* +------------------------------------- CoapServer --------------------------------------+
* | |
* | +-----------------------+ |
* | | MessageDeliverer +--> (Resource Tree) |
* | +---------A-A-A---------+ |
* | | | | |
* | | | | |
* | .-------->>>------------' | '--------<<<------------. |
* | / | \ |
* | | | | |
* | * A * A * A |
* | +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+ |
* | | Endpoint | | Endpoint | | Endpoint | |
* | +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+ |
* +------------v-A--------------------------v-A-------------------------v-A---------------+
* v A v A v A
* v A v A v A
* (Network) (Network) (Network)
package org.eclipse.californium.core.server;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.californium.core.network.Endpoint;
import org.eclipse.californium.core.server.resources.Resource;
public interface ServerInterface {
* 启动服务
void start();
void stop();
* 销毁服务
void destroy();
* 增加资源到服务实例中
ServerInterface add(Resource... resources);
* 从服务实例中移除资源
boolean remove(Resource resource);
void addEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint);
List<Endpoint> getEndpoints();
Endpoint getEndpoint(InetSocketAddress address);
Endpoint getEndpoint(int port);
序号 | 方法 | 说明 |
1 | void start(); | Starts the server by starting all endpoints this server is assigned to?Each endpoint binds to its port. If no endpoint is assigned to the? server, the server binds to CoAP's default port 5683. |
2 | void stop(); | Stops the server, i.e. unbinds it from all ports. |
3 | void destroy(); | Destroys the server, i.e. unbinds from all ports and frees all system?resources. |
4 | ServerInterface add(Resource... resources); | ?Adds one or more resources to the server. |
5 | boolean remove(Resource resource); | ?Adds an endpoint for receive and sending CoAP messages on. |
6 | List<Endpoint> getEndpoints(); | Gets the endpoints this server is bound to. |
? ? ? ? ?成员属性:
序号 | 属性 | 说明 |
1 | ?Resource root | The root resource.? |
2 | ?NetworkConfig config | 网络配置对象 |
3 | MessageDeliverer deliverer | The message deliverer |
4 | List<Endpoint> endpoints | The list of endpoints the server connects to the network. |
5 | ScheduledExecutorService executor; | The executor of the server for its endpoints (can be null).? |
6 | boolean running | false |
7 | class RootResource extends CoapResource | 内部实现类 |
序号 | 方法 | 说明 |
1 | Resource getRoot() | Gets the root of this server |
2 | Resource createRoot() | Creates a root for this server. Can be overridden to create another root. |
CoapServer server = new CoapServer();// 主机为localhost 端口为默认端口5683
* Constructs a server with the specified configuration that listens to the
* specified ports after method {@link #start()} is called.
* @param config the configuration, if <code>null</code> the configuration returned by
* {@link NetworkConfig#getStandard()} is used.
* @param ports the ports to bind to
public CoapServer(final NetworkConfig config, final int... ports) {
// global configuration that is passed down (can be observed for changes)
if (config != null) {
this.config = config;
} else {
this.config = NetworkConfig.getStandard();
// resources
this.root = createRoot();
this.deliverer = new ServerMessageDeliverer(root);
CoapResource wellKnown = new CoapResource(".well-known");
wellKnown.add(new DiscoveryResource(root));
// endpoints
this.endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
// sets the central thread pool for the protocol stage over all endpoints
this.executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(//
this.config.getInt(NetworkConfig.Keys.PROTOCOL_STAGE_THREAD_COUNT), //
new NamedThreadFactory("CoapServer#")); //$NON-NLS-1$
// create endpoint for each port
for (int port : ports) {
CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder builder = new CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder();
public static NetworkConfig getStandard() {
synchronized (NetworkConfig.class) {
if (standard == null)
createStandardWithFile(new File(DEFAULT_FILE_NAME));
return standard;
public static NetworkConfig createWithFile(final File file, final String header, final NetworkConfigDefaultHandler customHandler) {
NetworkConfig standard = new NetworkConfig();
if (customHandler != null) {
if (file.exists()) {
} else {
standard.store(file, header);
return standard;
public void store(File file, String header) {
if (file == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("file must not be null");
} else {
try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file)) {
properties.store(writer, header);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.warn("cannot write properties to file {}: {}",
new Object[] { file.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage() });
CoapResource wellKnown = new CoapResource(".well-known");
wellKnown.add(new DiscoveryResource(root));
this.endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
// sets the central thread pool for the protocol stage over all endpoints
this.executor=Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(this.config.getInt(NetworkConfig.Keys.PROTOCOL_STAGE_THREAD_COUNT), new NamedThreadFactory("CoapServer#")); //$NON-NLS-1$
????????在创建好了CoapServer对象后,我们使用server.add(new CoapResource())进行服务的绑定,这里的CoapResource其实就是类似于我们常见的Controller类或者servlet。
if (endpoints.isEmpty()) {
// servers should bind to the configured port (while clients should use an ephemeral port through the default endpoint)
int port = config.getInt(NetworkConfig.Keys.COAP_PORT);
LOGGER.info("no endpoints have been defined for server, setting up server endpoint on default port {}", port);
CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder builder = new CoapEndpoint.CoapEndpointBuilder();
int started = 0;
for (Endpoint ep : endpoints) {
try {
// only reached on success
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("cannot start server endpoint [{}]", ep.getAddress(), e);
public synchronized void start() throws IOException {
if (started) {
LOGGER.debug("Endpoint at {} is already started", getUri());
if (!this.coapstack.hasDeliverer()) {
setMessageDeliverer(new ClientMessageDeliverer());
if (this.executor == null) {
new DaemonThreadFactory("CoapEndpoint-" + connector + '#')));
addObserver(new EndpointObserver() {
public void started(final Endpoint endpoint) {
// do nothing
public void stopped(final Endpoint endpoint) {
// do nothing
public void destroyed(final Endpoint endpoint) {
try {
started = true;
for (EndpointObserver obs : observers) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;