select * from 表名;
-- 查询成绩小于80的学员
select * from stu where score < 80;
-- 查询成绩等于100的学员
select * from stu where score = 100;
-- 查询成绩在85~100的学员
select * from stu where math between 80 and 100;
-- 查询姓名叫做“张三”或者“李四”的所有学生信息。
select * from stu where name beteween "张三" and "李四";
-- 查询成绩不小于80的学员
select * from stu where not score < 80;
-- 查询姓名不叫做“张三”或者“李四”的所有学生信息。
select * from stu where name not beteween "张三" and "李四";
-- 查询姓名叫做“张三”或者“李四”的所有学生信息。
select * from stu where name in ("张三","李四");
-- 查询成绩小于0或大于100的学员
select * from stu where score < 0 or score > 100;
-- 查询性别为空的学员
select * from stu where sex IS NULL;
-- 查找姓名为3个字母的学生信息
select * from stu where name like '___';//注意是3个_,表示匹配3个字符
-- 查找以字母b开头的学生信息
select * from stu where name like 'b%';
-- 字段起别名
select name AS 姓名 from stu;
-- 表名起别名
select, from stu AS s;
-- AS可以省略
select name 姓名 from stu;
select, from stu s;
# 单字段排序
select * from stu where age>15 order by score desc;
# 多字段排序:先满足第一个排序规则,当第一个排序的列的值相同时再按照第二个列的
select * from stus where age>15 order by score asc,age desc;
-- 统计年龄大于20的学员人数
select count(*) as cnt from stu where age>20;
-- 统计学员的总年龄
select sum(age) from stu;
-- 统计学员的平均年龄以及总年龄
select sum(age),avg(age) from stu;
-- 统计学员的最低年龄以及最高年龄
select max(age),min(age) from stu;
-- 计算班级平均分
select avg(score) from stu;
select 分组字段/聚合函数
from 表名
[where 条件]
group by 分组列名 [having 条件]
[order by 排序字段]
-- 先对查询的学生信息按性别进行分组(分成了男、女两组),然后再分别统计每组
select stu_gender,count(stu_num) from stus group by stu_gender;
-- 先对查询的学生信息按性别进行分组(分成了男、女两组),然后再计算每组的平
select stu_gender,avg(stu_age) from stus group by stu_gender;
-- 先对学生按年龄进行分组,然后统计各组的学生数量,还可以对最终的结果排序
select stu_age,count(stu_num) from stus group by stu_age order by
-- 查询所有学生,按年龄进行分组,然后分别统计每组的人数,再筛选当前组人数>1
select stu_age,count(stu_num)
from stus
group by stu_age
having count(stu_num)>1
order by stu_age;
-- 查询性别为'男'的学生,按年龄进行分组,然后分别统计每组的人数,再筛选当前组人
select stu_age,count(stu_num)
-> from stus
-> where stu_gender='男'
-> group by stu_age
-> having count(stu_num)>1
-> order by stu_age;