Serialization – transforming into and from on-wire representation.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Messaging – implementing remote invocation of functions as well as other messages.
Service Discovery (SD) – dynamically finding and functionality and configuring its access.
Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub) – dynamically configuring which data is needed and shall be sent to the client.
Segmentation of UDP messages – allowing the transport of large SOME/IP messages over UDP without the need of fragmentation.
3.Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Messaging支持下列消息
Request/Response Methods: A request sent from a client to the server and a response sent back from server to client. Additionally, SOME/IP allows error responses to be sent back from server to client instead of the regular response. This feature might be used to implement a different payload format in error cases.
Fire and Forget Methods: A request is sent from a client to the server.
Event: An event is sent from the server to a relevant clients. Which client needs this event will be determined via SOME/IP-SD.
Field: A field can have an option notifier (event to be sent cyclically or on-change), an optional setter (a request/response method to update the field), and an optional getter (a request/response method to read out the current value of the field.)