Initialized share downloads `/var/jenkins_home/.mc/share/downloads.json` file.
Added `dev4` successfully.
$ ./mc ls dev4
[2024-01-04 06:42:34 UTC]     0B artifacts/
[2024-01-04 06:42:36 UTC]     0B test/

$ ./mc admin decommission status dev4
│ ID  │ Pools                                                                                │ Raw Drives Usage     │ Status │
│ 1st │ http://myminio-ss-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data   │ 0.0% (total: 46 GiB) │ Active │
│ 2nd │ http://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data │ 0.1% (total: 58 GiB) │ Active │

$ ./mc admin decommission start dev4 http://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data
Decommission started successfully for `http://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data`.

$ ./mc admin decommission status dev4
│ ID  │ Pools                                                                                │ Raw Drives Usage     │ Status   │
│ 1st │ http://myminio-ss-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data   │ 0.1% (total: 46 GiB) │ Active   │
│ 2nd │ http://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data │ 0.1% (total: 58 GiB) │ Draining │

$ ./mc admin decommission status dev4
│ ID  │ Pools                                                                                │ Raw Drives Usage     │ Status   │
│ 1st │ http://myminio-ss-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data   │ 0.1% (total: 46 GiB) │ Active   │
│ 2nd │ http://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data │ 0.1% (total: 58 GiB) │ Complete │

===>>>>>> ?Decommission Complete

Once decommission is complete, it will be indicated with Complete status.?
Complete means that now you can now safely remove the first pool argument from the MinIO command line.

Decommissioning is Permanent

Once MinIO begins decommissioning a pool, it marks that pool as?permanently?inactive (“draining”). Cancelling or otherwise interrupting the decommissioning procedure does?not?restore the pool to an active state. Use extra caution when decommissioning multiple pools.

Decommissioning is a major administrative operation that requires care in planning and execution, and is not a trivial or ‘daily’ task.

Remove Server Pool

On?Kubernetes deployments, MinIO the statefulset specification needs to be modified by changing the command line input for the MinIO container. Once the relevant changes are done proceed to execute?kubectl apply -f statefulset.yaml.

On?Operator based MinIO deployments?you need to modify the?tenant.yaml?specification and modify the pools: section from two entries to a single entry, once relevant changes are done proceed to execute?kubectl apply -f tenant.yaml.

1)update the tenant.yaml
  Delete the part related to pool-1

2) delete statefulsets pool-1
[root@haiouc ~]# k get statefulsets -n tenant
NAME             READY   AGE
myminio-pool-1   4/4     51m
myminio-ss-0     1/4     58m
[root@haiouc ~]# k delete statefulsets myminio-pool-1 -n tenant
statefulset.apps "myminio-pool-1" deleted

3) delete pvc of pool-1

4) reboot the pod of tenant

$ ./mc admin decommission status dev4
│ ID  │ Pools                                                                              │ Raw Drives Usage     │ Status │
│ 1st │ http://myminio-ss-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant.svc.cluster.local/export{0...3}/data │ 0.0% (total: 46 GiB) │ Active │
