<div class="common-table-header">
这部分代码负责根据数据 data 动态渲染表格的行和列内容,包括每一行中的单元格内容、操作按钮、上传编辑功能等。
<div v-for="(row, index) in data">
<div class="common-table-box-fixed">
label: '表头名称',
value: "对应列内容的字段名",
width: '表格列的宽度 --- 此处都是转化为vw以便自适应',
paddingLeft: '每一列的左内边距默认都为20',
paddingRight: '每一列的右内边距默认都为20',
isSort: '是否是索引',
position: "文字是位置-- center:居中;center-left:居左",
valueFormatter: "单元格内容的格式化显示---方法 --- 解析value",
valueFormatter1: "单元格内容的格式化显示---方法--- 解析value1",
valueFormatter3: "单元格内容的格式化显示---方法 --- 解析value3 ",
isHidden: '隐藏列',
isDate: '日期格式 --- 日期有特殊样式显示',
label2: '表头名称 --- 表格显示过多时一列支持显示1-3个字段,举例:表头名为姓名/性别/电话',
value1: '对应列内容的字段名 --- 表格显示过多时一列支持显示1-3个字段,举例:姓名/性别/电话竖着展示',
label3: '表头名称 --- 表格显示过多时一列支持显示1-3个字段,举例:表头名为姓名/性别/电话',
value3: '对应列内容的字段名 --- 表格显示过多时一列支持显示1-3个字段,举例:姓名/性别/电话竖着展示',
isTooltip: 是否超出显示提示框 --- value内容,
isTooltip1: 是否超出显示提示框 --- value1内容,
isTooltip2: 是否超出显示提示框 --- value3内容,
value2: '表格值显示。一般显示名称后value2用来拼接到value后的',
wordColor: '表格内容样色,默认为黑色,当该值为true则为灰色',
isCommonProgress: '显示进度条',
wrap: '通常用在操作列,按钮是否可以换行',
isButton: '代表渲染按钮',
buttonList: '按钮集合',
fontColorIsBlue: '文字颜色变为蓝色',
isbadge: '内容右上角显示的标记此处为数量',
isProgressVal: '进度,这块显示两行,上边为具体值,下册为百分比进度',
unit: '表格内容如果需要单位且不用valueFormatter,可直接使用该值进行传递',
isEcharts: '需要绘制echarts',
isImg: '代表需要展示图片',
question: '表头显示提示框解释该字段表格含义',
isClick: '表格可以点击需结合callback进行使用,只有点击每一列生效',
callback: '方法,点击表格某行后执行',
bgFormatter: '方法,根据某个值给表格行添加背景'
tableColumns = [
label: "序号",
value: "sort",
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 70 * 2 : 78 * 2,
paddingLeft: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
paddingRight: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
isSort: true,
position: "center"
label: "创建日期",
value: "createTime",
isDate: true,
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 140 * 2 : 148 * 2,
position1: "center-left",
valueFormatter: this.valueDateFormat,
paddingLeft: 0,
paddingRight: 0,
isHidden: this.windowWidth <= 1024
label: "类型",
value: "type",
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 85 * 2 : 107 * 2,
position: "center",
valueFormatter: this.valueSourceFormat,
paddingLeft: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
paddingRight: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2
v-if="data.length > 0"
<div class="common-table-box-wrapper">
<div class="common-table-header">
v-for="(column, index) in columns"
{ width: getWidth(column.width, column) },
{ textAlign: column.position || 'left' },
column.position != 'center' && getPadding(column.paddingLeft)
column.position == 'right' && getPadding(column.paddingRight)
display: column.isCheckBox ? 'flex' : '',
justifyContent: column.isCheckBox ? 'center' : '',
alignItems: column.isCheckBox ? 'center' : ''
{ 'no-padding': column.position == 'center' },
'padding-right': column.isButton && column.position == 'right'
{ 'column-flex': column.sort },
{ 'column-date': column.isDate }
v-show="handelJudgeFixed(column) && !column.isHidden"
@change="handleChangeCheckAll($event, columns)"
<span class="column-label" v-if="!column.isCheckBox">{{
<span class="column-label-another" v-if="column.label2">{{
<div class="sort-box" v-if="column.sort">
<span @click.stop="handleSortUp(column)"
v-if="sortValue != 1"/><img
v-if="sortValue == 1"
<span @click.stop="handleSortDown(column)"
v-if="sortValue != 2"/><img
v-if="sortValue == 2"
style="display: inline-block"
$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024
? 'popover-toolip popover-toolip-wdith'
: 'popover-toolip'
<slot name="content"></slot>
<i class="el-icon-question mgl10 pointer" slot="reference"></i>
class="common-table-body common-scroll"
v-for="(row, index) in data"
:key="index + 'row'"
chooseList.some(val => val[rowId] === row[rowId])
? 'row-is-active'
: '',
isChoose || isJump ? 'common-table-row-choose' : '',
row.isRequire ? 'row-border-red' : ''
v-for="(column, indexColumns) in columns"
:key="indexColumns + 'column'"
{ width: getWidth(column.width, column, row) },
{ paddingLeft: getPadding(column.paddingLeft) },
{ paddingRight: getPadding(column.paddingRight) }
{ 'has-border': column.hasBorder },
(column.position == 'center' && !column.isButton) ||
(column.position1 == 'center' && column.isButton)
{ 'word-center-left': column.position1 == 'center-left' },
{ 'word-center-right': column.position1 == 'center-right' },
{ 'button-center-right': column.position1 == 'right' },
{ 'chart-padding': column.isEcharts },
{ 'cell-padding': $store.getters.isNormal },
{ 'cell-padding-no-top': column.noPaddingTop },
$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024 && column.isButton
{ 'cell-padding-min': column.wrap }
v-show="handleJudgeOperate(column, row) && !column.isHidden"
style="width: 100%; position: relative; height: 100%"
v-myLoading="JSON.stringify(row.echarts) == '{}'"
v-if="JSON.stringify(row.echarts) == '{}'"
<div v-else-if="column.isOpera" class="row-label">
textAlign: column.position1 || column.position || 'left'
<div>{{ index + 1 }}</div>
style="height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center"
:disabled="row[checkDisabledLabel] == 1"
@change="handleChangeCheck($event, row)"
style="position: relative"
() => {
return progressoFormat(row.percentage, row.status);
$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024
? 'el-progress-width'
: ''
$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024
? 'progress-label-width'
: ''
v-if="row.percentage == 0"
style="position: relative"
<div class="progress-box">
<div class="device-num">
{{ row.shipmentNum }}/{{ row.totalShipmentNum }}台
<div class="progress" v-if="row.percent != '-'">
width: row.percent
<div class="val">{{ row.percent }}</div>
style="background: transparent;"
{{ row.percent }}
style="position: relative"
<div class="common-progress-box">
width: row[column.value] +'%'
<div class="val">{{ row[column.value]+'%' }}</div>
class="row-label row-label-upload"
v-if="row.key != 'monitor-info' && !row.isHas"
e => {
beforeAvatarUpload(e, index, row.key);
e => {
handleAvatarSuccess(e, index, row);
@click="$emit('special', row)"
<div v-else-if="column.isImg" class="row-label">
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
v-if="getColumnValue(column, row)"
<img :src="getColumnValue(column, row)" alt="" />
column.position1 == 'center'
? 'button-flex-box-padding'
: '',
column.nowrap ? 'button-flex-box-nowarp' : '',
column.wrap ? 'button-flex-box-wrap' : '',
column.isSmall ? 'button-flex-box-small' : '',
<!-- <div>
v-if="getButtonDisplay(column.display, row)"
><span> {{ column.caption }} </span></el-button
</div> -->
<!-- :class="$store.getters.isNormal ? 'button-Box-height' : ''"-->
class="button-Box button-Box-height"
v-for="(item, parentIndex) in column.buttonList"
:key="parentIndex + 'parent'"
v-for="({ display, type, callback, caption, disabled,loading },
childIndex) in item"
:disabled="getButtonDisabled(disabled, row)"
:key="childIndex + caption + 'child'"
v-if="getButtonDisplay(display, row)"
caption.length == 4 ? 'button-four' : ''
@click.stop="callback(row, index)"
>{{ caption }}
class="button-flex-box one"
column.position == 'center' ? 'button-flex-box-padding' : ''
class="button-Box file-button-box"
v-for="(item, parentIndex) in column.buttonList"
:key="parentIndex + 'parent'"
:class="$store.getters.isNormal ? 'button-Box-height' : ''"
childIndex) in item"
v-if="isUpload && getButtonDisplay(display, row)"
:key="childIndex + caption + 'child1'"
v-if="row.key == 'project-info' && !row.isHas"
e => {
beforeAvatarUpload(e, index, row.key);
e => {
handleAvatarSuccess(e, index, row);
<span>{{ caption }}</span></el-button
:key="childIndex + caption + 'child2'"
@click="$emit('special', row)"
:disabled="getButtonDisabled(disabled, row)"
:key="childIndex + caption + 'child'"
v-else-if="!isUpload && getButtonDisplay(display, row)"
caption.length == 4 ? 'button-four' : ''
@click.stop="callback(row, index)"
>{{ caption }}
style="cursor: pointer"
@click="column.callback(row, column)"
textAlign: column.position1 || column.position || 'left'
{ 'word-bold': column.wordBold },
{ 'word-font-default': column.wordFontDefault },
{ 'word-blue': getFontColorIsBlue(column, row) },
column.value1 ? 'no-warp' : 'one-line',
getColumnBg(column, row),
getColumnClass(column, row)
:twoLine="column.isTooltip && column.value1 != undefined"
:className="'ellipsisName' + indexColumns"
:refName="'toolitipName' + indexColumns"
:content="getColumnValue(column, row)"
:style="[{ textAlign: column.position || 'left' }]"
{ 'word-bold': column.wordBold1 },
{ 'row-label-color-default': column.wordColorDefault1 },
{ 'word-blue': getFontColorIsBlue1(column, row) },
column.value3 ? 'two-line-mt' : '',
getColumnBg(column, row),
getColumnClass1(column, row)
:className="'ellipsisNameTwo' + indexColumns"
:refName="'toolitipNameTwo' + indexColumns"
:content="getColumnValue1(column, row)"
:style="[{ textAlign: column.position || 'left' }]"
{ 'word-bold': column.wordBold2 },
{ 'word-blue': getFontColorIsBlue2(column, row) },
getColumnBg(column, row),
getColumnClass2(column, row)
class="two-line two-line-mts"
:className="'ellipsisNameThree' + indexColumns"
:refName="'toolitipNameThree' + indexColumns"
:content="getColumnValue3(column, row)"
<template v-else-if="column.isbadge">
:value="row.badgeNum > 99 ? 99 : row.badgeNum"
:hidden="row.badgeNum == 0"
{{ getColumnValue(column, row) }}
:class="column.isDate ? 'row-label-date' : ''"
textAlign: column.position1 || column.position || 'left'
{ 'word-bold': column.wordBold },
{ 'word-font-default': column.wordFontDefault },
{ 'word-blue': getFontColorIsBlue(column, row) },
column.value1 ? 'no-warp' : 'one-line',
column.wordColor ? 'row-label-color' : '',
? column.boxBg(row) == 'danger'
? 'row-label-num-style row-label-num-style-bg'
: 'row-label-num-style'
: '',
column.isCircle ? 'row-label-circle' : '',
getColumnBg(column, row),
getColumnClass(column, row)
:twoLine="column.isTooltip && column.value1 != undefined"
:className="'ellipsisName' + indexColumns"
:refName="'toolitipName' + indexColumns"
:content="getColumnValue(column, row)"
:style="[{ textAlign: column.position || 'left' }]"
{ 'word-bold': column.wordBold1 },
{ 'row-label-color-default': column.wordColorDefault1 },
{ 'word-blue': getFontColorIsBlue1(column, row) },
column.value3 ? 'two-line-mt' : '',
getColumnBg(column, row),
getColumnClass1(column, row)
:className="'ellipsisNameTwo' + indexColumns"
:refName="'toolitipNameTwo' + indexColumns"
:content="getColumnValue1(column, row)"
:style="[{ textAlign: column.position || 'left' }]"
{ 'word-bold': column.wordBold2 },
{ 'word-blue': getFontColorIsBlue2(column, row) },
getColumnBg(column, row),
getColumnClass2(column, row)
class="two-line two-line-mts"
:className="'ellipsisNameThree' + indexColumns"
:refName="'toolitipNameThree' + indexColumns"
:content="getColumnValue3(column, row)"
v-if="buttonList.length > 0 && data.length > 0 && handelJudgeFixed()"
:style="{ width: getWidth(fixedWidth) }"
<div class="common-table-fixed-header" style="width: 100%">
{{ fixedLabel }}
class="common-table-fixed-box common-scroll"
:class="$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 'common-scroll-width' : ''"
<div class="common-table-fixed-wrapper">
v-for="(row, index) in data"
:key="index + 'fixed'"
chooseList.some(val => val[rowId] === row[rowId])
? 'fixed-is-active'
: '',
isChoose || isJump ? 'common-table-fixed-row-choose' : '',
isOne ? 'common-table-fixed-header-body-flex' : ''
v-for="(item, parentIndex) in buttonList"
:key="parentIndex + 'parent'"
:class="$store.getters.isNormal ? 'button-Box-height' : ''"
v-for="({ display, type, callback, caption },
childIndex) in item"
:key="childIndex + caption + 'child'"
v-if="getButtonDisplay(display, row)"
caption.length == 4 ? 'button-four' : ''
@click.stop="callback(row, index)"
>{{ caption }}
import chart from "@/components/echarts/index";
import commonSearchMixin from "@/mixins/search";
import commonTooltip from "@/components/commonTooltip/index";
import { uploadImgProgress } from "@/api/district";
export default {
name: "HTable",
mixins: [commonSearchMixin],
props: {
data: Array,
columns: Array,
isJump: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
isChoose: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
needJudgeChooseStatus: {
type: Function,
default: () => {
return false;
buttonList: {
type: Array,
default: () => {
return [];
fixedWidth: {
type: Number,
default: 85 * 2
fixedLabel: {
type: String,
default: "操作"
rowId: {
type: String,
default: "id"
isScroll: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
isOne: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
checkDisabledLabel: {
type: String,
default: "needAttest"
titleCheck: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
titleChekcDisabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
chooseNumber: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 5
chooseTooltip: {
type: String,
default: "最多支持选择5条数据进行数据对比!"
data() {
return {
chooseList: [],
isFlag: false,
sortUp: false,
sortdown: false,
sortValue: 0
// isFlag: false,
watch: {
data: {
handler(val) {
if (val.length > 0) {
if (!this.isFlag) {
this.isFlag = true;
this.$nextTick(() => {
var bodyBox = document.querySelector(".common-table-body");
if (bodyBox) {
} else {
this.isFlag = false;
immediate: true,
deep: true
windowWidth: {
handler(val) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
var bodyBox = document.querySelector(".common-table-body");
if (bodyBox) {
immediate: true
components: { chart, commonTooltip },
computed: {
windowWidth() {
return this.$store.getters.windowWidth;
methods: {
handleClickSort(column) {
if (column.sort) {
if (this.sortValue == 2) {
this.sortValue = 0;
this.$emit("sort", "none", "");
} else if (this.sortValue == 1) {
this.$emit("sort", "down", column.value);
this.sortValue = 2;
} else {
this.$emit("sort", "up", column.value);
this.sortValue = 1;
handleSortDown(column) {
this.$emit("sort", "down", column.value);
this.sortValue = 2;
handleSortUp(column) {
this.$emit("sort", "up", column.value);
this.sortValue = 1;
handleChangeCheck(val, row) {
this.$emit("checked", row);
handleChangeCheckAll() {
progressoFormat(percentage, status) {
if (percentage === 100) {
if (status == "success") {
return "已完成";
} else if (status == "exception") {
return "上传失败";
} else if (status == "exception") {
return `${percentage}%`;
} else if (percentage === 0) {
return ``;
} else {
return `${percentage}%`;
uploadProcess(event, file, fileList) {},
handleAvatarSuccess(res, index, row) {
const isJPG =
res.file.type === "image/jpeg" || res.file.type === "image/png";
if (row.key == "project-info" && !isJPG) {
type: "warning",
message: "请上传PNG或JPG格式的图片!"
return false;
// 以下是向后端识别图片接口传递file文件
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", res.file); // 注意是传file.raw
const uploadProgressEvent = progressEvent => {
let percent = ((progressEvent.loaded / progressEvent.total) * 100) | 0;
res.onProgress({ percent: percent, status: "" });
this.$emit("progress", { percent: percent, status: "warning" }, index);
uploadImgProgress(formData, uploadProgressEvent)
.then(response => {
percent: 100,
status: "success",
data: response,
row: row
res.onProgress({ percent: 100, status: "success" }, index);
.catch(() => {
res.onProgress({ percent: 100, status: "exception" });
{ percent: 100, status: "exception", row: row },
beforeAvatarUpload(file, index, key) {
const isJPG = file.type === "image/jpeg" || file.type === "image/png";
if (key == "project-info" && !isJPG) {
return false;
this.$emit("upload", index);
const isLtM = file.size / 1024 / 1024 >= 1;
if (isJPG) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// 小于1M 不压缩
if (!isLtM) {
// 压缩到400KB,这里的400就是要压缩的大小,可自定义
this.imageConversion.compressAccurately(file, 400).then(res => {
//imageConversion.compressAccurately(file, {
// size: 1024, //图片大小压缩到1024kb
// width:1280 //宽度压缩到1280
//}).then(res => {
} else {
return true;
getFontColorIsBlue(column, row) {
let { fontColorIsBlue } = column;
if (row) {
if (fontColorIsBlue && typeof fontColorIsBlue === "function") {
return fontColorIsBlue(row);
} else {
return fontColorIsBlue;
getFontColorIsBlue1(column, row) {
let { fontColorIsBlue1 } = column;
if (row) {
if (fontColorIsBlue1 && typeof fontColorIsBlue1 === "function") {
return fontColorIsBlue1(row);
} else {
return fontColorIsBlue1;
getFontColorIsBlue2(column, row) {
let { fontColorIsBlue2 } = column;
if (row) {
if (fontColorIsBlue2 && typeof fontColorIsBlue2 === "function") {
return fontColorIsBlue2(row);
} else {
return fontColorIsBlue2;
getProgressSuccess(column, row) {
if (row.percentage == 100) {
return "success";
getColumnValue(column, row) {
let { value, valueFormatter, unit, value2 } = column;
if (row) {
if (valueFormatter && typeof valueFormatter === "function") {
return valueFormatter(row, value);
} else {
if (value2) {
return (
row[value] +
(row[value] !== undefined && row[value] !== null && unit
? unit
: "") +
"-" +
} else {
return (
(row[value] !== undefined && row[value] !== null
? row[value]
: "-") + (row[value] && unit ? unit : "")
getColumnBg(column, row) {
let { bgFormatter } = column;
if (row) {
if (bgFormatter && typeof bgFormatter === "function") {
return bgFormatter(row);
return "";
getColumnClass(column, row) {
let { fontColorIsRed } = column;
if (row) {
if (fontColorIsRed && typeof fontColorIsRed === "function") {
return fontColorIsRed(row);
return "";
getColumnClass1(column, row) {
let { fontColorIsRed1 } = column;
if (row) {
if (fontColorIsRed1 && typeof fontColorIsRed1 === "function") {
return fontColorIsRed1(row);
return "";
getColumnClass2(column, row) {
let { fontColorIsRed1 } = column;
if (row) {
if (fontColorIsRed1 && typeof fontColorIsRed1 === "function") {
return fontColorIsRed1(row);
return "";
getColumnValue1(column, row) {
let { value1, valueFormatter1, unit1 } = column;
if (row) {
if (valueFormatter1 && typeof valueFormatter1 === "function") {
return valueFormatter1(row, value1);
} else {
return (
(row[value1] ? row[value1] : "") +
(row[value1] && unit1 ? unit1 : "")
getColumnValue3(column, row) {
let { value3, valueFormatter3, unit2 } = column;
if (row) {
if (valueFormatter3 && typeof valueFormatter3 === "function") {
return valueFormatter3(row, value3);
} else {
return (
(row[value3] ? row[value3] : "") +
(row[value3] && unit2 ? unit2 : "")
getWidth(val, column, row) {
if (!this.handelJudgeFixed()) {
if (column && column.addWidth) {
if (this.$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024) {
return (((column.addWidth / 1024) * 1920) / 3840) * 2 * 100 + "vw";
} else {
return (column.addWidth / 3840) * 2 * 100 + "vw";
if (this.$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024) {
return (((val / 1024) * 1920) / 3840) * 2 * 100 + "vw";
} else {
return (val / 3840) * 2 * 100 + "vw";
getPadding(val = 40) {
if (this.$store.getters.windowWidth <= 1024) {
return (((val / 1024) * 1920) / 3840) * 2 * 100 + "vw";
} else {
return (val / 3840) * 2 * 100 + "vw";
getButtonDisabled(display, row) {
let result = false;
if (typeof display === "boolean") {
result = display;
} else if (typeof display === "function") {
result = display(row);
return result;
getButtonDisplay(display, row) {
let result = true;
if (typeof display === "boolean") {
result = display;
} else if (typeof display === "function") {
result = display(row);
return result;
handleJudgeOperate(column, row) {
if (column.isOpera) {
return this.handelJudgeFixed();
} else {
return true;
handelJudgeFixed(column) {
if (column && !column.isOpera) {
return true;
let result = false;
for (let k = 0; k < this.buttonList.length; k++) {
if (this.buttonList[k].some(row => row.display !== undefined)) {
result = this.buttonList[k].some(row => row.display !== undefined);
if (result) {
let flag = false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.buttonList.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.buttonList[i].length; j++) {
if (typeof this.buttonList[i][j].display === "boolean") {
if (this.buttonList[i][j].display) {
flag = this.buttonList[i][j].display;
} else if (typeof this.buttonList[i][j].display === "function") {
if (
!flag &&
this.data.some(el => {
return this.buttonList[i][j].display(el);
) {
flag = true;
return flag;
} else {
return true;
handleListenerScroll() {
let that = this;
var bodyBox = document.querySelector(".common-table-body");
function bindEventLeft() {
bodyBox.addEventListener("scroll", leftScroll);
function removeEventLeft() {
bodyBox.removeEventListener("scroll", leftScroll);
function leftScroll() {
var a = bodyBox.scrollTop;
if (that.isScroll) {
that.$emit("scroll", a);
bodyBox.addEventListener("mouseover", bindEventLeft);
bodyBox.addEventListener("mouseLeave", removeEventLeft);
combinedScroll() {
let that = this;
// 获取元素
var bodyBox = document.querySelector(".common-table-body");
var fixedBox = document.querySelector(".common-table-fixed-box");
// 绑定body的滚动事件
function bindEventLeft() {
removeEventRight(); //关键点-先解绑右边
bodyBox.addEventListener("scroll", leftScroll);
// 绑定fixed的滚动事件
function bindEventRight() {
removeEventLeft(); //关键点-先解绑左边
fixedBox.addEventListener("scroll", rightScroll);
// 解绑body的滚动事件
function removeEventLeft() {
bodyBox.removeEventListener("scroll", leftScroll);
// 解绑fixed的滚动事件
function removeEventRight() {
fixedBox.removeEventListener("scroll", rightScroll);
// body滚动时候,fixed同步
function leftScroll() {
var a = bodyBox.scrollTop;
fixedBox.scrollTop = a;
if (that.isScroll) {
that.$emit("scroll", a);
// fixed滚动时候,body同步
function rightScroll() {
var a = fixedBox.scrollTop;
bodyBox.scrollTop = a;
if (that.isScroll) {
that.$emit("scroll", a);
bodyBox.addEventListener("mouseover", bindEventLeft);
fixedBox.addEventListener("mouseover", bindEventRight);
handleClickRow(value) {
if (!this.isChoose && !this.isJump) {
if (this.isChoose) {
if (this.needJudgeChooseStatus(value)) {
type: "info",
message: this.needJudgeChooseStatus(value)
let type = 'add'
// 增加
if (
!this.chooseList.some(row => row[this.rowId] === value[this.rowId])
) {
if(this.chooseNumber != 'unlimited') {
if (this.chooseList.length == this.chooseNumber) {
type: "info",
message: this.chooseTooltip
type = 'add'
} else {
type = 'delete'
row => row[this.rowId] === value[this.rowId]
this.$emit("getChooseData", this.chooseList,type, value[this.rowId]);
} else {
this.$emit("jump", value);
clearChooseData() {
this.chooseList = [];
this.$emit("getChooseData", this.chooseList);
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
var bodyBox = document.querySelector(".common-table-body");
if (bodyBox) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
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flex-direction: column;
<style lang="scss"></style>
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position: relative;
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flex-direction: column;
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background-color: transparent;
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border: none;
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font-size: vw(14 * 2);
margin-bottom: vh(40 * 2);
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow-y: hidden;
overflow-x: auto;
padding-bottom: vh(6 * 2);
&.common-table-box-min {
height: vh(288 * 2);
padding-bottom: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
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height: vh(322 * 2);
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margin-bottom: 0;
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width: vw(6 * 2);
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/*定义滑块 内阴影+圆角*/
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background-color: #dfdfdf;
border-radius: vw(3 * 2);
&::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: #fff;
border-radius: vw(3 * 2);
.common-table-box-wrapper {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.common-table-header {
height: vh(25 * 2);
display: flex;
margin-bottom: vh(20 * 2);
font-size: vw(18 * 2);
color: #000;
font-weight: 500;
div {
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
flex-shrink: 0;
padding-left: vw(20 * 2);
&.no-padding {
padding-left: 0;
&.padding-right {
padding-right: vw(50 * 2) !important;
&.column-flex {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
&.column-date {
padding-left: vw(35 * 2) !important;
.sort-box {
display: inline-flex;
flex-direction: column;
padding-left: 0;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
span {
width: vw(12 * 2);
margin-bottom: vh(1 * 2);
cursor: pointer;
// height: vw(8*2);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
img {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.el-checkbox {
width: fit-content;
padding: 0 vw(20 * 2);
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
font-size: vw(12 * 2);
margin-right: 0;
.el-checkbox__label {
font-size: vw(12 * 2);
padding-left: vw(13 * 2);
@include font_color("themeColor");
display: flex;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
.el-checkbox__input {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
&.is-checked {
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: url("~@/assets/img/checkedImg.png");
@include checkBox-style(vw(16 * 2));
border: vh(1 * 2) solid #007cdb;
+ .el-checkbox__label {
@include font_color("themeColor");
&.is-indeterminate {
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: url("~@/assets/img/checkedImg.png");
@include checkBox-style(vw(16 * 2));
border: vh(1 * 2) solid #007cdb;
&.is-disabled {
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: none;
background-color: rgba(192, 196, 204, 0.5);
@include checkBox-style(vw(16 * 2));
border: vh(1 * 2) solid #c0c4cc;
box-sizing: border-box;
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: url("~@/assets/img/noCheckImg.png");
@include checkBox-same-style(vw(16 * 2));
.column-label-another {
color: #797979;
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flex: 1;
width: 100%;
&.common-table-body-min {
height: vh(262 * 2);
&.common-table-body-min-height {
height: min_vh(262 * 2) !important;
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height: fit-content;
padding-right: vw(36 * 2);
&.common-table-body-wrapper-no-padding {
padding-right: 0;
&.common-table-body-wrapper-min-padding {
padding-right: vw(20 * 2);
.common-table-row {
display: flex;
background: #fff;
margin-bottom: vh(20 * 2);
height: vh(100 * 2);
border-radius: vw(10 * 2);
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-size: vw(18 * 2);
&.common-table-row-choose {
cursor: pointer;
&.row-border-green {
&:before {
width: vw(10 * 2);
height: 100%;
content: "";
@include background_color("alarmGreenBgColor");
border-radius: vw(10 * 2) 0 0 vw(10 * 2);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
&.row-border-yellow {
&:before {
width: vw(10 * 2);
height: 100%;
content: "";
@include background_color("alarmYellowBgColor");
border-radius: vw(10 * 2) 0 0 vw(10 * 2);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
&.row-border-orange {
&:before {
width: vw(10 * 2);
height: 100%;
content: "";
@include background_color("alarmHappenBgColor");
border-radius: vw(10 * 2) 0 0 vw(10 * 2);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
&.row-border-red {
border-color: #ff4949 !important;
&.row-border-warning-red {
border: vh(2 * 2) solid #ff452f !important;
&.row-is-active {
border: vh(2 * 2) solid #71807b;
&:before {
width: vw(10 * 2);
height: 100%;
content: "";
background: #808c87;
border-radius: vw(10 * 2) 0 0 vw(10 * 2);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
&.common-table-row-min-height {
height: vh(50 * 2);
.button-flex-box {
height: 100%;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
border-left: none !important;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
box-sizing: border-box;
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&.button-flex-box-padding {
padding-right: 0;
&.button-flex-box-wrap {
// flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-end;
&.button-flex-box-wrap {
// flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-end;
.button-Box-height {
height: vh(32 * 2);
+ .button-Box-height {
margin-left: 0;
&:first-child {
margin-bottom: vh(10 * 2);
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: vh(0 * 2);
.el-button {
width: vw(82 * 2);
height: vh(32 * 2);
+ .el-button {
margin-left: vw(10 * 2);
&.button-flex-box-small {
align-items: center;
.button-Box-height {
height: vh(32 * 2);
+ .button-Box-height {
margin-left: 0;
.el-button {
width: vw(82 * 2);
height: vh(32 * 2);
+ .el-button {
margin-left: vw(10 * 2);
&.one {
.button-Box-height {
min-width: min_vw(112 * 2);
.el-upload {
margin: 0;
.el-button {
width: vw(112 * 2);
height: vh(42 * 2);
border-radius: vw(21 * 2);
font-size: vw(20 * 2);
border: none;
outline: none;
span {
height: vh(24 * 2);
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
&.el-button--primary {
@include background_color("confirmButtonBgColor");
&.el-button--info {
@include background_color("infobtnBgColor");
&.el-button--success {
@include background_color("confirmButtonBgColor");
&.el-button--danger {
@include background_color("dangerbtnBgColor");
+ .el-button {
margin-left: vw(20 * 2);
.button-Box {
height: vh(42 * 2);
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
margin-bottom: 0;
+ .button-Box {
margin-left: vw(20 * 2);
&.file-button-box {
margin-left: vw(20 * 2);
.el-button {
margin-left: 0;
// .el-button {
// margin-left: vw(20 * 2);
// }
margin-bottom: 0;
&.button-Box-height {
height: vh(42 * 2);
.el-button {
height: vh(42 * 2);
width: vw(112 * 2);
padding: 0;
&.button-four {
width: vw(112 * 2);
.el-button {
flex-shrink: 0;
border: none;
.cell-box {
padding: vh(10 * 2) vw(20 * 2);
flex-shrink: 0;
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padding: vh(20 * 2) vw(20 * 2);
&.cell-padding-min {
padding-top: vh(13 * 2);
padding-bottom: vh(13 * 2);
&.cell-padding-no-top {
padding: vw(8 * 2) vw(20 * 2);
&.has-border {
position: relative;
&:before {
content: "";
width: vw(1 * 2);
height: vh(21 * 2);
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
@include background_color("borderColor");
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display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
&.word-center-left {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
&.word-center-right {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
span {
text-align: right;
&.button-center-right {
justify-content: flex-end;
&.chart-padding {
padding: vw(6 * 2) vw(20 * 2);
.row-label {
width: 100%;
div {
&.one-line {
font-size: vw(18 * 2);
@include text-overflow-two;
.none-label {
width: fit-content;
white-space: nowrap;
span {
@include text-overflow-two;
&.no-warp {
font-size: vw(16 * 2);
@include text-overflow;
span {
@include text-overflow;
width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
&.two-line {
font-size: vw(18 * 2);
margin-top: vh(10 * 2);
color: #797979;
height: vh(25*2);
@include text-overflow;
&.two-line-mt {
margin-top: vh(7 * 2);
&.two-line-mts {
margin-top: vh(5 * 2);
.none-label {
width: fit-content;
white-space: nowrap;
span {
width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
@include text-overflow;
&.word-bold {
font-family: "PingFangSC-Semibold";
&.word-red {
color: #ff452f;
&.word-blue {
color: #2b5ae8;
&.row-label-bg {
width: vw(45 * 2);
height: vh(20 * 2);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
color: #fff;
border-radius: vw(10 * 2);
&.row-label-green {
@include background_color("alarmMsgBgColor");
&.row-label-yellow {
@include background_color("alarmYellowBgColor");
&.row-label-orange {
@include background_color("alarmRedBgColor");
&.row-label-gray {
@include background_color("pageBoxBgColor");
&.word-bold {
font-family: "PingFangSC-Semibold";
&.progress-box {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
.device-num {
width: 100%;
color: #000;
text-align: center;
font-size: vw(16 * 2);
margin-bottom: vh(6 * 2);
.progress {
width: vw(82 * 2);
height: vh(32 * 2);
position: relative;
border-radius: vw(21 * 2);
background: #b5c0bc;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.progress-color {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
background: #2b5ae8;
.val {
font-size: vw(18 * 2);
color: #ffffff;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
width: fit-content;
height: fit-content;
&.common-progress-box {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
height: vh(50*2);
background: #EEF0EF;
border-radius: vw(5*2);
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.progress-bg-color {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
background: #B5C0BC;
.val {
font-size: vw(18 * 2);
color: #000;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
width: fit-content;
height: fit-content;
img {
width: vw(22 * 2);
height: vw(22 * 2);
object-fit: contain;
display: block;
.el-checkbox {
width: fit-content;
padding: 0 vw(20 * 2);
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
font-size: vw(12 * 2);
margin-right: 0;
.el-checkbox__label {
font-size: vw(12 * 2);
padding-left: vw(13 * 2);
@include font_color("themeColor");
display: flex;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
.el-checkbox__input {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
&.is-checked {
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: url("~@/assets/img/checkedImg.png");
@include checkBox-style(vw(16 * 2));
border: vh(1 * 2) solid #007cdb;
+ .el-checkbox__label {
@include font_color("themeColor");
&.is-indeterminate {
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: url("~@/assets/img/checkedImg.png");
@include checkBox-style(vw(16 * 2));
border: vh(1 * 2) solid #007cdb;
&.is-disabled {
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: none;
background-color: rgba(192, 196, 204, 0.5);
@include checkBox-style(vw(16 * 2));
border: vh(1 * 2) solid #c0c4cc;
.el-checkbox__inner {
background: url("~@/assets/img/noCheckImg.png");
@include checkBox-same-style(vw(16 * 2));
&.row-label-date {
width: 100%;
height: vh(36 * 2);
border-radius: vw(21 * 2);
border: vh(1 * 2) solid #797979;
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: vw(18 * 2);
color: #797979;
.row-label-color {
color: #797979;
.row-label-color-default {
color: #000000 !important;
.word-font-default {
font-size: vw(18*2) !important;
.row-label-num-style {
width: vw(80 * 2);
height: vh(36 * 2);
background: #808c87;
border-radius: vw(21 * 2);
display: inline-flex !important;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: vw(24 * 2) !important;
color: #fff;
&-bg {
background: #ff452f;
.row-label-circle {
width: vw(60 * 2);
height: vw(60 * 2);
background: #808c87;
border-radius: 50%;
color: #fff;
display: inline-flex !important;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
font-size: vw(16 * 2) !important;
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height: vh(40 * 2) !important;
padding: 0 vw(15 * 2);
border-radius: vw(10 * 2);
section {
position: absolute !important;
.loading {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.desc {
display: none;
.echarts-top {
position: absolute !important;
@include background_color("pageBoxBgColor");
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height: vh(40 * 2) !important;
padding: 0 vw(15 * 2);
border-radius: vw(10 * 2);
z-index: 99;
section {
position: absolute !important;
.loading {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.desc {
display: none;
.el-badge {
width: 100%;
position: relative;
.el-badge__content {
position: absolute;
width: vw(17 * 2);
height: vw(17 * 2);
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #ff452f;
top: vw(-17 * 2);
right: 0;
transform: none;
font-size: vw(12 * 2);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.common-table-box-fixed {
position: absolute;
right: vw(36 * 2);
top: 0;
z-index: 100;
height: vh(830 * 2);
padding-bottom: vh(6 * 2);
.common-table-fixed-header {
height: vh(17 * 2);
display: flex;
margin-bottom: vh(10 * 2);
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-end;
padding-right: vw(50 * 2);
@include background_color("pageBoxBgColor");
font-family: "PingFangSC-Semibold";
.common-table-fixed-box {
height: vh(800 * 2);
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
border-radius: 0 vw(10 * 2) vw(10 * 2) 0;
// @include background_color('bottomBoxBgColor');
&::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
.common-table-fixed-wrapper {
height: fit-content;
.common-table-fixed-header-body {
padding-top: 0;
height: vh(55 * 2);
position: relative;
padding-right: vw(40 * 2);
margin-bottom: vh(10 * 2);
@include background_color("bottomBoxBgColor");
@include border_style("borderColor");
border-left: none !important;
border-radius: 0 vw(10 * 2) vw(10 * 2) 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
box-sizing: border-box;
justify-content: flex-end;
&.common-table-fixed-row-choose {
cursor: pointer;
&.fixed-is-active {
@include background-color("confirmButtonBgColor");
@include border_style("confirmButtonBgColor");
.button-Box {
.el-button {
@include border_style("borderColor");
border-color: #fff !important;
// .spance-bg {
// width: 100%;
// height: vh(10*2);
// // @include background_color('pageBoxBgColor');
// }
.button-Box {
height: vh(20 * 2);
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
margin-bottom: 0;
+ .button-Box {
&.file-button-box {
margin-left: vw(10 * 2);
.el-button {
margin-left: 0;
.el-button {
margin-left: vw(10 * 2);
margin-bottom: 0;
&.button-Box-height {
height: vh(24 * 2);
.el-button {
height: vh(24 * 2);
width: vw(45 * 2);
padding: 0;
&.button-four {
width: vw(70 * 2);
.el-button {
border: none;
&:before {
display: none;
content: "";
width: vw(1 * 2);
height: vh(21 * 2);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto;
@include background_color("borderColor");
@function vw($px) {
// 进行计算操作
$result: ($px / 2);
$factor: 100000;
$roundedValue: round($result * $factor);
$roundedResult: $roundedValue / $factor;
@return #{$result}px;
@function vh($px) {
$result: ($px / 2);
$factor: 100000;
$roundedValue: round($result * $factor);
$roundedResult: $roundedValue / $factor;
@return #{$result}px;
$designWidth: 3840;
$designHeight: 2160;
@function vw($px) {
// 进行计算操作
$result: ($px / $designWidth * 2) * 100;
$factor: 100000;
$roundedValue: round($result * $factor);
$roundedResult: $roundedValue / $factor;
@return #{$roundedResult}vw;
@function vh($px) {
$result: ($px / $designHeight * 2) * 100;
$factor: 100000;
$roundedValue: round($result * $factor);
$roundedResult: $roundedValue / $factor;
@return #{$roundedResult}vh;
index.scss具体引用:详见该篇文章Vue项目切换主题颜色(mixin + scss)
<div class="page-container">
import HCommonTable from '@/components/commonTable/index'
export default {
mixins: [commonSearchMixin, tableMixins, loadingMixins],
components: {
data() {
return {
tableData: [],
tableColumns: [],
id: 1
id: 2
valueSourceFormat(row) {
let item = this.typeList.find(el=>el.id==row.type)
rerurn item ? item.name: ''
valueAddressFormat(row) {
return row.dirct + row.address
mounted() {
this.tableColumns = [
label: "序号",
value: "sort",
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 70 * 2 : 78 * 2,
paddingLeft: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
paddingRight: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
isSort: true,
position: "center"
label: "创建日期",
value: "createTime",
isDate: true,
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 140 * 2 : 148 * 2,
position1: "center-left",
paddingLeft: 0,
paddingRight: 0,
isHidden: this.windowWidth <= 1024
label: "类型",
value: "type",
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 85 * 2 : 107 * 2,
position: "center",
valueFormatter: this.valueSourceFormat,
paddingLeft: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
paddingRight: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2
label: "名称",
value: "name",
wordColor: true,
isTooltip: true,
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 150 * 2 : 340 * 2,
position1: "center-left",
paddingLeft: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
paddingRight: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2
label: "所在地",
value: "companyDistrictId",
isTooltip: true,
width: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 130 * 2 : 162 * 2,
paddingLeft: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
paddingRight: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 10 * 2 : 20 * 2,
position1: "center-left",
valueFormatter: this.valueAddressFormat
label: "联系人/",
label2: "电话",
value: "contactName",
value1: "contactPhone",
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value: "",
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paddingLeft: this.windowWidth <= 1024 ? 0 : 18 * 2,
buttonList: [
caption: "删除",
callback: this.deleteInfo,
type: "danger",
display: this.commonFunc.hasPermission("dealer-delete")
caption: "详情",
callback: this.lookInfo,
type: "success",
display: this.commonFunc.hasPermission("dealer-info")
caption: "编辑",
callback: this.changeInfo,
type: "success",
display: this.commonFunc.hasPermission("dealer-update")
beforeDestroy() {}
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