An interactive shell reads user input typed on a keyboard. Commands run in the current shell and the system waits for further instructions from the user. A Bash shell is an interactive shell.
A non-interactive shell executes commands read from a file in a new subshell. The shell executes commands from the file and exits. Init, startup, and executed shell scripts start non-interactive shells.
$ ssh test@ 'echo $0'
$ echo $0
.bashrc defines the settings for a user when running a subshell. Add custom configurations to this file to make parameters available in subshells for a specific user.
.bash_profile defines the settings for a user when running a login shell. Add custom configurations to this file to make parameters available to a specific user when running a login shell.
?交互式shell会执行 .bash_profile(其中包含了.bashrc),而非交互式shell只会执行.bashrc