java 直接读取excel文件



public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        String path="C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\dl\\";
        File file = new File(path);
        File[] files = file.listFiles();
        for (File f : files) {
            String name = f.getName();
            InputStream fis=new FileInputStream(f);
            byte[] data = IoUtil.readBytes(fis);
            ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
            List<Object> list = EasyExcelUtilsNew.readExcelWithModel(inputStream, GroupOrgVO.class, 0, 1, null);


import cn.hutool.core.convert.Convert;
import cn.hutool.core.exceptions.UtilException;
import cn.hutool.core.lang.Assert;
import cn.hutool.core.util.CharsetUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.HexUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Objects;

 * IO工具类<br>
 * IO工具类只是辅助流的读写,并不负责关闭流。原因是流可能被多次读写,读写关闭后容易造成问题。
 * @author xiaoleilu
public class IoUtil {

	 * 默认缓存大小 8192
	public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 << 12;
	 * 默认中等缓存大小 16384
	public static final int DEFAULT_MIDDLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 << 13;
	 * 默认大缓存大小 32768
	public static final int DEFAULT_LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 << 14;

	 * 数据流末尾
	public static final int EOF = -1;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy start

	 * 将Reader中的内容复制到Writer中 使用默认缓存大小,拷贝后不关闭Reader
	 * @param reader Reader
	 * @param writer Writer
	 * @return 拷贝的字节数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(Reader reader, Writer writer) throws IORuntimeException {
		return copy(reader, writer, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);

	 * 将Reader中的内容复制到Writer中,拷贝后不关闭Reader
	 * @param reader     Reader
	 * @param writer     Writer
	 * @param bufferSize 缓存大小
	 * @return 传输的byte数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(Reader reader, Writer writer, int bufferSize) throws IORuntimeException {
		return copy(reader, writer, bufferSize, null);

	 * 将Reader中的内容复制到Writer中,拷贝后不关闭Reader
	 * @param reader         Reader
	 * @param writer         Writer
	 * @param bufferSize     缓存大小
	 * @param streamProgress 进度处理器
	 * @return 传输的byte数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(Reader reader, Writer writer, int bufferSize, StreamProgress streamProgress) throws IORuntimeException {
		char[] buffer = new char[bufferSize];
		long size = 0;
		int readSize;
		if (null != streamProgress) {
		try {
			while ((readSize =, 0, bufferSize)) != EOF) {
				writer.write(buffer, 0, readSize);
				size += readSize;
				if (null != streamProgress) {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		if (null != streamProgress) {
		return size;

	 * 拷贝流,使用默认Buffer大小,拷贝后不关闭流
	 * @param in  输入流
	 * @param out 输出流
	 * @return 传输的byte数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IORuntimeException {
		return copy(in, out, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);

	 * 拷贝流,拷贝后不关闭流
	 * @param in         输入流
	 * @param out        输出流
	 * @param bufferSize 缓存大小
	 * @return 传输的byte数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int bufferSize) throws IORuntimeException {
		return copy(in, out, bufferSize, null);

	 * 拷贝流,拷贝后不关闭流
	 * @param in             输入流
	 * @param out            输出流
	 * @param bufferSize     缓存大小
	 * @param streamProgress 进度条
	 * @return 传输的byte数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int bufferSize, StreamProgress streamProgress) throws IORuntimeException {
		Assert.notNull(in, "InputStream is null !");
		Assert.notNull(out, "OutputStream is null !");
		if (bufferSize <= 0) {
			bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;

		byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
		if (null != streamProgress) {
		long size = 0;
		try {
			for (int readSize; (readSize = != EOF; ) {
				out.write(buffer, 0, readSize);
				size += readSize;
				if (null != streamProgress) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		if (null != streamProgress) {
		return size;

	 * 拷贝流 thanks to:<br>
	 * 本方法不会关闭流
	 * @param in             输入流
	 * @param out            输出流
	 * @param bufferSize     缓存大小
	 * @param streamProgress 进度条
	 * @return 传输的byte数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copyByNIO(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int bufferSize, StreamProgress streamProgress) throws IORuntimeException {
		return copy(Channels.newChannel(in), Channels.newChannel(out), bufferSize, streamProgress);

	 * 拷贝文件流,使用NIO
	 * @param in  输入
	 * @param out 输出
	 * @return 拷贝的字节数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(FileInputStream in, FileOutputStream out) throws IORuntimeException {
		Assert.notNull(in, "FileInputStream is null!");
		Assert.notNull(out, "FileOutputStream is null!");

		FileChannel inChannel = null;
		FileChannel outChannel = null;
		try {
			inChannel = in.getChannel();
			outChannel = out.getChannel();
			return inChannel.transferTo(0, inChannel.size(), outChannel);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		} finally {

	 * 拷贝流,使用NIO,不会关闭流
	 * @param in  {@link ReadableByteChannel}
	 * @param out {@link WritableByteChannel}
	 * @return 拷贝的字节数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.5.0
	public static long copy(ReadableByteChannel in, WritableByteChannel out) throws IORuntimeException {
		return copy(in, out, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);

	 * 拷贝流,使用NIO,不会关闭流
	 * @param in         {@link ReadableByteChannel}
	 * @param out        {@link WritableByteChannel}
	 * @param bufferSize 缓冲大小,如果小于等于0,使用默认
	 * @return 拷贝的字节数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.5.0
	public static long copy(ReadableByteChannel in, WritableByteChannel out, int bufferSize) throws IORuntimeException {
		return copy(in, out, bufferSize, null);

	 * 拷贝流,使用NIO,不会关闭流
	 * @param in             {@link ReadableByteChannel}
	 * @param out            {@link WritableByteChannel}
	 * @param bufferSize     缓冲大小,如果小于等于0,使用默认
	 * @param streamProgress {@link StreamProgress}进度处理器
	 * @return 拷贝的字节数
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static long copy(ReadableByteChannel in, WritableByteChannel out, int bufferSize, StreamProgress streamProgress) throws IORuntimeException {
		Assert.notNull(in, "InputStream is null !");
		Assert.notNull(out, "OutputStream is null !");

		ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize <= 0 ? DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE : bufferSize);
		long size = 0;
		if (null != streamProgress) {
		try {
			while ( != EOF) {
				byteBuffer.flip();// 写转读
				size += out.write(byteBuffer);
				if (null != streamProgress) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		if (null != streamProgress) {

		return size;
	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy end

	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getReader and getWriter start

	 * 获得一个文件读取器,默认使用UTF-8编码
	 * @param in 输入流
	 * @return BufferedReader对象
	 * @since 5.1.6
	public static BufferedReader getUtf8Reader(InputStream in) {
		return getReader(in, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

	 * 获得一个文件读取器
	 * @param in          输入流
	 * @param charsetName 字符集名称
	 * @return BufferedReader对象
	public static BufferedReader getReader(InputStream in, String charsetName) {
		return getReader(in, Charset.forName(charsetName));

	 * 获得一个Reader
	 * @param in      输入流
	 * @param charset 字符集
	 * @return BufferedReader对象
	public static BufferedReader getReader(InputStream in, Charset charset) {
		if (null == in) {
			return null;

		InputStreamReader reader;
		if (null == charset) {
			reader = new InputStreamReader(in);
		} else {
			reader = new InputStreamReader(in, charset);

		return new BufferedReader(reader);

	 * 获得{@link BufferedReader}<br>
	 * 如果是{@link BufferedReader}强转返回,否则新建。如果提供的Reader为null返回null
	 * @param reader 普通Reader,如果为null返回null
	 * @return {@link BufferedReader} or null
	 * @since 3.0.9
	public static BufferedReader getReader(Reader reader) {
		if (null == reader) {
			return null;

		return (reader instanceof BufferedReader) ? (BufferedReader) reader : new BufferedReader(reader);

	 * 获得{@link PushbackReader}<br>
	 * 如果是{@link PushbackReader}强转返回,否则新建
	 * @param reader       普通Reader
	 * @param pushBackSize 推后的byte数
	 * @return {@link PushbackReader}
	 * @since 3.1.0
	public static PushbackReader getPushBackReader(Reader reader, int pushBackSize) {
		return (reader instanceof PushbackReader) ? (PushbackReader) reader : new PushbackReader(reader, pushBackSize);

	 * 获得一个Writer,默认编码UTF-8
	 * @param out 输入流
	 * @return OutputStreamWriter对象
	 * @since 5.1.6
	public static OutputStreamWriter getUtf8Writer(OutputStream out) {
		return getWriter(out, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

	 * 获得一个Writer
	 * @param out         输入流
	 * @param charsetName 字符集
	 * @return OutputStreamWriter对象
	public static OutputStreamWriter getWriter(OutputStream out, String charsetName) {
		return getWriter(out, Charset.forName(charsetName));

	 * 获得一个Writer
	 * @param out     输入流
	 * @param charset 字符集
	 * @return OutputStreamWriter对象
	public static OutputStreamWriter getWriter(OutputStream out, Charset charset) {
		if (null == out) {
			return null;

		if (null == charset) {
			return new OutputStreamWriter(out);
		} else {
			return new OutputStreamWriter(out, charset);
	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getReader and getWriter end

	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read start

	 * 从流中读取UTF8编码的内容
	 * @param in 输入流
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 5.4.4
	public static String readUtf8(InputStream in) throws IORuntimeException {
		return read(in, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

	 * 从流中读取内容
	 * @param in          输入流
	 * @param charsetName 字符集
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String read(InputStream in, String charsetName) throws IORuntimeException {
		FastByteArrayOutputStream out = read(in);
		return StrUtil.isBlank(charsetName) ? out.toString() : out.toString(charsetName);

	 * 从流中读取内容,读取完毕后并不关闭流
	 * @param in      输入流,读取完毕后并不关闭流
	 * @param charset 字符集
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String read(InputStream in, Charset charset) throws IORuntimeException {
		FastByteArrayOutputStream out = read(in);
		return null == charset ? out.toString() : out.toString(charset);

	 * 从流中读取内容,读取完毕后并不关闭流
	 * @param channel 可读通道,读取完毕后并不关闭通道
	 * @param charset 字符集
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.5.0
	public static String read(ReadableByteChannel channel, Charset charset) throws IORuntimeException {
		FastByteArrayOutputStream out = read(channel);
		return null == charset ? out.toString() : out.toString(charset);

	 * 从流中读取内容,读到输出流中,读取完毕后并不关闭流
	 * @param in 输入流
	 * @return 输出流
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static FastByteArrayOutputStream read(InputStream in) throws IORuntimeException {
		final FastByteArrayOutputStream out = new FastByteArrayOutputStream();
		copy(in, out);
		return out;

	 * 从流中读取内容,读到输出流中
	 * @param channel 可读通道,读取完毕后并不关闭通道
	 * @return 输出流
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static FastByteArrayOutputStream read(ReadableByteChannel channel) throws IORuntimeException {
		final FastByteArrayOutputStream out = new FastByteArrayOutputStream();
		copy(channel, Channels.newChannel(out));
		return out;

	 * 从Reader中读取String,读取完毕后并不关闭Reader
	 * @param reader Reader
	 * @return String
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String read(Reader reader) throws IORuntimeException {
		final StringBuilder builder = StrUtil.builder();
		final CharBuffer buffer = CharBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
		try {
			while (-1 != {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		return builder.toString();

	 * 从FileChannel中读取UTF-8编码内容
	 * @param fileChannel 文件管道
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String readUtf8(FileChannel fileChannel) throws IORuntimeException {
		return read(fileChannel, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

	 * 从FileChannel中读取内容,读取完毕后并不关闭Channel
	 * @param fileChannel 文件管道
	 * @param charsetName 字符集
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String read(FileChannel fileChannel, String charsetName) throws IORuntimeException {
		return read(fileChannel, CharsetUtil.charset(charsetName));

	 * 从FileChannel中读取内容
	 * @param fileChannel 文件管道
	 * @param charset     字符集
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String read(FileChannel fileChannel, Charset charset) throws IORuntimeException {
		MappedByteBuffer buffer;
		try {
			buffer =, 0, fileChannel.size()).load();
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		return StrUtil.str(buffer, charset);

	 * 从流中读取bytes,读取完毕后关闭流
	 * @param in {@link InputStream}
	 * @return bytes
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static byte[] readBytes(InputStream in) throws IORuntimeException {
		return readBytes(in, true);

	 * 从流中读取bytes
	 * @param in            {@link InputStream}
	 * @param isCloseStream 是否关闭输入流
	 * @return bytes
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 5.0.4
	public static byte[] readBytes(InputStream in, boolean isCloseStream) throws IORuntimeException {
		final FastByteArrayOutputStream out = new FastByteArrayOutputStream();
		copy(in, out);
		if (isCloseStream) {
		return out.toByteArray();

	 * 读取指定长度的byte数组,不关闭流
	 * @param in     {@link InputStream},为null返回null
	 * @param length 长度,小于等于0返回空byte数组
	 * @return bytes
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static byte[] readBytes(InputStream in, int length) throws IORuntimeException {
		if (null == in) {
			return null;
		if (length <= 0) {
			return new byte[0];

		byte[] b = new byte[length];
		int readLength;
		try {
			readLength =;
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		if (readLength > 0 && readLength < length) {
			byte[] b2 = new byte[readLength];
			System.arraycopy(b, 0, b2, 0, readLength);
			return b2;
		} else {
			return b;

	 * 读取16进制字符串
	 * @param in          {@link InputStream}
	 * @param length      长度
	 * @param toLowerCase true 传换成小写格式 , false 传换成大写格式
	 * @return 16进制字符串
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String readHex(InputStream in, int length, boolean toLowerCase) throws IORuntimeException {
		return HexUtil.encodeHexStr(readBytes(in, length), toLowerCase);

	 * 从流中读取前28个byte并转换为16进制,字母部分使用大写
	 * @param in {@link InputStream}
	 * @return 16进制字符串
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String readHex28Upper(InputStream in) throws IORuntimeException {
		return readHex(in, 28, false);

	 * 从流中读取前28个byte并转换为16进制,字母部分使用小写
	 * @param in {@link InputStream}
	 * @return 16进制字符串
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static String readHex28Lower(InputStream in) throws IORuntimeException {
		return readHex(in, 28, true);

	 * 从流中读取对象,即对象的反序列化
	 * <p>
	 * 注意!!! 此方法不会检查反序列化安全,可能存在反序列化漏洞风险!!!
	 * </p>
	 * @param <T> 读取对象的类型
	 * @param in  输入流
	 * @return 输出流
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @throws UtilException      ClassNotFoundException包装
	public static <T> T readObj(InputStream in) throws IORuntimeException, UtilException {
		return readObj(in, null);

	 * 从流中读取对象,即对象的反序列化,读取后不关闭流
	 * <p>
	 * 注意!!! 此方法不会检查反序列化安全,可能存在反序列化漏洞风险!!!
	 * </p>
	 * @param <T>   读取对象的类型
	 * @param in    输入流
	 * @param clazz 读取对象类型
	 * @return 输出流
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @throws UtilException      ClassNotFoundException包装
	public static <T> T readObj(InputStream in, Class<T> clazz) throws IORuntimeException, UtilException {
		try {
			return readObj((in instanceof ValidateObjectInputStream) ?
							(ValidateObjectInputStream) in : new ValidateObjectInputStream(in),
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);

	 * 从流中读取对象,即对象的反序列化,读取后不关闭流
	 * <p>
	 * 此方法使用了{@link ValidateObjectInputStream}中的黑白名单方式过滤类,用于避免反序列化漏洞<br>
	 * 通过构造{@link ValidateObjectInputStream},调用{@link ValidateObjectInputStream#accept(Class[])}
	 * 或者{@link ValidateObjectInputStream#refuse(Class[])}方法添加可以被序列化的类或者禁止序列化的类。
	 * </p>
	 * @param <T>   读取对象的类型
	 * @param in    输入流,使用{@link ValidateObjectInputStream}中的黑白名单方式过滤类,用于避免反序列化漏洞
	 * @param clazz 读取对象类型
	 * @return 输出流
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @throws UtilException      ClassNotFoundException包装
	public static <T> T readObj(ValidateObjectInputStream in, Class<T> clazz) throws IORuntimeException, UtilException {
		if (in == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The InputStream must not be null");
		try {
			//noinspection unchecked
			return (T) in.readObject();
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
			throw new UtilException(e);

	 * 从流中读取内容,使用UTF-8编码
	 * @param <T>        集合类型
	 * @param in         输入流
	 * @param collection 返回集合
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static <T extends Collection<String>> T readUtf8Lines(InputStream in, T collection) throws IORuntimeException {
		return readLines(in, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, collection);

	 * 从流中读取内容
	 * @param <T>         集合类型
	 * @param in          输入流
	 * @param charsetName 字符集
	 * @param collection  返回集合
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static <T extends Collection<String>> T readLines(InputStream in, String charsetName, T collection) throws IORuntimeException {
		return readLines(in, CharsetUtil.charset(charsetName), collection);

	 * 从流中读取内容
	 * @param <T>        集合类型
	 * @param in         输入流
	 * @param charset    字符集
	 * @param collection 返回集合
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static <T extends Collection<String>> T readLines(InputStream in, Charset charset, T collection) throws IORuntimeException {
		return readLines(getReader(in, charset), collection);

	 * 从Reader中读取内容
	 * @param <T>        集合类型
	 * @param reader     {@link Reader}
	 * @param collection 返回集合
	 * @return 内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static <T extends Collection<String>> T readLines(Reader reader, final T collection) throws IORuntimeException {
		readLines(reader, (LineHandler) collection::add);
		return collection;

	 * 按行读取UTF-8编码数据,针对每行的数据做处理
	 * @param in          {@link InputStream}
	 * @param lineHandler 行处理接口,实现handle方法用于编辑一行的数据后入到指定地方
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public static void readUtf8Lines(InputStream in, LineHandler lineHandler) throws IORuntimeException {
		readLines(in, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, lineHandler);

	 * 按行读取数据,针对每行的数据做处理
	 * @param in          {@link InputStream}
	 * @param charset     {@link Charset}编码
	 * @param lineHandler 行处理接口,实现handle方法用于编辑一行的数据后入到指定地方
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 3.0.9
	public static void readLines(InputStream in, Charset charset, LineHandler lineHandler) throws IORuntimeException {
		readLines(getReader(in, charset), lineHandler);

	 * 按行读取数据,针对每行的数据做处理<br>
	 * {@link Reader}自带编码定义,因此读取数据的编码跟随其编码。
	 * @param reader      {@link Reader}
	 * @param lineHandler 行处理接口,实现handle方法用于编辑一行的数据后入到指定地方
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static void readLines(Reader reader, LineHandler lineHandler) throws IORuntimeException {

		// 从返回的内容中读取所需内容
		final BufferedReader bReader = getReader(reader);
		String line;
		try {
			while ((line = bReader.readLine()) != null) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- read end

	 * String 转为流
	 * @param content     内容
	 * @param charsetName 编码
	 * @return 字节流
	public static ByteArrayInputStream toStream(String content, String charsetName) {
		return toStream(content, CharsetUtil.charset(charsetName));

	 * String 转为流
	 * @param content 内容
	 * @param charset 编码
	 * @return 字节流
	public static ByteArrayInputStream toStream(String content, Charset charset) {
		if (content == null) {
			return null;
		return toStream(StrUtil.bytes(content, charset));

	 * String 转为UTF-8编码的字节流流
	 * @param content 内容
	 * @return 字节流
	 * @since 4.5.1
	public static ByteArrayInputStream toUtf8Stream(String content) {
		return toStream(content, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8);

	 * 文件转为流
	 * @param file 文件
	 * @return {@link FileInputStream}
	public static FileInputStream toStream(File file) {
		try {
			return new FileInputStream(file);
		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);

	 * String 转为流
	 * @param content 内容bytes
	 * @return 字节流
	 * @since 4.1.8
	public static ByteArrayInputStream toStream(byte[] content) {
		if (content == null) {
			return null;
		return new ByteArrayInputStream(content);

	 * 转换为{@link BufferedInputStream}
	 * @param in {@link InputStream}
	 * @return {@link BufferedInputStream}
	 * @since 4.0.10
	public static BufferedInputStream toBuffered(InputStream in) {
		return (in instanceof BufferedInputStream) ? (BufferedInputStream) in : new BufferedInputStream(in);

	 * 转换为{@link BufferedOutputStream}
	 * @param out {@link OutputStream}
	 * @return {@link BufferedOutputStream}
	 * @since 4.0.10
	public static BufferedOutputStream toBuffered(OutputStream out) {
		return (out instanceof BufferedOutputStream) ? (BufferedOutputStream) out : new BufferedOutputStream(out);

	 * 将{@link InputStream}转换为支持mark标记的流<br>
	 * 若原流支持mark标记,则返回原流,否则使用{@link BufferedInputStream} 包装之
	 * @param in 流
	 * @return {@link InputStream}
	 * @since 4.0.9
	public static InputStream toMarkSupportStream(InputStream in) {
		if (null == in) {
			return null;
		if (false == in.markSupported()) {
			return new BufferedInputStream(in);
		return in;

	 * 转换为{@link PushbackInputStream}<br>
	 * 如果传入的输入流已经是{@link PushbackInputStream},强转返回,否则新建一个
	 * @param in           {@link InputStream}
	 * @param pushBackSize 推后的byte数
	 * @return {@link PushbackInputStream}
	 * @since 3.1.0
	public static PushbackInputStream toPushbackStream(InputStream in, int pushBackSize) {
		return (in instanceof PushbackInputStream) ? (PushbackInputStream) in : new PushbackInputStream(in, pushBackSize);

	 * 将byte[]写到流中
	 * @param out        输出流
	 * @param isCloseOut 写入完毕是否关闭输出流
	 * @param content    写入的内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static void write(OutputStream out, boolean isCloseOut, byte[] content) throws IORuntimeException {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		} finally {
			if (isCloseOut) {

	 * 将多部分内容写到流中,自动转换为UTF-8字符串
	 * @param out        输出流
	 * @param isCloseOut 写入完毕是否关闭输出流
	 * @param contents   写入的内容,调用toString()方法,不包括不会自动换行
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public static void writeUtf8(OutputStream out, boolean isCloseOut, Object... contents) throws IORuntimeException {
		write(out, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, isCloseOut, contents);

	 * 将多部分内容写到流中,自动转换为字符串
	 * @param out         输出流
	 * @param charsetName 写出的内容的字符集
	 * @param isCloseOut  写入完毕是否关闭输出流
	 * @param contents    写入的内容,调用toString()方法,不包括不会自动换行
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static void write(OutputStream out, String charsetName, boolean isCloseOut, Object... contents) throws IORuntimeException {
		write(out, CharsetUtil.charset(charsetName), isCloseOut, contents);

	 * 将多部分内容写到流中,自动转换为字符串
	 * @param out        输出流
	 * @param charset    写出的内容的字符集
	 * @param isCloseOut 写入完毕是否关闭输出流
	 * @param contents   写入的内容,调用toString()方法,不包括不会自动换行
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 3.0.9
	public static void write(OutputStream out, Charset charset, boolean isCloseOut, Object... contents) throws IORuntimeException {
		OutputStreamWriter osw = null;
		try {
			osw = getWriter(out, charset);
			for (Object content : contents) {
				if (content != null) {
					osw.write(Convert.toStr(content, StrUtil.EMPTY));
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		} finally {
			if (isCloseOut) {

	 * 将多部分内容写到流中
	 * @param out        输出流
	 * @param isCloseOut 写入完毕是否关闭输出流
	 * @param obj        写入的对象内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 5.3.3
	public static void writeObj(OutputStream out, boolean isCloseOut, Serializable obj) throws IORuntimeException {
		writeObjects(out, isCloseOut, obj);

	 * 将多部分内容写到流中
	 * @param out        输出流
	 * @param isCloseOut 写入完毕是否关闭输出流
	 * @param contents   写入的内容
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	public static void writeObjects(OutputStream out, boolean isCloseOut, Serializable... contents) throws IORuntimeException {
		ObjectOutputStream osw = null;
		try {
			osw = out instanceof ObjectOutputStream ? (ObjectOutputStream) out : new ObjectOutputStream(out);
			for (Object content : contents) {
				if (content != null) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);
		} finally {
			if (isCloseOut) {

	 * 从缓存中刷出数据
	 * @param flushable {@link Flushable}
	 * @since 4.2.2
	public static void flush(Flushable flushable) {
		if (null != flushable) {
			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				// 静默刷出

	 * 关闭<br>
	 * 关闭失败不会抛出异常
	 * @param closeable 被关闭的对象
	public static void close(Closeable closeable) {
		if (null != closeable) {
			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				// 静默关闭

	 * 关闭<br>
	 * 关闭失败不会抛出异常
	 * @param closeable 被关闭的对象
	public static void close(AutoCloseable closeable) {
		if (null != closeable) {
			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				// 静默关闭

	 * 尝试关闭指定对象<br>
	 * 判断对象如果实现了{@link AutoCloseable},则调用之
	 * @param obj 可关闭对象
	 * @since 4.3.2
	public static void closeIfPosible(Object obj) {
		if (obj instanceof AutoCloseable) {
			close((AutoCloseable) obj);

	 * 对比两个流内容是否相同<br>
	 * 内部会转换流为 {@link BufferedInputStream}
	 * @param input1 第一个流
	 * @param input2 第二个流
	 * @return 两个流的内容一致返回true,否则false
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.0.6
	public static boolean contentEquals(InputStream input1, InputStream input2) throws IORuntimeException {
		if (false == (input1 instanceof BufferedInputStream)) {
			input1 = new BufferedInputStream(input1);
		if (false == (input2 instanceof BufferedInputStream)) {
			input2 = new BufferedInputStream(input2);

		try {
			int ch =;
			while (EOF != ch) {
				int ch2 =;
				if (ch != ch2) {
					return false;
				ch =;

			int ch2 =;
			return ch2 == EOF;
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);

	 * 对比两个Reader的内容是否一致<br>
	 * 内部会转换流为 {@link BufferedInputStream}
	 * @param input1 第一个reader
	 * @param input2 第二个reader
	 * @return 两个流的内容一致返回true,否则false
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.0.6
	public static boolean contentEquals(Reader input1, Reader input2) throws IORuntimeException {
		input1 = getReader(input1);
		input2 = getReader(input2);

		try {
			int ch =;
			while (EOF != ch) {
				int ch2 =;
				if (ch != ch2) {
					return false;
				ch =;

			int ch2 =;
			return ch2 == EOF;
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);

	 * 对比两个流内容是否相同,忽略EOL字符<br>
	 * 内部会转换流为 {@link BufferedInputStream}
	 * @param input1 第一个流
	 * @param input2 第二个流
	 * @return 两个流的内容一致返回true,否则false
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.0.6
	public static boolean contentEqualsIgnoreEOL(Reader input1, Reader input2) throws IORuntimeException {
		final BufferedReader br1 = getReader(input1);
		final BufferedReader br2 = getReader(input2);

		try {
			String line1 = br1.readLine();
			String line2 = br2.readLine();
			while (line1 != null && line1.equals(line2)) {
				line1 = br1.readLine();
				line2 = br2.readLine();
			return Objects.equals(line1, line2);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new IORuntimeException(e);

	 * 计算流CRC32校验码,计算后关闭流
	 * @param in 文件,不能为目录
	 * @return CRC32值
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.0.6
	public static long checksumCRC32(InputStream in) throws IORuntimeException {
		return checksum(in, new CRC32()).getValue();

	 * 计算流的校验码,计算后关闭流
	 * @param in       流
	 * @param checksum {@link Checksum}
	 * @return Checksum
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 4.0.10
	public static Checksum checksum(InputStream in, Checksum checksum) throws IORuntimeException {
		Assert.notNull(in, "InputStream is null !");
		if (null == checksum) {
			checksum = new CRC32();
		try {
			in = new CheckedInputStream(in, checksum);
			IoUtil.copy(in, new NullOutputStream());
		} finally {
		return checksum;

	 * 计算流的校验码,计算后关闭流
	 * @param in       流
	 * @param checksum {@link Checksum}
	 * @return Checksum
	 * @throws IORuntimeException IO异常
	 * @since 5.4.0
	public static long checksumValue(InputStream in, Checksum checksum) {
		return checksum(in, checksum).getValue();


