\caption{How to write algorithms}
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current section becomes this one\;}{
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\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}}% Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}}% Use Output in the format of Algorithm
\caption{Pseudocode of Simulated Annealing Algorithm}% 名称
$x_0$: initial individual or state;
$T_0$: a high enough initial temperature;
$T_{min}$: the lowest limit of temperature;
optimal state or approximate optimal state;
\State set $x_0 = x_{best}$, compute initial energy function $E(x_0)$;
\While {$T > T_{min}$}
\For{$i =1$; $i<n$; $i++$ }
\State perturb current state $x_i$ for a new state $x_{new}$ and compute energy function $E(x_{new})$;
\State compute $\Delta$ = $E(x_{new}-E(x_{(i)})$;
\If {$\Delta$$E<0$} \State $x_{best}= x_{new}$
\Else \State the probability $P = exp(-dE/T_{(i)})$;
\If {$rand(0,1)< P$ }\State $x_{best}= x_{new}$
\Else \State $x_{best}= x_{best}$
\State $T = T * $ $ \alpha$, where $\alpha$ is decay factor ;