By default, when we talk about an optimization problem, we assume it is continuous, unless we explicitly say that it is discrete.
Continuous Optimization:
Discrete Optimization:
Linear Optimization:
Nonlinear Optimization:
I? ?Finding a good optimization model is at least half way in solving the problem
I? ?In practice, we are not given a mathematical formulation — typically the problem is described verbally by a specialist within some domain. It is extremely important to be able to convert the problem into a mathematical formulation
I? ?Modeling is not trivial: Sometimes, we not only want to find a formulation, but also want to find a good formulation.
The golden rule: Find and formulate the three components
I Decision → Decision variables
I Objective → Objective functions
I Constraints → Constraint functions/inequalities
What category this optimization problem belongs to?
You have 80 meters of fencing and want to enclose a rectangle yard as large (area) as possible. How should you do it?
I Decision variable: the length l?and width w of the yard
I Objective: maximize the area: lw
I Constraints: the total length of yard available: 2l + 2w ≤ 80, l,w ≥ 0
Some notations: We define the set of edges by E. The distance between node i and node j is wij .
In this course, we use bold font to denote vectors:?x = (x1, ..., xn).
By default, all vectors are column vectors. We use x^T to denote the transpose of a vector.
We use a^T x to denote the inner product of a and x
Given two groups of data points in R d , A = {x1, ..., xn} and B = {y1 , ..., ym}. We want to find a plane that separates them.
It is used in pattern recognition, machine learning, etc. Decision: A plane a T x + b = 0 defined by (a, b) that separates the points such that
We call such problems feasibility problems: feasibility problem is a special kind of optimization problem
Sometimes a total separation is not possible:?Then we want to find a plane such that the total “error” is minimized: (we write (w) + for max{w, 0})?(取正部分)
The expression?describe a linear decision boundary in a two-class classification scenario, where we have two sets of points, A and B.?The decision boundary is defined by a hyperplane , where a is the normal vector to the hyperplane, and b is a constant term.The two sets of points are separated by this hyperplane in such a way that points in set A are on one side of the hyperplane? and points in set B are on the other side .
The expressions for all x in set X and? for all y in set Y are considered equivalent conditions.?
在这个表达式中, 描述了一个决策边界(decision boundary)在机器学习或优化问题中的应用。让我们解释一下这个表达式中各个部分的含义:
这个表达式实际上表示了样本 xi? 在决策边界上的投影。具体来说:
在一些分类问题中,这个表达式用于判断样本在特征空间中的位置,从而将样本分配到不同的类别。在支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)等算法中,通过调整 a 和 b 的取值,可以找到一个最优的决策边界,以便在两个类别之间进行有效的分类。
在一些优化问题和分类算法中,对于决策边界的具体形式,可以使用 或 ,通常具体的选择取决于问题的要求和算法的设计。
在支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)等算法中,常常使用?,这是因为这样的选择使得决策边界更加“宽阔”(wide margin),有助于提高模型的泛化性能。通过调整 a 和 b 的取值,可以找到一个最大间隔的决策边界,以更好地区分不同类别的样本。在实际应用中,有时为了简化问题,也可以使用??特别是当问题的复杂性不要求很大的间隔时。这在一些问题中可能会导致相似的效果,但在对于决策边界的选择上,具体的取值通常需要根据具体的问题和算法的设计来确定。
For points in A, the error is?,
For points in B, the error is?,
Therefore we can write the support vector machine problem as:
This is an unconstrained, nonlinear, continuous optimization problem.
The relaxed problem is more amenable to optimization techniques.?The solutions to the relaxed problem will satisfy the original equalities。(You have an optimization problem where you want to find the values of a and b that minimize a certain expression involving δi? and σj?. These δi? and σj? are related to the differences between the actual values and the predicted values in your model. Originally, you said these differences must be exactly zero (equality). However, sometimes it's easier to solve problems when you allow a little flexibility. So, instead of insisting that these differences are exactly zero, you relax the requirement and say they just need to be greater than or equal to zero.)
Broader Solution Space:
Numerical Stability:
Computational Efficiency:
Simplification of Expressions:
And finally,?the optimization problem can be transformed to