01-10 16:39:15.421637 ?1268 ?1395 W RescueParty: Attempting rescue level RESET_SETTINGS_UNTRUSTED_DEFAULTS
?? ?Line 90467: 01-10 16:39:15.422713 ?1268 ?1395 W RescueParty: Performing scoped reset for package: com.android.systemui, affected namespaces: [systemui]
?? ?Line 120376: 01-10 16:39:45.922096 ?1268 ?1395 W RescueParty: Attempting rescue level RESET_SETTINGS_UNTRUSTED_CHANGES
?? ?Line 120392: 01-10 16:39:45.925226 ?1268 ?1395 W RescueParty: Performing scoped reset for package: com.android.systemui, affected namespaces: [systemui]
?? ?Line 141598: 01-10 16:40:06.119886 ?1268 ?1395 W RescueParty: Attempting rescue level RESET_SETTINGS_TRUSTED_DEFAULTS
?? ?Line 169890: 01-10 16:40:33.775728 ?1268 ?1395 W RescueParty: Attempting rescue level FACTORY_RESET
?? ?Line 171624: 01-10 16:40:34.910588 31034 31034 I uncrypt : --reason=RescueParty
PowerManagerService: reboot, reason = recovery caller pid: 1268, Caller uid: 1000
?? ?Line 171632: 01-10 16:40:34.917149 ?1268 31031 D PowerManagerService: shutdownOrRebootInternal, reason = recoveryCaller pid: 1268, Caller uid: 1000
?? ?Line 171648: 01-10 16:40:34.928927 ?1268 31099 I ShutdownThread: Logging pre-reboot information...
?? ?Line 171657: 01-10 16:40:34.935417 ?1268 31099 D PreRebootLogger: Wiping pre-reboot information...
?? ?Line 171657: 01-10 16:40:34.935417 ?1268 31099 D PreRebootLogger: Wiping pre-reboot information...
?? ?Line 171658: 01-10 16:40:34.935834 ?1268 31099 D ShutdownTiming: DumpPreRebootInfo took to complete: 7ms
?? ?Line 172517: 01-10 16:40:35.532173 ?1268 31099 I ShutdownThread: Rebooting, reason: recovery
?? ?Line 172519: 01-10 16:40:35.532266 ?1268 31099 I PowerManagerService: send to qnx: reboot,recovery
?? ?Line 172645: 01-10 16:40:35.614230 31123 31123 I STATE_MONITOR: process_state_monitor ?'android-reboot,recovery'
?? ?Line 173158: 01-10 16:40:36.539036 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 I init ? ?: Received sys.powerctl='reboot,recovery' from pid: 1268 (system_server)
?? ?Line 173167: 01-10 16:40:36.546664 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 I init ? ?: Reboot start, reason: reboot,recovery, reboot_target: recovery
?? ?Line 173167: 01-10 16:40:36.546664 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 I init ? ?: Reboot start, reason: reboot,recovery, reboot_target: recovery
?? ?Line 173167: 01-10 16:40:36.546664 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 I init ? ?: Reboot start, reason: reboot,recovery, reboot_target: recovery
?? ?Line 173169: 01-10 16:40:36.546694 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 I init ? ?: Create reboot monitor thread.
vmm_monitor.3608753 default 3 4 vmm_monitor[vmm_monitor.c:195]: vmm_monitor_rx_callback() topic = android-state-monitor datalen = 25, buff='android-reboot,recovery'
Android开发太难了,Native Crash的一切!_错误_访问_非法
01-10 17:35:32.587681 399 399 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit uid 0 <<<<<<
#00 pc 0001715a /vendor/lib/libgsl.so (gsl_memory_alloc_pure+9430) (BuildId: e7aa9fa91693880688cd7ba0c9b563d4)
#01 pc 00094741 /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so (BuildId: 93583765d974e0cc7c3010e3357c8f24)
#02 pc 000f898e?[anon:stack_and_tls:10772]
Adreno-GSL_RPC: <gsl_context_create:3165>: ctxt_id 15, sync_type 2
01-10 17:35:39.687784 ?1580 ?1994 E Adreno ?: [GFX_DBG] no mem for req of 32768 in pool 0, size 81920 mem used 115.00% slots used 15 flags(0xc0000)
?752 D EcuInfo-Impl: [vendor/mega/system/ecu_info/1.0/default/src/impl/EcuInfoImpl.cpp][onReceive][101]: topic = misc_service/command/ecu_info_ready, datalen = 1
01-10 17:35:32.589394 ? 752 ? 752 D EcuInfo-Impl: [vendor/mega/system/ecu_info/1.0/default/src/impl/EcuInfoImpl.cpp][handleResponse][457]: topic: misc_service/command/ecu_info_ready type: 6
01-10 17:35:32.589414 ?3061 ?3061 I HudSDK ?: com.autoai.ar.h37
01-10 17:35:32.589414 ?3061 ?3061 I HudSDK ?: HudSDK:updateTapLevel userID=-1000,tapLevel=50
01-10 17:35:32.591714 ? 752 ?4455 D EcuInfo-Impl: [vendor/mega/system/ecu_info/1.0/default/src/impl/EcuInfoImpl.cpp][loaderTask][707]: type: 5
01-10 17:35:32.591794 ? 752 ?4455 D EcuInfo-Impl: [vendor/mega/system/ecu_info/1.0/default/src/impl/EcuInfoImpl.cpp][loaderTask][733]: type: 5 mask: c
misc_service[misc_service.cpp566]: command -> (service:reboot) ?9:[sync && reset]