? ? ?你是否了解知识图谱?如果了解,你们的业务场景是否应用了知识图谱?实际上,知识图谱在各行各业都被广泛使用。例如,在搜索引擎优化方面,通过利用知识图谱,搜索引擎可以更好地理解网页内容之间的关系,从而提高搜索结果的准确性和相关性。在医药领域,知识图谱可以整合医学知识和临床数据,辅助医生进行诊断和治疗决策,并提供个性化的医疗建议和健康管理服务。
? ? 接下来我们将进一步探讨如何利用开源的大型语言模型,以更好地进行知识提取。
? ? 2.1. 知识图谱
? ? 是一种结构化的知识表示方式,用于描述现实世界中的实体和它们之间的关系。它是一种用于组织和表示知识的图形模型,其中的实体和关系被表示为节点和边。
? ? 知识图谱使用的常见业务场景:
? ? 2.2. 实体
? ? 是知识图谱中的核心概念,代表现实世界中的具体或抽象事物。实体可以是人、地点、事件、概念等等。每个实体在知识图谱中通常由一个唯一的标识符表示。例如,在一个包含音乐相关知识的图谱中,歌手、专辑、歌曲可以作为实体。
? ? 2.3. 关系
? ? 指的是实体之间的连接或相互作用。关系描述了实体之间的某种关联、依赖、属性等。关系可以是有向的或无向的,可以是单值的或多值的。例如,在一个社交网络的知识图谱中,"朋友"关系可以连接一个人实体和另一个人实体,描述他们之间的友谊关系。
? ? 2.4. KnowLM
? ? 是由浙江大学NLP&KG团队的在读博士生研发并开源的项目,是一种将LLM与知识图谱结合的知识抽取大模型,主要包含的任务有命名实体识别(NER)、事件抽取(EE)、关系抽取(RE)。github 地址:https://github.com/zjunlp/KnowLM/blob/main/README_ZH.md
2.知识编辑:基于知识编辑技术对齐大模型内过时、错误及价值观不正确的知识,解决知识谬误问题 (英文版Tutorial)
3.知识交互:基于知识动态交互和反馈实现工具组合学习及多智能体协作,解决大模型具身认知问题 (英文版Tutorial)
3.1. 下载模型文件
? ? # 基础模型
? ??https://huggingface.co/zjunlp/knowlm-7b-base/tree/main
? ?
? ? # 对话模型
? ??https://huggingface.co/zjunlp/knowlm-7b-chat/tree/main
? ??
? ? PS:
? ? 1) 从huggingface中下载
? ? 2)?modelscope没有对应模型,需要下载其他版本,例如:git clone https://www.modelscope.cn/ZJUNLP/knowlm-13b-ie.git
3.2. windows操作系统(内存≥32GB)
3.3. 安装环境
? ? 1)?conda create -n knowlm python=3.10 -y
? ? 2)?conda activate knowlm
? ? 3)?pip install torch ?-i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
? ? 4)?pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
? ? PS:
? ? 1)requirements.txt文件内容如下(要安装特定版本,需要指定版本号):
? ? ? ? bitsandbytes
?? ??? ?datasets
?? ??? ?sentencepiece
?? ??? ?fire
?? ??? ?accelerate
?? ??? ?transformers
?? ??? ?peft
4.1. 加载tokenizer
tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(modelPath)
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(modelPath, device_map="cpu",low_cpu_mem_usage=True).eval()
generation_output = model.generate(
s = generation_output.sequences[0]
output = tokenizer.decode(s)
# -*- coding = utf-8 -*-
import torch
from transformers import GenerationConfig, LlamaForCausalLM, LlamaTokenizer
import time
modelPath = "E:\\model\\knowlm-7b-chat"
response_split = "### Response:"
def get_response(output: str) -> str:
result = output.split(response_split)[1].strip()
result = result.replace('</s>', '')
return result
def generate(model,tokenizer,message,generation_config):
s_format = "{'head':'', 'relation':'', 'tail':''}"
instruction = f"""
Please find the possible head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) in the text and give the corresponding relation triples. Please format your answer as a list of relation triples in the form of {s_format}.
prompt = generate_prompt_input(instruction,message)
inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
if torch.cuda.is_available():
input_ids = inputs["input_ids"].to('cuda')
input_ids = inputs["input_ids"]
generation_output = model.generate(
s = generation_output.sequences[0]
output = tokenizer.decode(s)
return get_response(output)
# Generate the prompt for the input of LM model
def generate_prompt_no_input(instruction):
return f"""
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.
### Instruction:
### Response:
def generate_prompt_input(instruction,input):
return f"""
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.
### Instruction:
### Input:
### Response:
def loadTokenizer():
tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(modelPath)
return tokenizer
def loadModel():
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(modelPath, device_map="cpu",low_cpu_mem_usage=True).eval()
return model
if __name__ == '__main__':
model = loadModel()
tokenizer = loadTokenizer()
start_time = time.time()
generation_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained(modelPath, trust_remote_code=True) # 可指定不同的生成长度、top_p等相关超参
message = "Zhang San and I are good friends. This Friday, we went to visit a museum together"
response = generate(model,tokenizer,message,generation_config)
print(f'response: {response}')
end_time = time.time()
print("执行耗时: {:.2f}秒".format(end_time-start_time))
relation_template = {
relation_int_out_format = {
0:['"(头实体,关系,尾实体)"', relation_convert_target0],
2:['"关系:头实体,尾实体\n"', relation_convert_target2],
3:["JSON字符串[{'head':'', 'relation':'', 'tail':''}, ]", relation_convert_target3],
en_relation_template = {
0: 'Identify the head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) in the following text and provide the corresponding relation triples from relation list {s_schema}. Please provide your answer as a list of relation triples in the form of {s_format}.',
1: 'Identify the subjects and objects in the text that are related, and provide the corresponding relation triples from relation {s_schema} in the format of {s_format}.',
2: 'From the given text, extract the possible head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) and give the corresponding relation triples. The relations are {s_schema}. Please format your answer as a list of relation triples in the form of {s_format}.',
3: 'Your task is to identify the head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) in the following text and extract the corresponding relation triples, the possible relation list is {s_schema}. Your answer should include relation triples, with each triple formatted as {s_format}.',
4: 'Given the text, extract the possible head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) and provide the corresponding relation triples, the possible relation list is {s_schema}. Format your answer as a list of relation triples in the form of {s_format}.',
5: 'Your goal is to identify the head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) in the text and give the corresponding relation triples. The given relation list is {s_schema}. Please answer with a list of relation triples in the form of {s_format}.',
6: 'Please extract the possible head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) from the text and provide the corresponding relation triples from candidate relation list {s_schema}. Your answer should be in the form of a list of relation triples: {s_format}.',
7: 'Your task is to extract the possible head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) in the given text and give the corresponding relation triples. The relations are {s_schema}. Please answer using the format of a list of relation triples: {s_format}.',
8: 'Given the {s_schema}, identify the head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) and provide the corresponding relation triples. Your answer should consist of relation triples, with each triple formatted as {s_format}',
9: 'Please find the possible head entities (subjects) and tail entities (objects) in the text based on the relation list {s_schema} and give the corresponding relation triples. Please format your answer as a list of relation triples in the form of {s_format}.',
10: 'Given relation list {s_schema}, extract the possible subjects and objects from the text and give the corresponding relation triples in the format of {s_format}.',
11: 'Extract the entities involved in the relationship described in the text and provide the corresponding triples in the format of {s_format}, the possible relation list is {s_schema}.',
12: 'Given relation list {s_schema}, provide relation triples for the entities and their relationship in the text, using the format of {s_format}.',
13: 'Extract the entities and their corresponding relationships from the given relationships are {s_schema} and provide the relation triples in the format of {s_format}.',
en_relation_int_out_format = {
0: "{'head':'', 'relation':'', 'tail':''}",
1: "(Subject, Relation, Object)",
2: "[Subject, Relation, Object]",
3: "{head, relation, tail}",
4: "<head, relation, tail>",