qDebug() << "Hello, World!";
int num = 10;
qDebug() << "num is: " << num;
QString name = "xiao";
int age = 25;
qDebug() << QString("Name: %1, Age: %2").arg(name).arg(age);
int num = 10;
QString name = "xiao";
qDebug() << "num is: " << num << ", name is: " << name;
int num = 80;
qDebug() << QString("0x%1").arg(num, 8, 16, QChar('0')); //十六进制输出,8位,不够补0
QString name = "xiao";
QString age = "20";
qDebug() << name << age; //输出带有双引号和空格
QString name = "xiao";
QString age = "20";
qDebug().noquote().nospace() //不带双引号和空格
<< name << age;
class Size {
Size(int w, int h) {
this->width = w;
this->height = h;
friend QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Size &size);
int width;
int height;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Size &size)
dbg.nospace() << "Size(" << size.width << "," << size.height << ")";
return dbg;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Size size(1, 20);
qDebug() << size;
return 0;
??qSetMessagePattern 是 Qt 提供的一个功能强大的函数,用于设置日志信息的输出格式和样式。它允许你自定义日志消息的显示方式,包括消息类型、时间戳、文件名、行号等。
??通过 qSetMessagePattern 函数,你可以设置一个模式字符串,用于格式化日志消息。该模式字符串可以包含占位符,用于指示消息的不同部分。例如,你可以使用 %type 占位符表示消息类型,%time 占位符表示时间戳,%file 占位符表示文件名,%line 占位符表示行号等。
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
qSetMessagePattern("%{time yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz} %{type} - %{message} %{file}:%{line}");
qDebug() << "hello world!";
return 0;
占位符 | 描述 |
%{appname} | QCoreApplication::applicationName() |
%{category} | Logging category |
%{file} | Path to source file |
%{function} | Function |
%{line} | Line in source file |
%{message} | The actual message |
%{pid} | QCoreApplication::applicationPid() |
%{threadid} | The system-wide ID of current thread (if it can be obtained) |
%{qthreadptr} | A pointer to the current QThread (result of QThread::currentThread()) |
%{type} | “debug”, “warning”, “critical” or “fatal” |
%{time process} | time of the message, in seconds since the process started (the token “process” is literal) |
%{time boot} | the time of the message, in seconds since the system boot if that can be determined (the token “boot” is literal). If the time since boot could not be obtained, the output is indeterminate (see QElapsedTimer::msecsSinceReference()). |
%{time [format]} | system time when the message occurred, formatted by passing the format to QDateTime::toString(). If the format is not specified, the format of Qt::ISODate is used. |
%{backtrace [depth=N] [separator=“…”]} | A backtrace with the number of frames specified by the optional depth parameter (defaults to 5), and separated by the optional separator parameter (defaults to “|”). This expansion is available only on some platforms (currently only platfoms using glibc). Names are only known for exported functions. If you want to see the name of every function in your application, use QMAKE_LFLAGS += -rdynamic. When reading backtraces, take into account that frames might be missing due to inlining or tail call optimization. |
如果您在Visual Studio工程中使用qDebug觉得不便,我为您推荐一款能够即时查看qDebug输出的实用工具——DebugView。
借助DebugView的帮助,您将能够更轻松地在Visual Studio工程中管理和调试Qt应用程序。这款工具不仅限于qDebug的查看,它还提供了更多高级功能,帮助您更好地理解和调试您的程序。