Symbol & Description\\
$T$ & time-span influence factor\\
$w$ & edge weight as an influence indicato\\
$\beta$ & successor influence growth coefficient\\
$FP$ & individual overall influence indicator \\
$SIP$ & Self-influence indicator\\
$FIP$ & follower influence indicator\\
$sim(A,B)$ &describing the similarity value between A and B\\
$Acv$ &sample mean dispersion indicator\\
$\rho$&sample feature similarity value\\
$BIC$&bayesian network information criterion\\
$e_{i}$&residuals of linear regression fit\\
$\tau$ &lag time of artistic work dynamic influence\\
$DI$&dynamic influencer indicator\\
$RD$&time of music influence revolution\\
Symbol & Description\\
$T$ & time-span influence factor\\
$w$ & edge weight as an influence indicato\\
$\beta$ & successor influence growth coefficient\\
$FP$ & individual overall influence indicator \\
$SIP$ & Self-influence indicator\\
$FIP$ & follower influence indicator\\
$sim(A,B)$ &describing the similarity value between A and B\\
$Acv$ &sample mean dispersion indicator\\
$\rho$&sample feature similarity value\\
$BIC$&bayesian network information criterion\\
$e_{i}$&residuals of linear regression fit\\
$\tau$ &lag time of artistic work dynamic influence\\
$DI$&dynamic influencer indicator\\
$RD$&time of music influence revolution\\
\caption{Example Table 6}
\rowcolor{yellow} A & B & C&D \\
a & b & c&d \\
a & b & c&d \\
a & b & c &d\\
a & b & c &d\\
a & b & c &d\\
a & b & c &d\\