DAY3 -Learning English




1.谁在乎啊(who gives a shit)

?例句:who gives a shit about what? he think.


2. 往事如烟|过去的都过去了(water under the bridge)

The argument we had is now water under the bridge .


3.刷卡进或出(tap in,tap out)

please remember tap in and tap out


4. descent

?The airplane began it's descent into the airport


5. depot

?The company stores it's products in a large depot.


6. 一点点(a pinch of)

?Remember to add just a pinch of salt to the soup.



?I like to add various condiments to my sandwich for extra favor.


8. gorgeous

?She looked absolutely gorgeous in her new dress.


9. pharmacy

?i need to go to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription.


10. 吃饱了(i'm stuffed)

?I can't eat anymore, i'm stuffed.


11. 刷剧(binge-watch)

?Last weekend , I decided to binge-watch a new TV show,


12. 一针见血(touche)

his comment was a real touche and left me speechless.


13. 如今(in this day and age)

In this day and age? it's important to be awared of online security.


be awared of sth. 意识到某件事


?My son loves watching animation movie.


15.买一送一(buy one get one free)

The store has a buy one get one free promotion going on right now.



it apper to be in the lacey trail sector, which is not a registered camping site.

似乎是在lacey trail 的区域,这个区域并没有被登记为合法的露营地。

This city is divided into sevaral sectors for easier management.


be divided into 被分割为

17. flip


18. toggle


?You can toogle bettwen differnt seetings on the apps.


19. attempt


i will attempt to solve this puzzle by myself.


be attempt to do 尝试做某事.

20. illuminate

?The light fixture illuminates the entire room.



1.spelling these word or phrase

1.谁在乎啊??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? who gives a shit

2.往事如烟???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? water under the bridge

3.刷卡进|出??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? tap in | tap out

4.下降??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? descent

5.仓库??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? depot

6.一点点盐??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? a pinch of salt

7.调料??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? condiment

8.漂亮的 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? gorgeous

9.药店??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? pharmacy

10.吃饱了???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i'm stuffed

11.刷剧??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? binge-watch

12.一针见血??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? touche

13.如今??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? in this day and age

14.动画??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? animation

15.买一送一??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? buy one? get one free

16.区域?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? sector

17.切换?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? toggle

18.尝试?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? attempt

19.掀翻??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? flip

20.照射??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? illuminate ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

2.translate these sentenses

  1. Who gives a shit about what he thinks?
  2. The argument we had is now water under the bridge.
  3. Please remember to tap in and tap out when using public transportation.
  4. The airplane began its descent into the airport.
  5. The company stores its products in a large depot.
  6. Remember to add just a pinch of salt to the soup.
  7. I like to add various condiments to my sandwich for extra flavor.
  8. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her new dress.
  9. I need to go to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription.
  10. I can't eat anymore, I'm stuffed.
  11. Last weekend, I decided to binge-watch a new TV show.
  12. His comment was a real touche and left me speechless.
  13. In this day and age, it's important to be aware of online security.
  14. My son loves watching animation movies.
  15. The store has a buy one get one free promotion going on right now.
  16. The city is divided into several sectors for easier management.
  17. You can toggle between different settings on the app.
  18. I will attempt to solve this puzzle by myself.
  19. He accidentally flipped the table over while trying to clean it.
  20. The light fixture illuminates the entire room.

3.recite artical

Title: Reflection

Memories are like water under the bridge, sprinkling a pinch of salt on the wounds of the soul. In this day and age, people don't give a shit as they binge-watch to their hearts' content and buy one get one free becomes the norm. Whether it's tapping in or tapping out at the pharmacy or depot, we toggle between different sectors and feel the descent of our lives. But when things decline too much, we must attempt to flip the situation and illuminate the future with gorgeous thinking, just like a condiment adding flavor to life. Though some may say touche and hit home with sharp comments, who cares about all this? Because some things have already become the past, only capable of overturning some memories, transforming them into the dust of reminiscence, illuminating our path forward.

标题:回忆 往事如烟,掠过脑海,一点点盐加在心灵的伤口上。如今,在这个动画般的世界里,人们吃饱了也会刷剧,买一送一成为了常态。无论是在药店购物还是进出仓库,我们都要刷卡,切换不同的区域。下降的太多,就需要尝试翻转局面,用漂亮的思维去照耀未来。调料给生活增添了味道,就像一针见血的评论,让人忍不住touche。但是,我们不能忘记谁在乎这一切?因为有些东西已经成为过去,成为水下的桥,只能掀翻一些回忆,让它们化作回忆的尘埃,照射着我们前行的路。





《fool for you》



I been running over leaving in my head

Trippin' over all the stupid things you said

I keep stallin' and now I'm fallin'

It's like I'm constantly questioning you

So if you want me why are you tearing me apart

It's killing me slowly watching you hide behind your scars

Not here when I need you I been trying to pull through

You play with my mind play with

My mind play with my mind

But I'm just a fool for you

I play it cool for you

Every night feeding me lies

I turn a blind eye to

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I know you always tell me what I want to hear

It's like it's deafening the silence when you're near

All these blurred lines I still hold tight

Hoping you give me something that is real

So if you want me why are you tearing me apart

It's killing me slowly watching you hide behind your scars

Not here when I need you I been

Trying to pull through

You play with my mind play with

My mind play with my mind

But I'm just a fool for you

I play it cool for you

Every night feeding me lies

I turn a blind eye to

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

I'm just a fool for you

-------------------------------end------------------ over



4.tear sb apart


5. blurred

