import os
import argparse
import sqlite3
import cv2
import numpy as np
class FeaturePoint:
def __init__(self, x, y, point3D_id=-1):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.point3D_id = point3D_id
class Observation:
def __init__(self, image_id, point2D_idx):
self.image_id = image_id
self.point2D_idx = point2D_idx
class Point3D:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.observations = []
def add_observation(self, observation):
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--database_path", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--output_path", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--min_num_matches", type=int, default=15)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def pair_id_to_image_ids(pair_id):
image_id2 = pair_id % 2147483647
image_id1 = (pair_id - image_id2) / 2147483647
return image_id1, image_id2
def get_keypoints(cursor, image_id):
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM keypoints WHERE image_id = ?;", (image_id,))
_, n_rows, n_columns, raw_data = cursor.fetchone()
keypoints = np.frombuffer(raw_data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(n_rows, n_columns)
return keypoints[:, :2] # Assuming first two columns are x, y coordinates
def process_matches(matches, keypoints):
points3Ds = {}
featurePoints = {}
next_point3D_id = 1
for pair_id, match_data in matches.items():
id1, id2 = pair_id_to_image_ids(pair_id)
for idxInA, idxInB in match_data:
keyA = (id1, idxInA)
keyB = (id2, idxInB)
if keyA not in featurePoints:
coordsA = keypoints[id1][idxInA]
featurePoints[keyA] = FeaturePoint(coordsA[0], coordsA[1], -1)
if keyB not in featurePoints:
coordsB = keypoints[id2][idxInB]
featurePoints[keyB] = FeaturePoint(coordsB[0], coordsB[1], -1)
fpA = featurePoints[keyA]
fpB = featurePoints[keyB]
if fpA.point3D_id == -1 and fpB.point3D_id == -1:
newPoint3D = Point3D()
point3D_id = next_point3D_id
next_point3D_id += 1
newPoint3D.add_observation(Observation(id1, idxInA))
newPoint3D.add_observation(Observation(id2, idxInB))
points3Ds[point3D_id] = newPoint3D
point3D_id = fpA.point3D_id if fpA.point3D_id != -1 else fpB.point3D_id
point3D = points3Ds[point3D_id]
if fpA.point3D_id == -1:
point3D.add_observation(Observation(id1, idxInA))
if fpB.point3D_id == -1:
point3D.add_observation(Observation(id2, idxInB))
fpA.point3D_id = point3D_id
fpB.point3D_id = point3D_id
return featurePoints,points3Ds
def save_images_txt(img_ids_to_names_dict, keypoints,featurePoints, output_path):
with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'images.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write(f"# Image list with two lines of data per image:\n")
f.write(f"# IMAGE_ID, QW, QX, QY, QZ, TX, TY, TZ, CAMERA_ID, NAME\n")
f.write(f"# POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)\n")
f.write(f"# Number of images: {len(img_ids_to_names_dict)}, mean observations per image: \n")
for image_id in img_ids_to_names_dict:
# 写入图像信息,假设旋转和平移为0,相机 ID 为 1
f.write(f"{image_id} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 {img_ids_to_names_dict[image_id]}\n")
for idx, (x, y) in enumerate(keypoints[image_id]):
# 写入该图像中的所有二维点
# 检查该特征点是否有匹配的三维点
point3D_id = featurePoints.get((image_id, idx), -1)
if point3D_id != -1:
point3D_id = featurePoints[(image_id, idx)].point3D_id
point3D_id = -1 # 如果没有匹配的三维点,则为 -1
f.write(f"{x} {y} {point3D_id} ")
def preload_images(image_path, img_ids_to_names_dict):
images = {}
for image_id, img_name in img_ids_to_names_dict.items():
img_file_name = os.path.join(image_path, img_name)
images[image_id] = load_image(img_file_name)
return images
def save_points3Ds_to_file(image_path,img_ids_to_names_dict,points3Ds,keypoints, output_path):
images = preload_images(image_path, img_ids_to_names_dict)
with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'points3D.txt'), 'w') as f:
f.write(f"# 3D point list with one line of data per point:\n")
f.write(f"# POINT3D_ID, X, Y, Z, R, G, B, ERROR, TRACK[] as (IMAGE_ID, POINT2D_IDX)\n")
f.write(f"# Number of points: {len(points3Ds)}, mean track length: \n")
for point3D_id, point in points3Ds.items():
colors = []
for obs in point.observations:
image = images[obs.image_id] # 直接使用预加载的影像
coords = keypoints[obs.image_id][obs.point2D_idx]
color = get_color_from_image(image, coords[0], coords[1])
point.color = average_color(colors)
# 写入三维点坐标和颜色
f.write(f"{point3D_id} {point.x} {point.y} {point.z} {int(point.color[0])} {int(point.color[1])} {int(point.color[2])} 0 ")
# 写入观测信息
for obs in point.observations:
f.write(f"{int(obs.image_id)} {obs.point2D_idx} ")
def load_image(image_path):
# 使用 OpenCV 加载图像
return cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
def get_color_from_image(image, x, y):
# OpenCV 中图像的坐标顺序是 (y, x)
# 并且颜色顺序是 BGR 而不是 RGB
x, y = int(round(x)), int(round(y))
if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= image.shape[1] or y >= image.shape[0]:
return None # 或返回默认颜色
# OpenCV 使用 BGR 格式,需要转换为 RGB
b, g, r = image[y, x]
return r, g, b
def average_color(colors):
# 计算颜色列表的平均颜色
if not colors:
return None
avg_color = [sum(col) / len(colors) for col in zip(*colors)]
return tuple(avg_color)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--database_path', required=True, help='Path to the database')
parser.add_argument('--output_path', required=True, help='Name of the output directory')
parser.add_argument('--image_path', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
filename_db = args.database_path
print("Opening database: " + filename_db)
if not os.path.exists(filename_db):
print('Error db does not exist!')
if not os.path.exists(args.output_path):
# Connect to the database
connection = sqlite3.connect(args.database_path)
cursor = connection.cursor()
list_image_ids = []
img_ids_to_names_dict = {}
# Extract image ids and keypoints
cursor.execute('SELECT image_id, name, cameras.width, cameras.height FROM images LEFT JOIN cameras ON images.camera_id == cameras.camera_id;')
for row in cursor:
image_idx, name, width, height = row
img_ids_to_names_dict[image_idx] = name
num_image_ids = len(list_image_ids)
keypoints = {image_id: get_keypoints(cursor, image_id) for image_id in list_image_ids}
# Extract matches
cursor.execute('SELECT pair_id, rows, cols, data FROM two_view_geometries;')
all_matches = {}
for row in cursor:
pair_id = row[0]
rows = row[1]
cols = row[2]
raw_data = row[3]
if (rows < 5):
matches = np.frombuffer(raw_data, dtype=np.uint32).reshape(rows, cols)
all_matches[pair_id] = matches
# Process matches
featurePoints,points3Ds = process_matches(all_matches, keypoints)
save_images_txt(img_ids_to_names_dict,keypoints, featurePoints, args.output_path)
save_points3Ds_to_file(args.image_path,img_ids_to_names_dict,points3Ds, keypoints,args.output_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":