



    <!-- Apache Flink 的依赖, 这些依赖项,生产环境可以不打包到JAR文件中. -->
    <!-- flink-connector-starrocks -->


public class LoadJsonRecords {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // To run the example, you should prepare in the following steps
        // 1. create a primary key table in your StarRocks cluster. The DDL is
        //  CREATE DATABASE `test`;
        //    CREATE TABLE `test`.`score_board`
        //    (
        //        `id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
        //        `name` varchar(65533) NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT "",
        //        `score` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT "0" COMMENT ""
        //    )
        //    ENGINE=OLAP
        //    PRIMARY KEY(`id`)
        //    COMMENT "OLAP"
        //    DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`)
        //    PROPERTIES(
        //        "replication_num" = "1"
        //    );
        // 2. replace the connector options "jdbc-url" and "load-url" with your cluster configurations
        MultipleParameterTool params = MultipleParameterTool.fromArgs(args);
        String jdbcUrl = params.get("jdbcUrl", "jdbc:mysql://fe-ip:9030");
        String loadUrl = params.get("loadUrl", "be-ip:8040;be-ip:8040;be-ip:8040");

        //String jdbcUrl = params.get("jdbcUrl", "jdbc:mysql://fe-ip:9030");
        //String loadUrl = params.get("loadUrl", "be-ip:8040;be-ip:8040;be-ip:8040");

        //String jdbcUrl = params.get("jdbcUrl", "jdbc:mysql://fe-ip:9030");
        //String loadUrl = params.get("loadUrl", "be-ip:8040,be-ip:8040,be-ip:8040");

        final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

        // Generate json-format records. Each record has three fields correspond to
        // the columns `id`, `name`, and `score` in StarRocks table.
        String[] records = new String[]{
                "{\"id\":1111, \"name\":\"starrocks-json\", \"score\":100}",
                "{\"id\":2222, \"name\":\"flink-json\", \"score\":100}",
        DataStream<String> source = env.fromElements(records);

        // Configure the connector with the required properties, and you also need to add properties
        // "sink.properties.format" and "sink.properties.strip_outer_array" to tell the connector the
        // input records are json-format.
        StarRocksSinkOptions options = StarRocksSinkOptions.builder()
                .withProperty("jdbc-url", jdbcUrl)
                .withProperty("load-url", loadUrl)
                .withProperty("database-name", "tmp")
                .withProperty("table-name", "score_board")
                .withProperty("username", "")
                .withProperty("password", "")
                .withProperty("sink.properties.format", "json")
                .withProperty("sink.properties.strip_outer_array", "true")
        // Create the sink with the options
        SinkFunction<String> starRockSink = StarRocksSink.sink(options);

