import os
import json
json_dir = '' # json文件路径
out_dir = '' # 输出的 txt 文件路径
def get_json(json_file, filename):
# 读取 json 文件数据
with open(json_file, 'r') as load_f:
content = json.load(load_f)
tmp = filename
filename_txt = out_dir + tmp + '.txt'
# 创建txt文件
fp = open(filename_txt, mode="w", encoding="utf-8")
# 将数据写入文件
# 计算 yolo 数据格式所需要的中心点的 相对 x, y 坐标, w,h 的值
x = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][0]
y = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][1]
w = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][1][0] - (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][0]
h = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][1][1] - (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][1]
fp = open(filename_txt, mode="r+", encoding="utf-8")
file_str = str(filename) + ' ' + str(round(x, 6)) + ' ' + str(round(y, 6)) + ' ' + str(round(w, 6)) + \
' ' + str(round(h, 6))
line_data = fp.readlines()
if len(line_data) != 0:
fp.write('\n' + file_str)
def main():
files = os.listdir(json_dir) # 得到文件夹下的所有文件名称
s = []
for file in files: # 遍历文件夹
filename = file.split('.')[0]
# print(tmp)
get_json(json_dir + file, filename)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import json
json_dir = '' # json文件路径
out_dir = '' # 输出的 txt 文件路径
def get_json(json_file, filename):
# 读取 json 文件数据
with open(json_file, 'r') as load_f:
content = json.load(load_f)
# # 循环处理
tmp = filename
filename_txt = out_dir + tmp + '.txt'
# 创建txt文件
fp = open(filename_txt, mode="w", encoding="utf-8")
# 将数据写入文件
# 计算 yolo 数据格式所需要的中心点的 相对 x, y 坐标, w,h 的值
x = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][0]
y = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][1]
w = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][1][0] - (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][0]
h = (content["shapes"][0])["points"][1][1] - (content["shapes"][0])["points"][0][1]
fp = open(filename_txt, mode="r+", encoding="utf-8")
file_str = str(filename) + ' ' + str(round(x, 6)) + ' ' + str(round(y, 6)) + ' ' + str(round(w, 6)) + \
' ' + str(round(h, 6))
line_data = fp.readlines()
if len(line_data) != 0:
fp.write('\n' + file_str)
def main():
files = os.listdir(json_dir) # 得到文件夹下的所有文件名称
s = []
for file in files: # 遍历文件夹
filename = file.split('.')[0]
# print(tmp)
get_json(json_dir + file, filename)
if __name__ == '__main__':