Configures additional object stores for a given storage provider. Supported stores: aws, azure, bos, filesystem, gcs, swift. Example: storage_config: named_stores: aws: store-1: endpoint: s3://foo-bucket region: us-west1 Named store from this example can be used by setting object_store to store-1 in period_config.
[aws: <map of string to aws_storage_config>]
[azure: <map of string to azure_storage_config>]
[bos: <map of string to bos_storage_config>]
[filesystem: <map of string to local_storage_config>]
[gcs: <map of string to gcs_storage_config>]
[alibabacloud: <map of string to alibabacloud_storage_config>]
[swift: <map of string to swift_storage_config>]
[cos: <map of string to cos_storage_config>]