新建数据库 create database if not exists 数据库名
删除数据库 drop database if exists 数据库名
show databases;
use 数据库名;
show tables;
INSERT INTO 表名[(字段1,字段2,...)]
SET column_name=value [,column_name2=value,...][where condition]
DELETE FROM 表名 [where condition];
TRUNCATE [TABLE] table_name;
union特点: 相同数据不重复展示
union all特点: 展示所有符合条件数据
select * from 表名 where 条件
select * from 表名 where 条件;
limit 起始下标,获取数据条数
select * from 表名 limit 0,2;
select * from 表名 limit 2,2;
select count(字段名) from person;
总页数=总条数 % 每页大小 == 0 ? (总条数 / 每页大小) : (总条数/每页大小+1)
select sum(字段名) from 表名;
select avg(字段名) from 表名;
select count(字段名) from 表名;
select max(字段名) from 表名;
select min(字段名) from 表名;
-- 拼接字符串
SELECT concat('he','ll','o');
-- 字符串的替换
select name,replace(mail,'com','*') from student;
-- 转大写
select upper(name) from student;
-- 转小写
select lower(name) from student;
-- 字符串截取
select substring(mail,1,3) from student;
select substring(mail,1,locate('@',mail)-1) from student;
-- 获取某个字符在字符串中的位置
select locate('@',mail) from student;
-- 获取当前时间
select now();
1.内连接(inner join)
-- inner join 内连接
select * from student inner join score on student.sid=score.sid;
-- 等价于
select * from student,score where student.sid=score.sid;
2.左连接(left join)
-- 左外连接 左表全部展示
select * from student left join score on student.sid=score.sid;
3.右连接(right join)
-- 右外连接 右表全部展示 左表展示匹配项
select * from score right join subject on score.subjectNo=subject.subjectNo;
-- 自连接
select * from city where name='河南';
select * from city where parentid=(select id from city where name='河南' );
select id from city where parentid=(select id from city where name='河南' );
-- 创建数据库
create database if not exists MySchool;
-- 删除数据库
drop database if exists MySchool;
use myschool;
-- case when then else end
select (case name when '高启强' then '高' else name end) from student;
select (case name when 1=2 then '错误' when 1=1 then '正确' end) as flag from student;
select * from subject;
alter database myschool character set utf8;
-- 查询需要的字段
select subject.subjectNo,subject.subjectname from `subject`;
-- 使用as 修改查询结果的字段名
select subject.subjectNo as '学科编号' from subject;
-- 使用as 给表起别名 多用于多表联查
select * from `subject` as t1;
-- 使用 distinct 去重
select DISTINCT subjectname from subject;
select distinct name as '姓名' from student as t1;
-- 使用 order by 排序 where 只能跟在表名后面
select * from student order by grade asc,id;
select * from student order by grade desc,id desc;
-- group by 分组
select * from student group by name;
-- having 跟在group by后面
select name from student group by name having count(name)>1;
-- 综合使用
select * from student where sex='男' group by name order by id;
-- AND并且 OR或者
select * from student where sex='男' and id<1020;
select * from student where sex='男' or id<1020;
-- 模糊查询 %匹配所有 _匹配单个
select * from student where name like '%张%';
-- 使用in 查询多条已知数据
select * from student where sid in (1,2,3);
-- 两表联查
select t1.name,t2.studentResult,t2.subjectno
from student as t1,result as t2 where t1.grade=t2.sid;
-- 三表联查
select t1.name '姓名',t2.studentresult as '分数',t3.subjectname as '科目' from
student as t1,
score as t2,
subject as t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t2.subjectno=t3.subjectno;
select * from student;
-- 使用in 查询多条已知数据
select * from student where sid in (1,2,3);
-- limit 分页查询
select * from student limit 2;
select * from student limit 2,4;
-- 事物
-- mysql是自动提交事务的 oracle不会自动提交
set autocommit=0; -- 关闭自动提交事务 1打开 0关闭
start transaction; -- 手动开启事务
update student set name='王五' where id=1;
commit; -- 提交
rollback; -- 回滚
set autocommit=1;
select (case name when '高启强' then '高' else name end) from student;
select * from student;
select (case name when '高企盛' then'高启盛' when '高企兰' then '高启兰' else name end) as name from student;
select (case name when 1=2 then '错误' when 1=1 then '正确' end) as flag from student;
count(0) AS '考试人数',
sum(case when t1.score between 60 and 70 then 1 else 0 end)*1.0/count(0) '及格',
sum(case when t1.score between 70 and 80 then 1 else 0 end)*1.0/count(0) '中等',
sum(case when t1.score between 80 and 90 then 1 else 0 end)*1.0/count(0) '优良',
sum(case when t1.score between 90 and 100 then 1 else 0 end)*1.0/count(0) '优秀'
from score t1,subject t2
where t2.subjectNo=t1.subjectNo
group by t2.subjectNo
-- 事物
-- mysql是自动提交事务的 oracle不会自动提交
set autocommit=0; -- 关闭自动提交事务 1打开 0关闭
start transaction; -- 手动开启事务
update student set name='李四' where id=1;
commit; -- 提交
rollback; -- 回滚
select * from student;
set autocommit=1;
lock table student read;
select * from student;
unlock table;
update student set name='安欣' where id=1;
lock table student write;
select * from student;
update student set name='安欣1' where id=1;
unlock tables;
lock table student read;
select * from student;
unlock table;
update student set name='安欣' where id=1;
lock table student write;
select * from student;
update student set name='安欣1' where id=1;
unlock table;
SELECT * FROM `student`
select * from subject
insert into student
-- 视图
select * from student_view
-- 索引
explain select * from student where match(address) against('北大');
-- explain分析
explain select * from student where name like '欣%';
-- 通过语法创建 函数
create PROCEDURE test()
select count(*) from student;
-- 使用函数
call test();
-- 修改结束符 delimiter
delimiter $$
create procedure test03()
select count(*) from student;
end $$
delimiter ;
-- 删除
drop procedure if exists test03;
-- 声明变量
set @a:=12;
select @a;
set @name:='张三';
select @name;
delete from student where name=@name;
select * from student;
-- 第二种赋值方式
select count(*) into @a from student;
select @a;
-- 在存储过程中声明局部变量
delimiter $$
create procedure test02()
declare username varchar(20) default '高启强';
declare password int default 123;
select * from student where name=username;
end $$
delimiter ;
call test02();