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    function calMax(arr) {
        let max = 0;
        arr.forEach((el) => {
            el.forEach((el1) => {
                if (!(el1 === undefined || el1 === '')) {
                    if (max < el1) {
                        max = el1;
        let maxint = Math.ceil(max / 9.5);//不让最高的值超过最上面的刻度
        let maxval = maxint * 10;//让显示的刻度是整数
        return maxval;

    function calMin(arr) {
        let min = 0;
        arr.forEach((el) => {
            el.forEach((el1) => {
                if (!(el1 === undefined || el1 === '')) {
                    if (min > el1) {
                        min = el1;
        let minint = Math.floor(min / 10);
        let minval = minint * 10;//让显示的刻度是整数
        return minval;

    var data1 = [59357.9, 52789.77, 24837.98, 14345.02, 2291.93],
        data2 = [12108.81, 701.43, 1280.75, 2109.83, 18693.95],
        data3 = [10, 20, 52.95, 42.25, 84.02],
        data4 = [30, 105.79, 82.59, 264.73, 786.04]

    var Min1 = calMin([data1, data2]), Min2 = calMin([data3, data4]),
        Max1 = calMax([data1, data2]), Max2 = calMax([data3, data4]);

    var dom = document.getElementById('qipa_container');
    var myChart = echarts.init(dom, null, {
        renderer: 'canvas',
        useDirtyRect: false
    var app = {};

    let option = {
        grid: {left: '100', right: '100', bottom: '100', top: '100'},
        color: ['#0698d6', '#fd8246', '#d773b4', '#41ac7c', '#e86367', '#aada9c'],
        tooltip: {trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: {type: 'cross', crossStyle: {color: '#999'}}},
        legend: {data: ['营业收入', '净利润', '营业收入同比增长率', '净利润同比增长率']},
        xAxis: [{
            type: 'category',
            show: false,
            lineWidth: 0,
            axisPointer: {
                type: 'shadow'
            data: ["2013-12-31", "2014-12-31", "2015-12-31", "2016-12-31", "2017-12-31"]
        yAxis: [{
            name: '单位:万元',
            nameTextStyle: {color: '#999999'},
            type: "value",
            axisLine: {show: false},
            axisTick: {show: false},
            axisLabel: {verticalAlign: "bottom", color: "#999999"},
            min: Min1,
            max: Max1,
            splitNumber: 5,
            interval: (Max1 - Min1) / 5
        }, {
            name: '单位:%',
            type: 'value',
            nameTextStyle: {color: '#999999'},
            axisLine: {show: false},
            axisTick: {show: false},
            axisLabel: {verticalAlign: "bottom", color: "#999999"},
            min: Min2,
            max: Max2,
            splitNumber: 5,
            interval: (Max2 - Min2) / 5

        series: [{name: '营业收入', type: 'line', data: data1},
            {name: '净利润', type: 'line', data: data2},
            {name: '营业收入同比增长率', type: 'line', yAxisIndex: 1, data: data3},
            {name: '净利润同比增长率', type: 'line', yAxisIndex: 1, data: data4}

    if (option && typeof option === 'object') {

    window.addEventListener('resize', myChart.resize);


