hough_lines_dir(ImageDir : HoughImage, Lines : DirectionUncertainty, AngleResolution, Smoothing, FilterSize, Threshold, AngleGap, DistGap, GenLines : Angle, Dist)
????????ImageDir :由边缘检测算子sobel_dir、edge_image获取的边缘梯度方向图
????????Lines :输入图像中局部贡献值最大的区域(即检测到的直线区域)
* Detect lines in an image with the help of the Hough transform
* using the edge direction as additional information and return it both
* in HNF and as regions
read_image (Image, 'fabrik')
rectangle1_domain (Image, ImageReduced, 170, 280, 310, 360)
* Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Sobel operator
sobel_dir (ImageReduced, EdgeAmplitude, EdgeDirection, 'sum_abs', 3)
dev_set_color ('red')
threshold (EdgeAmplitude, Region, 55, 255)
* Reduce the direction image to the edge region
reduce_domain (EdgeDirection, Region, EdgeDirectionReduced)
* Start the Hough transform using the edge direction information
hough_lines_dir (EdgeDirectionReduced, HoughImage, Lines, 4, 2, 'mean', 3, 25, 5, 5, 'true', Angle, Dist)
* Store input lines described in HNF
gen_region_hline (LinesHNF, Angle, Dist)
dev_display (Image)
dev_set_colored (12)
* Display the lines
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_display (LinesHNF)
* Display the edge pixels that contributed to the corresponding lines
dev_set_draw ('fill')
dev_display (Lines)