2024年1月5日 晨会汇报



Good Morning, Colleagues!

  • Today, my morning meeting report consists of two main components: a summary of yesterday’s work and the plan for today.
  • Yesterday, due to a blockage in the backend interface, I shifted my focus to the reconstruction of the breadcrumb functionality.
  • The process went smoothly, especially since we introduced the MobX state management tool in the last iteration of our web project.
  • The related functionality has already passed my self-testing and has been submitted to Mr. Chen for review.

Today, I’ll continue working on the email backend management feature and collaborate with backend colleagues to complete data integration tasks.

  • If things go as planned, we should be able to finish this feature by the end of the day.

That’s all from me.

  • Additionally, if you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to share them.
  • Thank you, everyone!


  1. Good Morning, Colleagues!

    • Good Morning, Colleagues!
  2. Today, my morning meeting report consists of two main components: a summary of yesterday’s work and the plan for today.

    • /t??de?, ma? ?m??rn?? ?mi?t?? r??p??rt k?n?s?sts ?v tu? me?n k?m?po?n?nts: ? ?s?m?ri ?v ?j?st?r?de?z w??rk ?nd e? pl?n f??r t??de?./
  3. Yesterday, due to a blockage in the backend interface, I shifted my focus to the reconstruction of the breadcrumb functionality.

    • /?j?st?r?de?, dju? tu? ? ?bl?k?d? ?n e? ?b?k??nd ??nt?r?fe?s, a? ??ft?d ma? fo?k?s tu? e? ?ri?k?n?str?k??n ?v e? ?br?d?kr?mb ?f??k???n?l?ti./
  4. The process went smoothly, especially since we introduced the MobX state management tool in the last iteration of our web project.

    • /e? ?pro?s?s w?nt ?smu?eli, ??sp???li s?ns wi? ?n?tr?dju?st e? M?b?ks ste?t ?m?n?d?m?nt tu?l ?n e? lɑ?st ??t??re???n ?v a??r w?b ?pr?d??kt./
  5. The related functionality has already passed my self-testing and has been submitted to Mr. Chen for review.

    • /e? ?r?le?t?d ?f??k???n?l?ti h?z ??l?r?di p?st ma? s?lf?t?st?? ?nd h?z b?n s?b?m?t?d tu? ?m?st?r ?t??n f??r r??vju?./
  6. Today, I’ll continue working on the email backend management feature and collaborate with backend colleagues to complete data integration tasks.

    • /t??de?, a?l k?n?t?nju? ?w??rk?? ?n e? ?i?me?l ?b?k??nd ?m?n?d?m?nt ?fi?t??r ?nd k??l?b?re?t w?e ?b?k??nd ?k?li?gz tu? k?m?pli?t ?de?t? ??nt??gre???n t?sks./
  7. If things go as planned, we should be able to finish this feature by the end of the day.

    • /?f θ??z ɡo? ?z pl?nd, wi? ??d bi? ?e?bl tu? ?f?n?? e?s ?fi?t

??r ba? ei? ?nd ?v e? de?./

  1. That’s all from me. Additionally, if you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to share them.

    • /e?ts ??l fr?m mi?. ??d???n?li, ?f ju? h?v ??ni ?kw?s??nz ??r s?ɡ?d??s??nz, pli?z do?nt ?h?z??te?t tu? ??r e?m./
  2. Thank you, everyone!

    • /θ??k ju?, ??vri?w?n!/