// Program chapter8_8
// This program demonstrates the use of
// the complex number class and its operations.
#include <iostream>
#include "complex.h"
using namespace std;
int main(void)
// Declare and initialize variables.
complex c1(4,1), c2(-3,-2), c3;
// Print initial values.
cout << "c1:";
cout << "c2:";
cout << "c3:";
// Compute and print new values.
c3 = c1 + c2;
cout << "c1+c2 = ";
c3 = c1 - c2;
cout << "c1-c2 = ";
c3 = c1*c2;
cout << "c1*c2 = ";
c3 = c1/c2;
cout << "c1/c2 = ";
// Exit program.
return 0;
// Class declaration
// These statements define a class for complex numbers.
// This declaration is stored in complex.h.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class complex
// Declare function prototypes for public members.
complex(double a, double b);
void print();
void input();
double magn(complex);
double angle(complex);
complex operator+(complex);
complex operator-(complex);
complex operator*(complex);
complex operator/(complex);
// Declare private members.
double real, imag;
// Class implementation
// These statements define implementation of a complex class.
// This function is the default constructor to initialize a
// complex number that is not given a value.
real = 0;
imag = 0;
// This function is the constructor to initialize a complex
// number to a specified value.
complex::complex(double a, double b)
real = a;
imag = b;
// This function prints a complex number.
void complex::print()
if (imag > 0)
cout << real << "+" << imag << "i" << endl;
if (imag == 0)
cout << real << endl;
cout << real << imag << "i" << endl;
// This function reads two values for a complex number.
void complex::input()
cin >> real >> imag;
// This function defines the sum of complex numbers.
complex complex::operator+(complex c)
// Definition of complex addition.
complex temp;
temp.real = c.real + real;
temp.imag = c.imag + imag;
return temp;
// This function defines the difference of complex numbers.
complex complex::operator-(complex c)
// Definition of complex subtraction.
complex temp;
temp.real = real - c.real;
temp.imag = imag - c.imag;
return temp;
// This function defines the product of complex numbers.
complex complex::operator*(complex c)
// Definition of complex multiplication.
complex temp;
temp.real = (real*c.real - imag*c.imag);
temp.imag = (imag*c.real + real*c.imag);
return temp;
// This function defines the quotient of complex numbers.
complex complex::operator/(complex c)
// Definition of complex division.
complex temp;
temp.real = (real*c.real + imag*c.imag)/
(pow(c.real,2) + pow(c.imag,2));
temp.imag = (imag*c.real - real*c.imag)/
(pow(c.real,2) + pow(c.imag,2));
return temp;