

应用入口界面,在生命周期aboutToAppear中创建/连接数据库 ‘Task’ ,同时查询数据库中所有数据,为数组赋值。使用List组件遍历数组,实现任务列表的呈现。在自定义Menu组件中提供筛选分类功能,根据onClick()点击事件重新查询对应分类数据并赋值。


#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

import font from '@ohos.font'
import relationalStore from '@ohos.data.relationalStore'
import { AddTaskDialog, EditTaskDialog } from '../component/TaskDialog'
import { TaskListItem } from '../component/TaskListItem'
import { TaskProgress } from '../component/TaskProgress'
import { rdbUtil } from '../utils/RDBUtil'
import TaskDto from '../pojo/dto/TaskDto'
import TaskMenuItem from '../pojo/TaskMenuItem'
import router from '@ohos.router'
import { taskReminderService } from '../service/TaskReminderService'

struct TaskPage {
  @Provide arr: TaskDto[] = []
  @Provide progress: number = 0
  @State index: number = -1
  @State isChecked: boolean = false
  @State menuItems: TaskMenuItem[] = [new TaskMenuItem('全部', '#ffffd88b', true), new TaskMenuItem('待完成', '#ffff', false), new TaskMenuItem('已完成', '#ffff', false)]
  @State menuIndex: number = 0
  addTaskDialogController: CustomDialogController = new CustomDialogController({
    builder: AddTaskDialog()
  editTaskDialogController: CustomDialogController = new CustomDialogController({
    builder: EditTaskDialog({index: this.index})

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row() {
        Text('任务进度:').fontSize(30).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).fontFamily('02').margin({ left: 10 })
        TaskProgress().margin({ right: 40 }).id('TaskProgress')
      .margin({ top: 20 })

      Row() {
        Button('添加任务').margin({ left: 10 })
          .onClick(() => {
        Text('全选').fontSize(17).fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).margin({ left: '45%' })
        Checkbox().width(15).onChange((flag: boolean) => {
          this.isChecked = flag
      }.width('90%').height('5%').margin({ top: 20 })

      List({ space: 10 }) {
        ForEach(this.arr, (item: TaskDto, index: number) => {
          ListItem() {
            TaskListItem({ taskDto: this.arr[index], isChecked: this.isChecked})
            start: {
              builder: this.taskListItem_Menu(index)
      }.width('90%').height('65%').margin({ top: 20 })


  // 生命周期 初始化数据
  async aboutToAppear() {
    // 注册字体
      familyName: '01',
      familySrc: $rawfile('font/media.ttf')
      familyName: '02',
      familySrc: $rawfile('font/02.ttf')
      familyName: '03',
      familySrc: $rawfile('font/YanZhenQingDuoBaoTaBei-2.ttf')
    await rdbUtil.createRDB('Task').then((rdb) => {
      rdb.executeSql('create table if not exists Task(id integer primary key autoincrement, title string, content string, date string, reminderId integer, state boolean, isExpand boolean)')
    let pre = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates('Task')
    this.arr = await rdbUtil.queryArray <TaskDto> (pre)
    this.progress = this.getProgress()

  // 获取数据
  getData() {
    let predicates: relationalStore.RdbPredicates = new relationalStore.RdbPredicates('Task')
    switch (this.menuIndex) {
      case 0:
        rdbUtil.queryArray <TaskDto> (predicates).then((value: TaskDto[]) => {
          this.arr = value
      case 1:
        predicates.equalTo('state', '0')
        rdbUtil.queryArray <TaskDto> (predicates).then((value: TaskDto[]) => {
          this.arr = value
      case 2:
        predicates.equalTo('state', '1')
        rdbUtil.queryArray <TaskDto> (predicates).then((value: TaskDto[]) => {
          this.arr = value

  // 获取当前完成任务数
  getProgress() : number {
    let num: number = 0
    for (let item of this.arr) {
      if (item.state == '1') {
    return num

  // 自定义组件 ListItemMenu
  @Builder taskListItem_Menu(index: number) {
    Row({space: 2}) {
      Image($r('app.media.edit03')).width(30).onClick(() => {
        this.index = index
        // router.pushUrl({
        //   url: 'pages/DetailsPage',
        //   params: this.arr[index]
        // }).then(() => {
        //   this.getData()
        // })
      Image($r('app.media.delete03')).width(30).onClick(() => {
        rdbUtil.deleteById('Task', this.arr[index].id)
        // taskReminderService

  // 自定义组件 过滤菜单
  @Builder filter_Menu() {
    Menu() {
      ForEach(this.menuItems, (item: TaskMenuItem, index: number) => {
        MenuItem({content: item.itemContent}).selected(item.isSelected).backgroundColor(item.isSelected ? '#ffffd88b' : '#ffff').onClick(() => {
          this.menuItems.forEach((it: TaskMenuItem, i: number) => {
            if (i == index) {
              it.isSelected = true
            } else {
              it.isSelected = false
          this.menuIndex = index
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(2) 自定义ListItem组件



#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

import { Driver } from '@ohos.UiTest'
import TaskDto from '../pojo/dto/TaskDto'
import Task from '../pojo/Task'
import { rdbUtil } from '../utils/RDBUtil'

export struct TaskListItem {
  @State isSelected: boolean = false
  @State isExpand: boolean = false
  @Consume progress: number
  @Link isChecked: boolean
  @ObjectLink taskDto: TaskDto

  aboutToAppear() {
    this.isSelected = (this.taskDto.state == '0') ? false : true
    this.isExpand = (this.taskDto.isExpand == '1')

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row() {

          .fontColor(this.isSelected ? '#ffa7a2a2' : '#ff000000')
          .decoration({type: this.isSelected ? TextDecorationType.LineThrough : TextDecorationType.None, color: '#ffff008f'})

        Checkbox().select(this.isChecked ? true : this.isSelected).width(15).onChange((flag) => {
          this.taskDto.state = flag ? '1' : '0'
          this.isSelected = !this.isSelected
          if (!flag) {
            this.isChecked = false
            this.progress --
          } else {
            this.progress ++
          rdbUtil.updateById <TaskDto> ('Task', this.taskDto.id, this.taskDto)

        Image($r('app.media.expand02')).width(20).rotate({angle: this.isExpand ? 0 : -90}).margin({left: 2})
          .onClick(() => {
            this.isExpand = !this.isExpand
            this.taskDto.isExpand = this.isExpand ? '1' : '0'
            rdbUtil.updateById <TaskDto> ('Task', this.taskDto.id, this.taskDto)


      if (this.isExpand) {
        Text(new Date(this.taskDto.date).toLocaleString()).fontSize(14).fontStyle(FontStyle.Italic).fontColor('#ff835ff5').opacity(0.3).textAlign(TextAlign.End).width('90%')
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import TaskDto from '../pojo/dto/TaskDto'

export struct TaskProgress {

  @Consume arr: TaskDto[]
  @Consume progress: number

  // getProgress() : number {
  //   let num: number = 0
  //   for (let item of this.arr) {
  //     if (item.state == '1') {
  //       num++
  //     }
  //   }
  //   return num
  // }

  build() {
    Stack() {
      Progress({value: this.progress, total: this.arr.length, type: ProgressType.Ring})
        .style({status: ProgressStatus.PROGRESSING, enableSmoothEffect: true})

      Text() {
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在 CustomDialog 中获取当前数组,并通过 RdbUtil 在数据库内插入、修改数据,实现数据持久化。同时调起 TaskReminderService 实现后台代理提醒。


#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区

import TaskDto from '../pojo/dto/TaskDto'
import Task from '../pojo/Task'
import { taskReminderService, TaskReminderService } from '../service/TaskReminderService'
import { rdbUtil } from '../utils/RDBUtil'

// 添加弹窗
export struct AddTaskDialog {
  @State dialogSize: number = 200
  @State areaSize: number = 100
  @State isExpand: boolean = false
  @Consume arr: TaskDto[]

  addTaskDialogController: CustomDialogController
  title: string = ''
  content: string = ''
  date: Date = new Date()

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row() {
          .onClick(() => {
            if (this.isExpand) {
              animateTo({ duration: 400, curve: Curve.Linear }, () => {
                this.dialogSize = 200
                this.areaSize = 100
              this.isExpand = !this.isExpand
            } else {
              animateTo({ duration: 400, curve: Curve.Linear }, () => {
                this.dialogSize = 420
                this.areaSize = 200
              this.isExpand = !this.isExpand
      }.justifyContent(FlexAlign.End).width('90%').height(15).margin({top: 5})

      if (this.isExpand) {
        TextInput({text: this.title, placeholder: '请输入标题'}).height(40).width('90%').margin({top: '3%'})
          .onChange((value: string) => {
            this.title = value

      TextArea({text: this.content, placeholder: '请输入任务内容'}).height(this.areaSize).width('90%').margin({top: '3%'})
        .onChange((value: string) => {
          this.content = value
      if (this.isExpand)  {
        Button('设置提醒日期', {type: ButtonType.Normal}).height(40).margin({top: 20}).backgroundColor('#ff48cdc1').onClick(() => {
            start: new Date("2000-1-1"),
            end: new Date("2100-12-31"),
            selected: this.date,
            disappearTextStyle: {color: '#ffbfbfbf', font: {size: '22fp', weight: FontWeight.Bold}},
            textStyle: {color: '#ffbfbfbf', font: {size: '18fp', weight: FontWeight.Normal}},
            selectedTextStyle: {color: '#ff583db7', font: {size: '14fp', weight: FontWeight.Regular}},
            onDateAccept: (date: Date) => {
              this.date = date
      Row() {
        // 取消Button
        Button('cancel').onClick(() => {
            title: '警告',
            message: '取消将丢失所有内容',
            autoCancel: false,
            alignment: DialogAlignment.Center,
            primaryButton: {
              value: '取消',
              action: () => {}
            secondaryButton: {
              value: '确认',
              action: () => {
        // 确认Button 插入数据到RDB
        Button('confirm').onClick(() => {
          let task: Task
          task = this.isExpand ? new Task(this.title, this.content, this.date.toString()) : new Task('Task未命名' , this.content, new Date().toString())
          rdbUtil.insert <Task> ('Task', task).then(async (num) => {
            let taskDto = await rdbUtil.queryById <TaskDto> ('Task', num)
            // 相同 notificationID 的通知会覆盖
            taskReminderService.init(taskDto.id, taskDto.title, taskDto.date)
            taskReminderService.publish((reminderId: number) => {
              task.reminderId = reminderId
              rdbUtil.updateById <Task> ('Task', taskDto.id, task)
      .margin({top: 15})

// 编辑弹窗
export struct EditTaskDialog {

  @Consume arr: TaskDto[]
  @Prop index: number = -1
  @State title: string = ''
  @State content: string = ''
  @State date: Date = new Date()

  editTaskDialogController : CustomDialogController
  aboutToAppear() {
    let taskDto: TaskDto = this.arr[this.index]
    this.title = taskDto.title
    this.content = taskDto.content
    this.date = new Date(taskDto.date)

  build() {
    Column() {
      TextInput({text: this.title, placeholder: '请输入标题'}).height(40).width('90%').margin({top: '3%'})
        .onChange((value: string) => {
          this.title = value
      TextArea({text: this.content, placeholder: '请输入任务内容'}).height(200).width('90%').margin({top: '3%'})
        .onChange((value: string) => {
          this.content = value
      Button('设置提醒日期', {type: ButtonType.Normal}).height(40).margin({top: 20}).backgroundColor('#ff48cdc1').onClick(() => {
          start: new Date("2000-1-1"),
          end: new Date("2100-12-31"),
          selected: this.date,
          disappearTextStyle: {color: '#ffbfbfbf', font: {size: '22fp', weight: FontWeight.Bold}},
          textStyle: {color: '#ffbfbfbf', font: {size: '18fp', weight: FontWeight.Normal}},
          selectedTextStyle: {color: '#ff583db7', font: {size: '14fp', weight: FontWeight.Regular}},
          onDateAccept: (date: Date) => {
            this.date = date

      Row() {
        // 取消Button
        Button('cancel').onClick(() => {
            title: '警告',
            message: '取消将丢失所有内容',
            autoCancel: false,
            alignment: DialogAlignment.Center,
            primaryButton: {
              value: '取消',
              action: () => {}
            secondaryButton: {
              value: '确认',
              action: () => {
        // 确认Button 更新数据到RDB
        Button('confirm').onClick(() => {
          let task: Task = new Task(this.title, this.content, this.date.toString())
          let id: number = this.arr[this.index].id
          rdbUtil.updateById <Task> ('Task', id, task).then(async (num) => {
            let taskDto = await rdbUtil.queryById <TaskDto> ('Task', id)
            this.arr[this.index] = taskDto
            // 相同 notificationID 的通知会覆盖
            taskReminderService.init(taskDto.id, taskDto.title, taskDto.date)
            taskReminderService.publish((reminderId: number) => {
              task.reminderId = reminderId
              rdbUtil.updateById <Task> ('Task', taskDto.id, task)
      .margin({top: 15})
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#星计划# 基于鸿蒙应用开发:任务列表-鸿蒙开发者社区


import reminderAgentManager from '@ohos.reminderAgentManager'
import { BusinessError, Callback } from '@ohos.base'

const TAG = '[TaskReminderService]'
export class TaskReminderService {

  timer: reminderAgentManager.ReminderRequestCalendar = {
    reminderType: 1,
    actionButton: [
      {title: '忽略', type: reminderAgentManager.ActionButtonType.ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSE},
      {title: '延时', type: reminderAgentManager.ActionButtonType.ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_SNOOZE}
    title: '[Task]',
    dateTime: this.str2DateTime(new Date().toLocaleString())

  init (id: number, content: string, dateTime: string) {
    this.timer.notificationId = id
    this.timer.content  = content
    this.timer.dateTime = this.str2DateTime(dateTime)

  publish (callback: Callback<number>) {
    try {
      reminderAgentManager.publishReminder(this.timer, (err: BusinessError, reminderId: number) => {
        if (err) {
          console.error(TAG, `  (publish) ERROR => ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
        } else {
          console.info(TAG, `  (publish) SUCCESS => ${reminderId}`)
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(TAG, `  (publish) ERROR => ${JSON.stringify(error as BusinessError)}`)

  cancel(id: number) {

  private str2DateTime(str: string): reminderAgentManager.LocalDateTime {
    let date = new Date(str)
    let datetime: reminderAgentManager.LocalDateTime = {
      year: date.getFullYear(),
      // 注意: getMonth 返回 => month - 1
      month: date.getMonth() + 1,
      day: date.getDate(),
      hour: date.getHours(),
      minute: date.getMinutes(),
      second: date.getSeconds()
    return datetime

export let taskReminderService = new TaskReminderService()
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export default class Task {
  title: string
  content: string
  date: string
  reminderId: number = -1
  state: boolean | string = false
  isExpand: boolean | string = false

  constructor(title : string , content : string , date : string, reminderId ?: number, state ?: boolean | string) {
    this.title = title
    this.content = content
    this.date = date
    if (reminderId) {
      this.reminderId = reminderId
    if (state) {
      this.state = state
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
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  • 8.
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  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.



import Task from '../Task'

export default class TaskDto extends Task {
  id: number

  constructor(id: number, title : string , content : string , date : string, reminderId ?: number, state ?: boolean | string) {

    super(title, content, date, (reminderId ? reminderId : -1))
    this.id = id
    this.title = title
    this.content = content
    this.date = date
    if (state) {
      this.state = state
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.



export default class TaskMenuItem {
  itemContent: string
  bgColor: string
  isSelected: boolean

  constructor(itemContent: string, bgColor: string, isSelected: boolean) {
    this.itemContent = itemContent
    this.bgColor = bgColor
    this.isSelected = isSelected