Solidity- 024 ErrorDataType


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

contract ErrorDataType {

? ?

? ? // Function: hoistingDemo

? ? // This function is designed to demonstrate handling of data type limits in Solidity.

? ? function hoistingDemo() public pure returns (uint){

? ? ? ? // Declare a uint8 variable, 'someVar'.

? ? ? ? // The uint8 data type can store values from 0 to 255.

? ? ? ? uint8 someVar = 100;

? ? ? ? // Add a check to ensure the new value after addition is within the range of uint8

? ? ? ? if (uint256(someVar) + 300 <= 255) {

? ? ? ? ? ? // If the addition stays within the range, update 'someVar'

? ? ? ? ? ? someVar = uint8(uint256(someVar) + 300);

? ? ? ? } else {

? ? ? ? ? ? // If the addition exceeds the range, handle appropriately,

? ? ? ? ? ? // e.g., set 'someVar' to its maximum value

? ? ? ? ? ? someVar = 255;

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? // Return the value of 'someVar', converted to uint (uint256)

? ? ? ? return someVar;

? ? }

? ?


//Deploy screenshot:
