RNA-seq data?+ voom标准化 = microarray data
我们需要对这个矩阵进行voom转化,voom就是把 counts 转化为 log2-cpm的过程。
# assume counts is your Expression matrix
#Once a matrix of read counts counts has been created, with rows for genes and columns for samples,
#it is convenient to create a DGEList object using the edgeR package:
dge <- DGEList(counts=counts)
#The next step is to remove rows that consistently have zero or very low counts. One can for
#example use
keep <- filterByExpr(dge, design)
dge <- dge[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
# It is usual to apply scale normalization to RNA-seq read counts, and the TMM normalization
#method in particular has been found to perform well in comparative studies. This can be applied
# to the DGEList object:
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)
# voom 任选一种:
# 普通:
v <- voom(dge, design, plot=TRUE)
# 直接使用counts数据进行voom
# It is also possible to give a matrix of counts directly to voom without TMM normalization, by
v <- voom(counts, design, plot=TRUE)
# 如果你觉得原始数据噪声很大,也可以
#If the data are very noisy, one can apply the same between-array normalization methods as would
#be used for microarrays, for example:
v <- voom(counts, design, plot=TRUE, normalize="quantile")
type <- c("normal","normal","normal","normal","tumor","tumor","tumor","tumor")
# Here the first coefficient estimates the mean log-expression for wild type mice and plays the role
# of an intercept.?
Group <- factor(type, levels=c("normal","tumor"))
design <- model.matrix(~Group)
colnames(design) <- c("normal","tumorvsnormal")
fit <- lmFit(v, design)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
topTable(fit, coef="tumorvsnormal", adjust="BH")
#The second coefficient estimates the difference between mutant and wild type.
#Differentially expressed genes can be found by
design <- model.matrix(~0+type)
colnames(design) <- c("normal","tumor")
fit <- lmFit(v, design)
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(tumorvsnormal=tumor-normal, levels=design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
topTable(fit2, adjust="BH")
你会发现结果是一样的,以上是针对单通道数据和voom标化 RNA-seq数据而言的二组对比,也是最常用的差异性分析方法,分享给大家。?
Law, C.W., Chen, Y., Shi, W., and Smyth, G.K. (2014). Voom: precision weights unlock linear model analysis tools for RNA-seq read counts. Genome Biology 15, R29