We will transfer amount curency and amt in lo.cur and index-base as Excel. We can do it by following code.
IF gt_out-dmbtr IS NOT INITIAL .
* CLEAR:lt_currencyamount.
lt_currencyamount-itemno_acc = gt_out-tabix.
lt_currencyamount-curr_type = '10' . " The first currency .
lt_currencyamount-amt_doccur = gt_out-dmbtr .
lt_currencyamount-currency = l_waers.
APPEND lt_currencyamount.
IF gt_out-dmbe2 IS NOT INITIAL.
* CLEAR:lt_currencyamount.
lt_currencyamount-itemno_acc = gt_out-tabix.
lt_currencyamount-curr_type = '50' . " INDEX-base is Tureky currency .
lt_currencyamount-amt_doccur = gt_out-dmbe2 .
lt_currencyamount-currency = 'TRY'.
APPEND lt_currencyamount.
* CLEAR:lt_currencyamount.
" Voucher amount
lt_currencyamount-itemno_acc = gt_out-tabix.
lt_currencyamount-curr_type = '00' .
lt_currencyamount-currency = l_waers.
lt_currencyamount-amt_doccur = gt_out-wrbtrf.
APPEND lt_currencyamount.
Curr_type and Currency are important . lt_currencyamount-itemno_acc
is the same for every data,