中国科学院大学研究生学术英语读写教程-全文-翻译-思考题(Unit 4)




Unit 4

Paul Dirac (保罗·狄拉克)had an eye for beauty. In one essay, from May 1963, the British Nobel laureate(获奖者)referred to beauty nine times. It makes four appearances in four consecutive sentences. In the article, he painted a picture of how physicists saw nature. But the word beauty never defined a sunset, nor a flower, or nature in any traditional sense Dirac(狄拉克) was talking quantum theory and gravity. The beauty lay in the mathematics.


What does it mean for math to be beautiful? It is not about the appearance of the symbols on the page. That, at best, is secondary. Math becomes beautiful through the power and elegance of its arguments and formulae through the bridges it builds between previously unconnected worlds. When it surprises. For those who learn the language, math has the same capacity for beauty as art, music, a full blanket of stars on the darkest night.

【数学美丽意味着什么? 这与页面上符号的外观无关。 这充其量是次要的。 数学通过其论证和公式的力量和优雅,通过它在以前未连接的世界之间建立的桥梁而变得美丽。 当它令人惊讶时。 对于那些学习语言的人来说,数学与艺术、音乐、最黑暗的夜晚铺满星星一样具有美感。】

“The slow movement of the Mozart clarinet concerto (莫扎特单簧管协奏曲) is a really beautiful piece of music, but I don't print off a page of the score and put that on my wall. It's not about that. It's about the music and the ideas and the emotional response.” say Vicky Neale, a mathematician at Oxford University. “It's the same with a piece of mathematics. It's not how it looks; it's about the underlying thought processes

【“莫扎特单簧管协奏曲的缓慢乐章是一首非常美丽的音乐,但我不会打印一页乐谱并将其挂在墙上。 不是这个问题。 这是关于音乐、想法和情感反应。” 牛津大学数学家维琪·尼尔 (Vicky Neale) 说道。 “数学也是如此。 事实并非如此。 这是关于潜在的思维过程】

Brain scans of mathematicians show that gazing(盯着)at formulae considered beautiful by the beholder elicits activity in the same emotional region as great art and music. The more beautiful the formula, the greater the activity in the medial orbitofrontal cortex. “So far as the brain is concerned, math has beauty just like art, there is common neurophysiological ground, says Sir Michael Atiya, an honorary professor of mathematics at Edinburgh University.

【对数学家的脑部扫描表明,凝视旁观者认为美丽的公式会引发与伟大艺术和音乐相同的情感区域的活动。 公式越漂亮,内侧眶额皮质的活动就越大。 爱丁堡大学数学名誉教授迈克尔·阿蒂亚爵士表示:“就大脑而言,数学就像艺术一样具有美感,有共同的神经生理学基础。”】

Ask mathematicians about the most beautiful equation and one crops up time and again. Written in the 18th century by the Swiss mathematician, Leonhard Euler? The relation is short and simple: e+1=0. It is neat and compact even to the naive eye. But the beauty comes from a deeper understanding: Here the five most important mathematical constants are brought together. Euler's formula marries the world of circles, imaginary numbers and exponentials.

【向数学家询问最美丽的方程式,其中一个会一次又一次地出现。 由瑞士数学家莱昂哈德·欧拉于 18 世纪撰写? 该关系简短而简单:e+1=0。 即使对于天真的眼睛来说,它也是整洁和紧凑的。 但美妙之处来自于更深入的理解:这里汇集了五个最重要的数学常数。 欧拉公式将圆、虚数和指数的世界结合在一起】

The beauty of other formulae may be more obvious. With E=mc , Albert Einstein built a bridge between energy and mass, two concepts that had previously seemed worlds apart. Maggie Adrien Pocock(玛吉·阿德琳·波科克), the space scientist, declared it the most beautiful equation and she is in good company. “Why is it so beautiful? Because it comes to life. Now energy will have mass and mass can be put into energy. These four symbols capture a complete world. It's difficult to imagine a shorter formula with more power” says Robert Dijk Graaf(罗伯特·戴克·格拉夫), director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where Einstein was one of the first faculty members.

【其他公式的美妙可能更明显。 通过 E=mc ,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在能量和质量之间架起了一座桥梁,这两个概念以前似乎是天壤之别。 太空科学家玛吉·阿德琳·波科克 (Maggie Aderin Pocock) 宣称这是最美丽的方程式,而且她身边也有很多人。 “为什么这么漂亮? 因为它栩栩如生。 现在能量将具有质量,并且质量可以转化为能量。 这四个符号捕捉了一个完整的世界。 很难想象一个更短、更强大的公式。”普林斯顿高等研究院院长罗伯特·戴克·格拉夫 (Robert Dijk Graaf) 说道,爱因斯坦是该研究所的首批教员之一】

“One of the reasons there's almost an objective beauty in mathematics is that we use the word beautiful also to indicate the raw power in an idea. The equations or results in mathematics that are seen to be beautiful are almost like poems. The power per variable is something that is part of the experience. Just seeing a huge part of mathematics or nature being described with just a few symbols gives a great sense of elegance or beauty Dijkgraaf adds. “A second element is you feel its beauty is reflecting reality. It's reflecting a sense of order that's out there as part of the laws of nature”


The power of an equation to connect what seems like completely unrelated realms of mathematics comes up often. Marcus du Sautoy, a math professor at Oxford, has more than a soft spot for Riemann’s formula. Published by Bernhard Riemann in 1859 (the same year Charles Species stunned the world with On the Origin of Species), the formula reveals how many primes exist below a given number, where primes are whole numbers divisible only by themselves and 1, such as 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11. While one side of the equation describes the primes, the other is controlled zeros.

【一个方程的力量,连接看似完全不相关的数学领域经常出现。牛津大学的数学教授马库斯·杜·索托伊对黎曼公式的偏爱不止于此。这个公式由Bernhard Riemann于1859年发表(同年Charles Species以《物种起源》震惊了世界),它揭示了一个给定数字下面有多少个素数,其中素数是只能被自己和1整除的整数,比如2,3,5,7和11。方程的一边是质数,另一边是可控的零。】

“This formula turns these indivisible prime numbers, into something completely different,” says du Sautoy “On the one side, you've got these indivisible prime numbers and then Riemann takes you on this journey to somewhere completely unexpected, to these things which we now call the Riemann zeros. Each of these zeros gives rise to a note - and it's the combination of these notes together which tell us how the primes on the other side are distributed across all numbers.”


More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greek mathematician, Euclid, solved numerical puzzle so beautifully that it still makes Neale smile every time it comes to mind. “When I think about beauty in mathematics, my first thoughts are not about equations. For me it's much more about an argument, a line of thinking, or a particular proof” she says.


Euclid proved there are infinitely many prime numbers. How did he do it? He began by imagining a universe where the number of primes was not infinite. Given a big enough blackboard, one could chalk them all up.


He then asked what happened if all these primes were multiplied together: 2 x 3 x 5 and so on, all the way to the end of the list, and the result added to the number 1. This huge new number provides the answer. Either it is a prime number itself, and so the original list was incomplete, or it is divisible by a smaller prime. But divide Euclid's number by any prime on the list and always there is a 1 left over. The number is not divisible by any prime on the list. "It turns out you reach an absurdity, a contradiction”, says Neale. The original assumption that the number primes is finite must be wrong.

【然后他问,如果把所有这些质数相乘会发生什么:2 × 3 × 5,以此类推,一直到列表的末尾,结果加到数字1上。这个庞大的新数字提供了答案。要么它本身就是一个素数,所以原来的列表是不完整的,要么它能被一个更小的素数整除。但是用欧几里得的数除以数列上的任何质数总是剩下一个1。这个数不能被数列上的任何素数整除。尼尔说:“事实证明,这是荒谬的,是矛盾的。”最初质数是有限的假设肯定是错误的。】

“The proof for me is really beautiful. It takes some thinking to get your head around it, but it doesn't involve learning lots of difficult concepts. It's surprising that you can prove something so difficult in such an elegant way” Neale adds.


Behind beautiful processes lies beautiful mathematics. Well, some of the time. Hannah Fry, a lecturer in the mathematics of cities at UCL spent years staring at the Navier-Stokes equations. “They're a single mathematical sentence that is capable of describing the miraculously beautiful and diverse behavior of almost all of the earth's fluids,” she says. With a grasp of the formulae, we can understand blood flow in the body, make boats glide through the water, and build awesome chocolate enrobers.

【美丽的过程背后是美丽的数学。嗯,有时候是这样。伦敦大学学院(UCL)城市数学讲师汉娜?弗莱(Hannah Fry)花了数年时间研究纳维-斯托克斯方程。她说:“它们是一个简单的数学句子,能够描述地球上几乎所有流体的神奇的美丽和多样的行为。”掌握了这些公式,我们就能理解体内的血液流动,使船只在水中滑行,并制造出令人惊叹的巧克力连衣裙。】

In his 1963 essay, Dirac elevated beauty from an aesthetic response to something far more profound: a route to the truth. “It is more important to have beauty in one equation than to have them fit experiment,” he wrote, continuing: “It seems that if one is working from the point of view of getting beauty in one's equations, and if one has really a sound insight, one is on a sure line of progress. Shocking at first pass, Dirac captured what is now a common sentiment: When a beautiful equation seems at odds with nature, the fault may lie not with the math, but in applying it to the wrong aspect of nature.


“Truth and beauty are closely related but not the same says Atiyah. “You are never sure that you have the truth. All you are doing is striving towards better and better truths and the light that guides you is beauty. Beauty is the torch you hold up and follow in the belief that it will lead you to truth in the end.”


Something approaching faith in mathematical beauty has led physicists to draw up two of the most compelling descriptions of reality: super symmetry and string theory”. In a super symmetric universe, every known type of particle has a heavier invisible twin. In string theory, reality has 10 dimensions, but six are curled up so tight they are hidden from us. The mathematics behind both theories are often described as beautiful, but it is not at all clear if either is true.


There is a danger here for mathematicians. Beauty is a fallible guide. "You can literally be seduced by something that is not correct. This is a risk”. says Dijk-Graaf. whose institute motto, “Truth and Beauty”, features one naked and one dressed woman. “Sometimes I feel that physicists, like Odysseus, must tie themselves to the mast of the ship so they are not seduced by the Sirens of mathematics.


It may be that mathematicians and scientists are the only groups that still use the word “beautiful” without hesitation. It is rarely employed by critics of literature, art or music, who perhaps fear it sounds superficial or kitschy.


“I'm very proud that in mathematics and science the concept of beauty is still there. ?I think it's an incredibly important concept in our lives," says Dijkgraaf. “These sense of beauty we experience in math and science is a multidimensional sense of beauty. We don't feel it's in any conflict with being deep, or interesting, or powerful, or meaningful. For the mathematician, it's all captured by that one word.


思考题:Mathematics is known to be a magical tool in solving many of the mysteries in the world, but the author argues that there is beauty in mathematics in addition to its utility. Paul Dirac even advised people to go for the beauty in their equations over experimental verification. Do you think the beauty of mathematics is important? Please summarize the beauty described by Paul Dirac and make explanation on your opinion.

【众所周知,数学是解决世界上许多谜团的神奇工具,但作者认为,数学除了实用性之外,还有它的美。保罗·狄拉克(Paul Dirac)甚至建议人们追求方程式的美,而不是实验验证。你认为数学之美很重要吗?请总结保罗·狄拉克所描述的美,并解释你的观点。】

In my opinion, the beauty of mathematics is indeed important. It goes beyond mere utility and serves as a guidepost for discovering profound truths about the universe. Beautiful mathematical concepts often lead to elegant solutions, offering insights that may transcend immediate applications. The pursuit of beauty in mathematics fosters creativity and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of various mathematical ideas.

