# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import jieba
import re
from stylecloud import gen_stylecloud
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
with open('./圣诞素材/Christmas.txt', encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = f.read()
# 文本预处理 去除一些无用的字符 只提取出中文出来
new_data = re.findall('[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+', data, re.S)
new_data = "/".join(new_data)
# 文本分词 精确模式
seg_list_exact = jieba.cut(new_data, cut_all=False)
# 加载停用词
with open('stop_words.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# 获取每一行的停用词 添加进集合
con = f.read().split('\n')
stop_words = set()
for i in con:
# 列表解析式 去除停用词和单个词
result_list = [word for word in seg_list_exact if word not in stop_words and len(word) > 1]
# 个人推荐使用的palette配色方案 效果挺好看 其他测试过 感觉一般~~
# colorbrewer.qualitative.Dark2_7
# cartocolors.qualitative.Bold_5
# colorbrewer.qualitative.Set1_8
text=' '.join(result_list), # 文本数据
size=600, # 词云图大小
font_path=r'./font/猫啃网糖圆体.ttf', # 中文词云 显示需要设置字体
icon_name = "fas fa-tree", # 图标
output_name='./results/圣诞树06.png', # 输出词云图名称
palette='cartocolors.qualitative.Bold_5', # 选取配色方案
import jieba
import re
from stylecloud import gen_stylecloud
from PIL import Image
:导入Python Imaging Library(PIL)中的Image类。
import numpy as np
with open('./圣诞素材/Christmas.txt', encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = f.read()
new_data = re.findall('[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+', data, re.S)
new_data = "/".join(new_data)
seg_list_exact = jieba.cut(new_data, cut_all=False)
with open('stop_words.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
con = f.read().split('\n')
stop_words = set(con)
result_list = [word for word in seg_list_exact if word not in stop_words and len(word) > 1]
gen_stylecloud(text=' '.join(result_list), size=600, font_path=r'./font/猫啃网糖圆体.ttf', icon_name="fas fa-tree", output_name='./results/圣诞树06.png', palette='cartocolors.qualitative.Bold_5')
text=' '.join(result_list)
:指定中文显示所需的字体文件路径。icon_name="fas fa-tree"
pip install jieba stylecloud Pillow numpy
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import PIL.Image as image
import numpy as np
# 一些变量值,依据自己实际情况进行设置
edcoding_type = "utf-8" # 编码方式
background_color = "white" # 生成图片的背景颜色
txt_path = "little red-cap.txt" # 文本路径
mask_path = "mask.png" # 词云形状掩码路径
img_path = "red-cap_wordcloud.png" # 输出生成的词云图片路径
max_words = 200 # 最大显示词数量
# 读取文本内容
def get_txt(txtpath):
with open(txtpath, encoding = edcoding_type) as f:
text = f.read()
return text
# 生成词云
def generate_wordcloud(wordlist, maskpath, backgroundcolor, maxwords):
mask = np.array(image.open(maskpath)) # 设置图形掩码
wordcloud = WordCloud(
background_color = backgroundcolor, # 设置图片背景颜色
mask = mask, # 设置掩码
max_words = maxwords # 设置最大显示词数
return wordcloud
text = get_txt(txt_path) # 获取文本
word_cloud = generate_wordcloud(text, # 生成词云
image_file = word_cloud.to_image() # 生成图片
image_file.show() # 显示图片
word_cloud.to_file(img_path) # 保存生成的图片
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import PIL.Image as image
import numpy as np
edcoding_type = "utf-8"
background_color = "white"
txt_path = "little red-cap.txt"
mask_path = "mask.png"
img_path = "red-cap_wordcloud.png"
max_words = 200
def get_txt(txtpath):
with open(txtpath, encoding=edcoding_type) as f:
:打开文本文件,并使用指定的编码方式读取文件内容。text = f.read()
:将文件内容读取到变量text中。return text
:返回读取到的文本内容。def generate_wordcloud(wordlist, maskpath, backgroundcolor, maxwords):
,用于生成词云图。mask = np.array(image.open(maskpath))
:使用WordCloud生成词云图,设置了背景颜色、掩码和最大显示词数。return wordcloud
:返回生成的词云对象。text = get_txt(txt_path)
函数获取文本内容。word_cloud = generate_wordcloud(text, mask_path, background_color, max_words)
函数生成词云图。image_file = word_cloud.to_image()