? ? ? ?我们在使用机器人的时候,总是习惯使用俯仰角来描述机器人末端姿态的变换。这样更直观,但是机器人为了插值方便计算,总是采用旋转矢量来来描述机器人的姿态。该旋转矢量及不直观,单一轴角度旋转时还可以理解,当两个轴或三个轴一起旋转,值的偏离很大。
? ? ? ?在e系列中对应的是如下截图,CB系列中也是类似的,可以自己查询。通过这两个指令,我们就可以在工控机中自己的代码中嵌入,计算完机器人的姿态后,进行最后的旋转。
This is an explanation on robot orientation
A robot has position and orientation. In particular, one of advantages in 6-axis robotic arm is to pose diverse orientation. This article is written for better understanding of robot orientation.
Rotation Matrix
A rotation is represented in a matrix.?In Cartesian space, a robot orientation is decided by a combination of rotations in X, Y, and Z direction, and we can have a 3-by-3 rotation matrix for each orientation.
(Refer to?Rotation matrix, wikipedia)
In Universal Robots, the axis-angle representation is used for robot orientation.?As a brief explanation, let me assume that there is a direction vector. Around the vector, an orientation can be rotated by a certain angle, theta. As a result of rotation, we can have a different orientation.?The axis-angle representation is useful for robotics calculation such as kinematics and dynamics.?
在Universal Robots中,轴角表示用于机器人方向。简单来说,假设有一个方向向量。围绕该向量,方向可以旋转一定的角度θ。作为旋转的结果,我们可以得到不同的方向。轴角表示对于机器人运动学和动力学等计算很有用。
Rotation vector is a representation of the unit direction vector multiplied by the angle in the axis-angle representation.
In order to define an orientation with the axis-angle representation, we need 4 values in total; three elements of unit direction vector and rotation angle. That is the reason why the values of rotation vector are not intuitive.
(Refer to?Axis-angle representation, wikipedia)
You may be more familiar with roll, pitch, and yaw to represent the robot orientation. In RPY, the order of rotation should be critical. For instance, despite the same amount of angles, the result of rotation roll->pitch would be different from that of pitch->roll.
Although the rotation vector is used in Universal Robots by default, you should be able to see the RPY values in Move tab of Polyscope. In addition, you can use the URScript functions to convert the representation between RPY and rotation vector.?
虽然Universal Robots默认使用旋转矢量,但您应该能够在Polyscope的Move选项卡中看到RPY值。此外,您可以使用URScript函数在RPY和旋转矢量之间进行转换。
rotvec2rpy(rotation vector)
rpy2rotvec(rpy vector)
For calculation of kinematics, a transformation matrix can be defined as a 4-by-4 matrix, consisting of rotation matrix and position vector. The rotation vector and/or RPY will be converted to the rotation matrix.?We can calculate the robot position and orientation based on the transformation matrix multiplication.
pose_trans() is using the principle of the transformation matrix. The calculated position and orientation is referred to the tool frame. With respect to pose_add(), the calculated position is ths sum of two position inputs, but the resulted orientation is the matrix multiplication of two rotation matrix. In other words, in pose_add(), the position is corresponding to the base frame but the orientation is referred to the tool frame.