1. (C++)Why did you include the header file of the message file instead of the message file itself?(为包含消息的头文件而不是消息本身?)
本题答案来源官方文档:ROS/Tutorials/CreatingMsgAndSrv - ROS中文Wiki
2. (Python & C++)In the documentation of the LaserScan message there was also a data type called Header header. What is that? Can you also include it in your message file? What information does it provide? Include Header in your message file too.(在LaserScan消息描述里面有包含叫Header header的消息类型,这是啥?能将他包含进自己的消息文件吗?将他包含进自己的消息文件的话有什么效果?)
1.In the documentation of the LaserScan message there was also a data type called Header header. What is that?(在LaserScan消息描述里面有包含叫Header header的消息类型,这是啥?)
回答:官方文档给出的解释ROS提供了特殊的Header类型,提供了通用机制,在std_msgs/msg/Header.msg(以#include “std_msgs/Header.h”被调用)中被定义。
在这里有别人给出的挺好的定义:ROS中自定义带有header的消息文件_ros header-CSDN博客
2.Can you also include it in your message file?(能将他包含进自己的消息文件吗?)
这里转载自:ros 导入自定义msg文件 配置_怎么把自定义的msg放入rosmsg中-CSDN博客
3.What information does it provide? Include Header in your message file too.(将他包含进自己的消息文件的话有什么效果?)
本题答案来源官方文档:msg - ROS Wiki